
  • 所属分类:
  • 作者:
    (美)梅尔维尔 著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:9787500129875
  • 出版日期:2011-4-1
  • 原价:
  • 本书信息由合作网站提供,请前往以下网站购买:







Chapter 1 Loomings
Chapter 2 The Carpet-Bag
Chapter 3 The Spouter-Inn
Chapter 4 The Counterpane
Chapter 5 Breakfast
Chapter 6 The Street
Chapter 7 The Chapel
Chapter 8 The Pulpit
Chapter 9 The Sermon
Chapter 10 A Bosom Friend
Chapter 11 Nightgown
ChaPter 12 Biographical
Chapter 13 Wheelbarrow
Chapter 14 Nantucket
Chapter 15 Chowder
Chapter 16 The Ship
Chapter 17 The Ramadan
Chapter 18 His Mark
Chapter 19 The Prophet
Chapter 20 All Astir
Chapter 21 Going Aboard
Chapter 22 Merry Christmas
Chapter 23 The Lee Shore
Chapter 24 The Advocate
Chapter 25 Postscript
Chapter 26 Knights and Squires
Chapter 27 Knights and Squires
Chapter 28 Ahab
Chapter 29 Enter Ahab; to Him, Stubb
Chapter 30 The Pipe
Chapter 31 Queen Mab
Chapter 32 Cetology
Chapter 33 The Specksynder
Chapter 34 The Cabin-Table
Chapter 35 The Mast-Head
Chapter 36 The Quarter-Deck
Chapter 37 Sunset
Chapter 38 Dusk
Chapter 39 First Night-Watch
Chapter 40 Midnight, Forecastle
Chapter 41 Moby Dick
Chapter 42 The Whiteness of the Whale
Chapter 43 Hark!
Chapter 44 The Chart
Chapter 45 The Affidavit
Chapter 46 Surmises
Chapter 47 The Mat-Maker
Chapter 48 The First Lowering
Chapter 49 THe Hyena
Chapter 50 Ahab's Boat and Crew. Fedallah
Chapter 51 The Spirit-Spout
Chapter 52 The Albatross
Chapter 5'3 The Gam
Chapter 54 The Town-Ho's Story
Chapter 55 Of the Monstrous Pictures of Whales
Chapter 56 Of the Less Erroneous Pictures of Whales,and the True Pictures of Whaling Scenes
Chapter 57 Of Whales in Paint; in Teeth; in Wood;in Sheet-iron; in Stone; in Mountains;in Stars
Chapter 58 Brit
Chapter 59 Squid
Chapter 60 The Line
Chapter 61 Stubb Kills a Whale
Chapter 62 The Dart
Chapter 63 The Crotch
Chapter 64 Stubb's Supper
Chapter 65 The Whale as a Dish
Chapter 66 The Shark Massacre
Chapter 67 Cutting In
Chapter 68 The Blanket
Chapter 69 The Funeral
Chapter 70 The Sphynx
Chapter 71 The Jeroboam's Story
Chapter 72 The Monkey-Rope
Chapter 73 Stubb and FlaskKill a Right Whale;and Then Have a Talk over Him
Chapter 74 The Sperm Whale's Head—Cohtrasted View
Chapter 75 The Right Whale's Head—Contrasted View
Chapter 76 The Battering-Ram
Chapter 77 The Great Heidelburgh Tun
Chapter 78 Cistern and Buckets
Chapter 79 The Prairie
Chapter 80 The Nut
Chapter 81 The Pequod Meets the Virgin
Chapter 82 The Honour and Glory of Whaling
Chapter 83 Jonah Historically Regarded
Chapter 84 Pitchpoling
Chapter 85 The Fountain
Chapter 86 The Tail
Chapter 87 The Grand Armada
Chapter 88 Schools and Schoolmasters
Chapter 89 Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish
Chapter 90 Heads or Tails
Chapter 91 The Pequod Meets the Rose-Bud
Chapter 92 Ambergris
Chapter 93 The Castaway
Chapter 94 A Squeeze of the Hand
Chapter 95 The Cassock
Chapter 96 The Try-Works
Chapter 97 The Lamp
Chapter 98 Stowing Down and Clearing Up
Chapter 99 The Doubloon
Chapter 100 Leg and Arm. The Pequod, of Nantucket,Meets the Samuel Enderby, of London
Chapter 101 The Decanter
Chapter 102 A Bower in the Arsacides
Chapter 103 Measurement of the Whale's Skeleton
Chapter 104 The Fossil Whale
Chapter 105 Does The Whale's Magnitude Diminish?—Will He Perish?
Chapter 106 Ahab's Leg
Chapter 107 The Carpenter
Chapter 108 Ahab and the Carpenter
Chapter 109 Ahab and Starbuck in the Cabin
Chapter 110 Queequeg in His Coffin
Chapter 111 The Pacific
Chapter 112 The Blacksmith
Chapter 113 The Forge
Chapter 114 The Gilder
Chapter 115 The Pequod Meets the Bachelor
Chapter 116 The Dying Whale
Chapter 117 The Whale Watch
Chapter 118 The Quadrant
Chapter 119 The Candles
Chapter 120 The Deck Towards the End of the First Night Watch
Chapter 121 Midnight—The Forecastle Bulwarks
Chapter 122 Midnight Aloft—Thunder and Lightning
Chapter 123 The Musket
Chapter 124 The Needle
Chapter 125 The Log and Line
Chapter 126 The Life-Buoy
Chapter 127 The Deck
Chapter 128 The Pequod Meetsthe Rachel
Chapter 129 The Cabin
Chapter 130 The Hat
Chapter 131 The Pequod Meets the Delight
Chapter 132 The Symphony
Chapter 133 The Chase—First Day
Chapter 134 The Chase—Second Day
Chapter 135 The Chase—Third Day
Chapter 136 Epilogue


书名 作者 出版社 价格 购买
爱的教育(典藏英文原版)——英语学习者必读!200年来最.. 艾德蒙多·.. 延边人民出版社


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飘(英文版) (美)米切.. 外文出版社


傲慢与偏见-世界经典读本(英文原版) (英)奥斯.. 中央编译出版社


小妇人(典藏英文原版)——英语学习者课外必读!打动万千.. (美)奥尔.. 延边人民出版社


英文经典-傲慢与偏见(英文版) 〔英国〕简.. 译林出版社


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