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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2015-07-27 相关院校:兰州大学
姓名(中文/汉语拼音):雍华东/Yong Huadong
职称 :教授
职务 /
专业 :固体力学
所在系、所: 工程力学系、固体力学研究所
通讯地址 :兰州大学土木工程与力学学院,730000
电子信箱 : yonghd@lzu.edu.cn
办公室电话: +86(0)0931 8914560
传真: +86(0)0931 8914561
2000.09—2004.06 西安交通大学工程力学专业, 本科生,获工学学士
2004.09—2006.06 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院 固体力学专业,研究生
2006.09—2010.06 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院 固体力学专业, 博士生,获工学博士学位
2008.10—2010.02 公派美国哈佛大学
2011.4--2014.4 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院副教授
2014.4-- 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院教授
1. 超导材料中的力学行为
2. 软物质中的力学稳定性
弹塑性力学(本科生 54学时)
2007 兰州大学求是奖学金
[1] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou (2006) Analysis of amode III crack problem in a functionally graded
coating-substrate system with finite thickness. International Journal of Fracture 141:459–467
[2] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou (2006) Transient anti-plane crack problem for two bonded functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Archive of Applied Mechanics 76: 497–509
[3] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou (2007) A mode III crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric strip bonded to two dissimilar piezoelectric half-planes. Composite Structures 79: 404-410.
[4] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou (2007) Transient response of a cracked magnetoelectroelastic strip under anti-plane impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2): 705-717.
[5] Y. H. Zhou, H. D. Yong (2007) Crack problem for a long rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Physical Review B 76: 094523.
[6] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou (2008) Kim model of stress induced by flux pinning in type-II superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics 103, 113903.
[7] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, J, Zeng (2008) