- 所属分类:
- 作者:
贾柱立 编著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787561843505
- 出版日期:2012-5-1
Unit 1 翻译基础理论/欢迎词Basic Theory of Tralation/Welcoming Speech
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——翻译基础理论Basic Theory of Tralation
A 1.1 翻译概述Tralation Overview
A 1.2 翻译的基本过程和步骤The Basic Steps and Process of Tralation
A 1.3 译者基本素质的培养The Cultivation of Tralator's Basic Qualities
A 1.4 复习题Exercises
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——欢迎词Welcoming Speech
B 1.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 1.2 欢迎词Welcoming Speech
B 1.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 1.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 1.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 2 词义的选择和引申/导游开场白要求Diction and Exteion/Basic
Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词义的选择和引申Diction and Exteion
A 2.1 词义的选择Diction
A 2.2 词义的引申Exteion
A 2.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 2.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——导游开场白要求Basic Requirements
for a Tour Guide's Introduction
B 2.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 2.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 2.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 2.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 2.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 3 词类转译法/住宿登记Conveion of Words/Checking-in Service
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词类转译法Convetion of Words
A 3.1 词类转换(一)Conveion of Words(Ⅰ)
A 3.2 词类转换(二)Conveion of Words(Ⅱ)
A 3.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 3.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——住宿登记Checking-in Service
B 3.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 3.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 3.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 3.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 3.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 4 重复法/做一名合格的导游Repetition/To Be a Qualified Tour Guide
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation S kiIIs——重复法Repetition
A 4.1 重复是为了明确Repeat It for Being Clear
A 4.2 重复是为了强调和生动Repeat It for Being Emphasized and Vivid
A 4.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 4.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid——做一名合格的导游To Be a Qualified
Tour Guide
B 4.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 4.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 4.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 4.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 4.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 5 增词法/接团、带团Amplification/Meeting the Tour Group and Serving
the Tour Group
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——增词法Amplification
A 5.1 增词法(一)Amplification(I)
A 5.2 增词法(二)Amplification(II)
A 5.3 增词法(三)Amplification(m)
A 5.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 5.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——接团、带团Meeting the Tour Group
and Serving the Tour Group
B 5.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 5.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 5.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 5.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 5.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 6 省略法/享受第一餐Omission/Enjoying the Fit Meal
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——省略法Omission
A 6.1 省略法(一)Omission(I)
A 6.2 省略法(二)Omission(II)
A 6.3 省略法(三)Omission(Ⅲ)
A 6.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 6.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid卜享受第一餐Enjoying the Fit Meal
B 6.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills
B 6.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 6.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 6.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 6.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 7 正反、反正表达法/讲解技能Affirmation and Negation/Interpretation Skills
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills t反、反正表达法Affirmation and Negation
A 7.1 正反译法Put the Positive into the Negative
A 7.2 反正译法Put the Negative into the Positive
A 7.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 7.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——讲解技能Interpretation Skills
B 7.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills
B 7.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 7.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 7.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 7.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 8 分句法与合句法/景区服务Division and Combination/Services in the Scenic
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——分句法与合句法Division and Combination
A 8.1 分句法Division
A 8.2 合句法Combination
A 8.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 8.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice一
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——景区服务Services in the Scenic
B 8.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 8.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries
B 8.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 8.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 8.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 9 直译与意译/问题处理Literal Tralation and Tralation by Idea/Dealing
with Problems
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——直译与意译Literal Tralation and
Tralation by Idea
A 9.1 直译Literal Tralation
A 9.2 意译Tralation by Idea
A 9.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 9.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——问题处理Dealing with Problems
B 9.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 9.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 9.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 9.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 9.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
Unit 10 被动语态的译法/退房、送团Tralation of Passive Voice/Checkout and
Seeing off the Tour Group
Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——被动语态的译法Tralation of Passive Voice
A 10.1 译成主动句(一)Put into the Active Voice(I)
A 10.2 译成主动句(二)Put into the Active Voice(II)
A 10.3 译成被动句(--)Put into the Passive Voice(I)
A 10.4 译成被动句(二)Put into the Passive Voice(n)
A 10.5 综合体验Compreheive Experience
A 10.6 翻译实践Tralation Practice
Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——退房、送团Checkout and Seeing
off the Tour Group-
B 10.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills
B 10.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries
B 10.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation
B 10.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices
B 10.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism
