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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2015-08-17 相关院校:北京林业大学
导师姓名: | 常红 | 照片:无 | |
性别: | 女 | 出生年月: | |
院系名称: | 环境科学与工程学院 | 一级学科: | 请选择 |
二级学科: | 研究方向1: | 环境科学 | |
研究方向2: | 环境化学 | 研究方向3: | 新型污染物环境风险评价与污染控制研究 |
政治面貌: | 请选择 | 现任职务: | |
现在职称: | 副教授 | 职称评定时间: | |
导师最后学历: | 博士 | 导师最后学位: | 博士 |
获学位时间: | 1 年1 月 | 获学位单位: | 北京大学 |
是否院士: | 是否留学: | 是 | |
留学国别: | 加拿大 | 留学时间: | |
硕导、博导: | 硕导 | 批硕、博导时间: | |
在读硕士: | 毕业硕士: | ||
在读博士: | 毕业博士: | ||
上岗时间: | 现在在岗否: | 是 | |
是否外聘导师: | 否 | 原外聘单位名称: | |
是否千百万人工程: | 是否长江学者: | ||
其它称号: | 国家自然基金委“优青”项目资助 | 所在学科是否博士后流动站: | |
工作简历: | 2014.05-至今,北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院,副教授,硕士导师 2010.8-2014.05,中国环境科学研究院,副研究员 2008.07-2010.06,加拿大萨省大学毒理中心,博士后 |
教学工作: | 《新型污染物环境行为与控制》 | ||
研究领域: | 新型污染物高灵敏质谱技术研发; 新型污染物迁移转化规律研究; 新型污染物环境风险评价和污染控制研究。 |
在研课题: | 现主持国家自然基金委“优青”项目1项,主持北京林业大学杰出青年项目1项 | ||
论文目录: | 1) Chang H, Wan Y, Hu JY. Determination and source apportionment of five classes of steroid hormones in urban rivers. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 7691–7698, 2009. 2) Chang H, Hu JY, Shao B. Occurrence of Natural and Synthetic Glucocorticoids in Sewage Treatment Plants and Receiving River Waters, Environmental Science & Technology 41, 3462–3468, 2007. 3) Chang H, Wan Y, Hu JY. Occurrence of Androgens and progestogens in sewage treatment plants and receiving river waters: comparison to estrogens. Water research 45, 732–740, 2011. 4) Chang H, Wu FC, Jin F, Feng CL, Zhao XL, Liao HQ. Picogram per liter level determination of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1223, 131–135, 2012. 5) Chang H, Wan Y, Naile J, Zhang XW, Wiseman S, Hecker M, Lam MHW, Giesy JP, Jones PD. Simultaneous quantification of multiple classes of phenolic compounds in blood plasma by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1217, 506–513, 2010. 6) Chang H, Hu JY, Asami M, Kunikane K. Simultaneous analysis of 16 sulfonamide and trimethoprim antibiotics in environmental waters by iquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1190, 390–393, 2008. 7) Chang H, Hu JY, Asami M, Kunikane S. Trace analysis of androgens and progestogens from wastewaters by ultra- performance liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1195, 44–51, 2008. 8) Chang H, Hu JY, Wang LZ, Shao B. Occurrence of Sulfonamide Antibiotics in Sewage Treatment Plants, Chinese Science Bulletin 53, 514–520, 2008. 9) Hu JY, Chang H, Wang LZ, Wu SM, Shao B, Zhou J, Zhao Y. Occurrence and Fate of Indirubin in Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 8339–8344, 2008. 10) Xiao Y, Chang H, Jia A, Hu JY. Trace analysis of quinolone and fluoroquinolone antibiotics from wastewaters by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1214, 100–108, 2008. 11) Zhang XW, Chang H, Wiseman S, He YH, Higley E, Jones P, Wong CKC, Al-Khedhairy A, Giesy JP, Hecker M. Bisphenol A disrupts steroidogenesis in human H295R cells. Toxicological Sciences 121(2), 320–327, 2011. 12) Zheng BH, An LH, Chang H, Liu Y, Jiang ZQ. Evidence for the presence of sex steroid hormones in Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 143, 199–206, 2014 13) Hu JY, Zhang HF, Chang H. An Improved Method for Analyzing Estrogens in Water by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 1070, 221–224, 2005. 14) Hu JY, Shi JC, Chang H, Li D, Yang M, Kamagata Y. Phenotyping and Genotyping of Antibiotic-resistance Escherichia coli Isolated from a Natural River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 3415–3420, 2008. 15) Wan Y, Wiseman S, Chang H, Zhang XW, Jones PD, Hecker M, Kannan K, Tanabe S, Hu JY, Lam MHW, Giesy JP. Origin of hydroxylated brominated diphenyl ethers: natural compounds or man-made flame retardants? Environmental Science & Technology 43, 7536–7542, 2009. 16) Liu CS, Zhang XW, Chang H, Jones P, Wiseman S, Naile J, Hecker M, Giesy JP, Zhou BS. Effects of fluorotelomer alcohol 8:2 FTOH on steroidogenesis in H295R cells: Targeting the cAMP signalling cascade. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 247, 222–228, 2010. 17) Fan ZL, Wu SM, Chang H, Hu JY. Behaviors of glucocorticoids, androgens and progestogens in a municipal sewage treatment plant: comparison to estrogens. