- 所属分类:
- 作者:
罗贯中 著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787119016665
- 出版日期:1994-1-1
The empire, long divided, must
unite;long united, must divide. Thus it hasever been." With this
characterization of theinevitable cycle of Chinese history,
themonumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. Asimportant for Chinese
culture as the Homericepics have been for the West, this
Mingdynasty masterpiece continues to be read andloved throughout
China as well as in Japan,Korea, and Vietnam. The novel offers
astartling and unsparing view of how power iswielded, how diplomacy
is conducted, andhow wars are planned and fought; it hasinfluenced
the ways that Chinese think aboutpower, diplomacy, and war even to
this day. Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful momentat the end of the
Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) when the future of the Chinese
empirelay in the balance. Writing more than amillennium later, Luo
Guanzhong drew onoften-told tales of this turbulent period
tofashion a sophisticated, compelling narrative,whose characters
display vivid individualityand epic grandeur.
The empire, long divided, must unite;long united, must divide. Thus it hasever been." With this characterization of theinevitable cycle of Chinese history, themonumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. Asimportant for Chinese culture as the Homericepics have been for the West, this Mingdynasty masterpiece continues to be read andloved throughout China as well as in Japan,Korea, and Vietnam. The novel offers astartling and unsparing view of how power iswielded, how diplomacy is conducted, andhow wars are planned and fought; it hasinfluenced the ways that Chinese think aboutpower, diplomacy, and war even to this day. Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful momentat the end of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) when the future of the Chinese empirelay in the balance. Writing more than amillennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew onoften-told tales of this turbulent period tofashion a sophisticated, compelling narrative,whose characters display vivid individualityand epic grandeur.
List of Maps
By John S. Service
Three Kingdoms
A Historical Nove
Afterword: About Three Kingdoms
By Moss Roberts
Afterword: Notes
Principal Characters in Three Kingdoms
Chronology of Main Events in Three Kingdoms
Titles, Terms, and Offices in Three Kingdoms
Notes to Three Kingdoms
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