
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    许力生,吴丽萍 编
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787544607124
  • 出版日期:2008-11-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:





★ 遵循分类指导和因材施教的原则:《基础综合英语》和《学术综合英语》分别针对起点不同的学习者设计,以帮助学生打好扎实的语言基本功,并顺利过渡到学术英语的学习中;多样化的“选修课”可让学生根据自己的专业特点、兴趣爱好和时间安排,自由选择相关课程,全面培养研究生的英语实际应用能力;
★ 促进语言能力和文化素质的同步提升:强调以学习者为主体,注重对学生自主学习能力的培养,教材体系在帮助学习者提高语言能力的同时,亦可全面提高其人文素养和跨文化交际能力;
★ 立体化的教材编写模式:综合教程配套助学光盘和电子教案,可以为学习者提供自主学习的帮助,为教师提供立体化教学的支撑,更能适应现今研究生英语教学的需要。
Unit One Challenges in the Multicultural World
Lesson 1 Globalization
  Text A Living Between Three WorMs
  Text B Growing Up Asian in America
  Group Discussion
  In-Class Debate
  Interview Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 1 -3
  Additional Reading Communication in the Global Village
Lesson 2 Communication Across Cultures
  Text A Misunderstanding Other Cultures
  Text B Palestinian Like Me
  Pair Work
  Survey Task
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study : Cases 4 - 6
  Additional Reading Intercultural Communication: A Challenging Venture
Unit Two Culture and Cultural Differences
Lesson 3 What Is Culture?
  Text A Cultural Perspectives
  Text B Culture as Software of the Mind
  Fill-in Work
  Group Discussion
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 7 -9
  Additional Reading Hyperculture
Lesson 4 Cultural Diversity
  Text A Where Fat Is a Mark of Beauty
  Text B The Basic Unit of Society: The Individual or the Collective?
  Cross-Cultural Quiz
  Internet Search
  Survey Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 10 -12
  Additional Reading Studying Cultural Patterns
Unit Three Understanding Communication
Lesson 5 Communication in Our Life
  Text A How Long Does It Take to Say I'm Getting Married?
  Text B A Wide-Angle View of Communication
  Pair Work
  Interview Task
  Observation Work
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 13 -15
  Additional Reading The Sounds of Silence
Lesson 6 Communication Is Culture
   Additional Reading High-Context and Low-Context Communications
Unit Four Language Use in Communication
Lesson 7 Language and Culture
  Text A A Bilingual Childhood
  Text B Culture and Our Use of Language
  Group Discussion
  Translation Task
  Survey Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 19 -21
  Additional Reading What Is Language for Us
Lesson 8 Cultural Variation in Verbal Communication
  Text A Why Don't You Say What You Mean?
  Text B Speaking English with a Japanese Mind
  Observation Work
  Pair Work
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 22 -24
  Additional Reading Culturally Different Verbal Styles
Unit Five Culture and Nonverbal Communication
Lesson 9 The Silent Language
  Text A Our Body Language
  Text B Who's Wrong?
  Cross-Cultural Quiz
  Pair Work
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 25 -27
  Additional Reading What We Use to Communicate NonverbaUy
Lesson 10 Time and Space Also Speak
  Text A The Heartbeat of Culture
  Text B Discovering the Japanese Space
  Group Discussion
  Fill-in Work
  Survey Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 28 - 30
  Additional Reading Cultural Conceptions of Time and Space
Unit Six Communication Between Co-Cultures
Lesson 11 Cross-Gender Communication
  Text A Put Down That Paper and Talk to Me!
  Text B He Says ... She Says
  Pair Work
  observation Work
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 31 -33
  Additional Reading
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 34 -36
  Additional Reading. Four Generations of Americans
Unit Seven Culture and International Business
Lesson 13 Business Across Cultures
  Text A Cross-Cultural Marketing
  Text B Negotiating Across Cultures
  Translation Task
  Pair Work
  Group Discussion
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 37 -39
  Additional Reading Cultural Risks in Multinational Business
Lesson 14 Intercultural Management
  Text A Two Casts of Mind
  Text B Cultural Views Toward Management
  In-Class Debate
  Fill-in Work
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 40 -42
  Additional Reading Effective Communication in International Business
Unit Eight Developing Intercultural Competence
Lesson 15 Intercultural Perception
  Text A Shakespeare in the Bush
  Text B The First Lesson at University
  Fill-in Work
  Pair Work
  Survey Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 43 -45
  Additional Reading How We Measure Other People's Corn
Lesson 16 Culture Shock and Adaptation
  Text A Living in Two Cultures
  Text B Culture Shock
  Interview Task
  Group Discussion
  Writing Task
  Cases for Further Study: Cases 46 -48
  Additional Reading Think Locally, Act.Globally
Appendix Supplementary Materials for Reference
Unit One What Is Intercultural Communication
   The Emergence of Intercultural Communication Study
Unit Two What Is Culture
   Basic Differences Between Cultures
Unit Three Aspects of Communication
   Communication and Its Characteristics
Unit Four Achieving Equivalence in T
   Doing Business in Different Cultures
Unit Eight Culture and Perception
   Cultural Adjustment and Reentry Processes


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