- 所属分类:
- 作者:
徐齐平 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787310030347
- 出版日期:2009-11-1
Readings in Modern English Prose is designed to stimulate a serious interest in reading, provide cultural information, broaden the vision, and present good models for writing practice. The book is for the seniors at the university and also for self-study and literary appreciation.
It contains twenty-nine pieces of writing by great British and American authors including Winston Churchill, Bertrand Russell, William Golding, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, E. B. White, and Albert Einstein. The range of subject matter is broadfrom history to philosophy, from literature to psychology. The selections discuss the atomic bomb, the end of the Second World War, professions of women, the age of anxiety, the American way of life, and the civil rights of the black people in the United States. Each is, in its own way, challenging and rewarding.
The exercises accompanying them serve several purposes. They
are prepared to help students to retain the important points, further explore the issues raised, develop writing skills and the capacity to draw inferences. There is an emphasis on reading comprehension and retention.
1 Acceptance Speeches
Acceptance Speech (Ⅰ)
Acceptance Speech (Ⅱ)
Acceptance Speech (Ⅲ)
2 Receiving the Nobel Award
3 Nobel Lecture
4 Life Is in the Living
5 The English Characteristics
6 Foreword to A Writer's Britain
7 Living in London
8 Here Is New York (Ⅰ)
9 Here Is New York (Ⅱ)
10. The Unhappy American Way
11. The Existential Absurdity
12. The American Family
13. Professions for Women
14. I Have a Dream
15. On Education
16. Literary Reviews and Reviewers
17. Thinking as a Hobby
18. Freud and Man's Soul
19. The Atomic Bomb
20. American Foreign Policy Reconsidered
21. Phantoms of Crisis
22. Not Listening to Music
23. The Big House
24. A Communion in the Wood
25. Rite of Spring
26. The Beginning of My Life in Cambridge
27. T. S. Eliot
28. Farewell to a Friend
Key to Exercises
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