- 所属分类:
- 作者:
(德)格林,(德)格林 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787511712073
- 出版日期:2012-4-1
It is impossible to watch this book go out into the world without wondering what Burton himself would have thought of it. Certainty is impossible, for only Allah knows all; but I do not think there is reason for much doubt. Burton may have issued his translation in a strictly limited edition, and adjured his subscribers to keep it under cover, but to translate and issue the work at all, under whatever restrictions, was a courageous act in an age which, even more than our own, "was saturated with cant and hypocrisy. "Before the limited audience which he chose to address he defended the obscenity, pornography, or turpiloquium of the Nights--call it what you will--with vigorous candor and wise argument. Had the time been ripe for him to come before a larger audience, he would have done so; but it was not.
The Frog-King, or Iron Henry
Cat and Mouse in Partnership
Our Lady's Child
The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
Faithful John
The Good Bargain
The Twelve Brothers
The Pack of Ragamuffins
Little Brother and Little Sister
The Three Little Men in the Wood
The Three Spinners
Hansel and Gretel
The Three Snake-Leaves
The White Snake
The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
The Fisherman and His Wife
The Valiant Little Tailor
The Riddle
The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage
Mother Holle
The Seven Ravens
Little Red-Cap
The Bremen Town-Musicians
The Singing Bone
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
Little Louse and little Flea
The Girl Without Hands
The Three Languages
Clever Elsie
The Tailor in Heaven
The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack
The Wedding of Mrs. Fox
The Elves
The Robber Bridegroom
Herr Korbes
The Godfather
Frau Trude
Godfather Death
Thumbling as Journeyman
Fitcher's Bird
The Juniper-Tree
Old Sultan
The Six Swans
Fundevogel (Bird-foundling)
King Thrushbeard
Little Snow-white
The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn
Sweetheart Roland
The Golden Bird
The Dog and the Sparrow
Frederick and Catherine
The Two Brothers
The Little Peasant
The Three Feathers
The Golden Goose
The Twelve Huntsmen
The Thief and His Master
Jorinda and Joringel
The Three Sons of Fortune
How Six Men Got On in the World
The Wolf and the Man
The Wolf and the Fox
The Fox and His Cousin
The Fox and the Cat
The Pink
Clever Gretel
The Old Man and His Grandson
The Water-Nixie
The Death of the Little Hen
Brother Lustig
Gambling Hansel
The Gold-Children
The Fox and the Geese
The Poor Man and the Rich Man
The Singing, Soaring Lark
The Goose-Girl
The Young Giant
The Gnome
The King of the Golden Mountain
The Raven
The Peasant's Wise Daughter
Old Hildebrand
The Three Little Birds
The Water of Life
Doctor Knowall
The Spirit in the Bottle
The Devil's Sooty Brother
The Willow-Wren and the Bear
Sweet Porridge
Wise Folks
Stories About Snakes
The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat
The Two Travellers
Hans the Hedgehog
The Shroud
The Jew Among Thorns
The Skilful Huntsman
The Flail from Heaven
The Two Kings' Children
The Cunning Little Tailor
The Bright Sun Brings It to Light
The Blue Light
The Wilful Child
The Three Army-Surgeons
The Seven Swabians
The Three Apprentices
The King's Son Who Feared Nothing
Donkey Cabbages
The Old Woman in the Wood
The Three Brothers
The Lazy Spinner
The Four Skilful Brothers
One-eye, Two-eyes, and Three-eyes
The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
The Six Servants
The White Bride and the Black One
Iron John
Simeli Mountain
Going A-Travelling
The Donkey
The Ungrateful Son
The Turnip
The Old Man Made Young Again
The Lord's Animals and the Devil's
The Beam
The Three Sluggards
The Shepherd Boy
The Stolen Farthings
Brides on Their Trial
Odds and Ends
Snow-White and Rose-Red
The Glass Coffin
Lazy Harry
Strong Hans
The Peasant in Heaven
Sharing Joy and Sorrow
The Willow-Wren
The Sole
The Bittern and the Hoopoe
The Owl
The Moon
The Duration of Life
Death's Messengers
Master Pfriem (Master Cobbler's Awl)
The Goose-Girl at the Well
Eve's Various Children
The Nixie of the Mill-Pond
The Little Folks' Presents
The Nail
The Poor Boy in the Grave
The Spindle, the Shuttle, and the Needle
The Peasant and the Devil
The Sea-Hare
The Master-Thief
The Grave-Mound
Maid Maleen
The Boots of Buffalo-Leather
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