本书根据高职高专商务英语教学的特点,理论上坚持“实用为主,够用为度”的教学原则,突破传统的英语教材编写框架,在实践上以技能为重心,以实际工作任务为主线。本书每单元Lesson A的教学内容在商务英语等专业经过了近10年的教学实践,在不断完善的基础上编写而成。在工作过程教学法的基础上开辟了“职业化课堂”教学模式,这种模式强调课程体系的职业性和职业能力的培养。以学生职业能力培养为目标,将理论与实践、课堂教学与职业岗位结合起来,注重培养学生的基本能力。
Unit 1 翻译基础理论/欢迎词Basic Theory of Tralation/Welcoming Speech Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——翻译基础理论Basic Theory of Tralation A 1.1 翻译概述Tralation Overview A 1.2 翻译的基本过程和步骤The Basic Steps and Process of Tralation A 1.3 译者基本素质的培养The Cultivation of Tralator's Basic Qualities A 1.4 复习题Exercises Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——欢迎词Welcoming Speech B 1.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 1.2 欢迎词Welcoming Speech B 1.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 1.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 1.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 2 词义的选择和引申/导游开场白要求Diction and Exteion/Basic Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词义的选择和引申Diction and Exteion A 2.1 词义的选择Diction A 2.2 词义的引申Exteion A 2.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 2.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——导游开场白要求Basic Requirements for a Tour Guide's Introduction B 2.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 2.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 2.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 2.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 2.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 3 词类转译法/住宿登记Conveion of Words/Checking-in Service Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——词类转译法Convetion of Words A 3.1 词类转换(一)Conveion of Words(Ⅰ) A 3.2 词类转换(二)Conveion of Words(Ⅱ) A 3.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 3.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——住宿登记Checking-in Service B 3.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 3.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 3.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 3.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 3.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 4 重复法/做一名合格的导游Repetition/To Be a Qualified Tour Guide Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation S kiIIs——重复法Repetition A 4.1 重复是为了明确Repeat It for Being Clear A 4.2 重复是为了强调和生动Repeat It for Being Emphasized and Vivid A 4.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 4.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid——做一名合格的导游To Be a Qualified Tour Guide B 4.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 4.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 4.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 4.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 4.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 5 增词法/接团、带团Amplification/Meeting the Tour Group and Serving the Tour Group Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——增词法Amplification A 5.1 增词法(一)Amplification(I) A 5.2 增词法(二)Amplification(II) A 5.3 增词法(三)Amplification(m) A 5.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 5.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——接团、带团Meeting the Tour Group and Serving the Tour Group B 5.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 5.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 5.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 5.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 5.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 6 省略法/享受第一餐Omission/Enjoying the Fit Meal Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——省略法Omission A 6.1 省略法(一)Omission(I) A 6.2 省略法(二)Omission(II) A 6.3 省略法(三)Omission(Ⅲ) A 6.4 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 6.5 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guid卜享受第一餐Enjoying the Fit Meal B 6.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills B 6.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries B 6.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 6.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 6.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 7 正反、反正表达法/讲解技能Affirmation and Negation/Interpretation Skills Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills t反、反正表达法Affirmation and Negation A 7.1 正反译法Put the Positive into the Negative A 7.2 反正译法Put the Negative into the Positive A 7.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 7.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——讲解技能Interpretation Skills B 7.1 导游技能Tour Guide’s Skills B 7.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries B 7.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 7.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 7.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 8 分句法与合句法/景区服务Division and Combination/Services in the Scenic Spot Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——分句法与合句法Division and Combination A 8.1 分句法Division A 8.2 合句法Combination A 8.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 8.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice一 Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——景区服务Services in the Scenic Spot B 8.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 8.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide’s Commentaries B 8.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 8.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 8.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 9 直译与意译/问题处理Literal Tralation and Tralation by Idea/Dealing with Problems Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——直译与意译Literal Tralation and Tralation by Idea A 9.1 直译Literal Tralation A 9.2 意译Tralation by Idea A 9.3 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 9.4 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——问题处理Dealing with Problems B 9.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 9.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 9.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 9.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 9.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism Unit 10 被动语态的译法/退房、送团Tralation of Passive Voice/Checkout and Seeing off the Tour Group Lesson A 翻译技巧Tralation Skills——被动语态的译法Tralation of Passive Voice A 10.1 译成主动句(一)Put into the Active Voice(I) A 10.2 译成主动句(二)Put into the Active Voice(II) A 10.3 译成被动句(--)Put into the Passive Voice(I) A 10.4 译成被动句(二)Put into the Passive Voice(n) A 10.5 综合体验Compreheive Experience A 10.6 翻译实践Tralation Practice Lesson B 导游英语English for Tour Guide——退房、送团Checkout and Seeing off the Tour Group- B 10.1 导游技能Tour Guide's Skills B 10.2 导游词练习Exercises of Tour Guide's Commentaries B 10.3 口译和笔译Interpretation and Tralation B 10.4 常用标志语和提示语Common Sig and Short Notices B 10.5 旅游常用词汇Commonly Used Words for Tourism 参考答案Keys 参考书目References 赠送课件说明
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英语笔译实务:2级 | 卢敏 主编 | 外文出版社 | ¥45.00¥31.50 |
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