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 2725–2733, 2011. 18) Wiseman SB, Wan Y, Chang H, Zhang X, Hecker M, Jones PD, Giesy JP. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their hydroxylated/methoxylated analogs: Environmental sources, metabolic relationships, and relative toxicities. Marine Pollution Bulletin 63 (5–12), 179–188, 2011. 19) Wu FC, Guo JY, Chang H, Liao HQ, Zhao XL, Mai BX, Xing BS. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and decabromodiphenylethane in sediments from twelve lakes in China. Environmental. Pollution 162, 262–268, 2012. 20) Wu FC, Mu YS, Chang H, Zhao XL, Giesy, JP, Wu KB. Predicting water quality criteria for protecting aquatic life from physicochemical properties of metals or metalloids. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (1), 446–453, 2013. 21) Hu JY, Wang WF, Zhu Z, Chang H, Pan F, Lin BL. Quantitative structure-activity relationship model for prediction of genotoxic potential for quinolone antibacterials, Environmental Science & Technology 41, 4806–4812, 2007. 22) Wan Y, Jones PD, Wiseman S, Chang H, Chorney D, Kannan K, Khim JS, Tanabe S, Lam MHW, Giesy JP. Contribution of anthropogenic and naturally occurring organobromine compounds to bromine mass in marine organisms. Environmental Science & Technology 44, 6068–6073, 2010. 23) Huang C, Wu SM, Zhang XW, Chang H, Zhao ZB, Giesy JP, Hu JY. Modulation of estrogen synthesis through activation of protein kinase A in H295R cells by extraction of estuary sediments. Environmental Toxicology &. Chemistry 30 (12), 2793–2801, 2011. 24) Feng CL, Wu FC, Dyer SD, Chang H, Zhao XL. Derivation of freshwater quality criteria for zinc using interspecies correlation estimation models to protect aquatic life in China. Chemosphere 90, 1177–1183, 2013. 25) Li D, Yang M, Hu JY, Zhang Y, Chang H, Jin F., Determination of penicillin G and its degradation products in a penicillin production wastewater treatment plant and the receiving river. Water research 42, 307–317, 2008. 26) Wan Y, Choi K, Kim S, Ji K, Chang H, Wiseman S, Jones PD, Khim JS, Park S, Park J, Lam MHW, Giesy JP. Hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers and bisphenol A in pregnant women and their metching fetuses: placental transfer and potential risks. Environmental Science & Technology 44, 5233–5239, 2010. 27) Wan Y, Liu FY, Wiseman S, Zhang XW, Chang H, Hecker M, Jones PD, Lam MHW, Giesy JP. Interconversion of hydroxylated and methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Japanese Medaka. Environmental Science & Technology 44 (22), 8729–8735, 2010. 28) Wan Y, Jones PD, Holem RR, Khim JS, Chang H, Kay DP, Roark SA, Newsted JL, Patterson WP, Giesy JP. Influence of biological factors on trophic transfer of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, and co-planar polychlorinated biphenyls in fishes from the Tittabawassee and Saginaw Rivers (Michigan, USA), Science of the Total Environment 408, 2394–2401, 2010. 29) Bradley PW, Wan Y, Jones PD, Wiseman S, Chang H, Lam MHW, Long DT, Giesy JP. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and methoxylated analogues in sediment cores from two inland lakes in Michigan. Environmental Toxicology &. Chemistry 30 (6), 1236–1242, 2011. 30) Feng CL, Wu FC, Zhao XL, Li HX, Chang H. Water quality criteria research and progress. Science China: Earth Sciences 55(6), 882–891, 2012. 31) Tompsett AR, Wiseman S, Higley E, Pryce S, Chang H, Giesy JP, Hecker M. Effects of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol on sexual differentiation and development of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, 156(3-4), 202–210, 2012. 32) Yapura MJ, Mapletoft RJ, Singh J, Pierson R, Naile J, Giesy JP, Chang H, Higley E, Hecker M, Adams GP.Effects of a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor on ovarian function in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 24(4), 631–640, 2012. 33) Zhang RQ, Wu FC , Li HX, Guo GH, Feng CL, Giesy JP, Chang H. Toxicity reference values and tissue residue criteria for protecting avian wildlife exposed to methylmercury in China. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 223, 53–80, 2013. |
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电子邮件地址: | changh@bjfu.edu.cn | ||
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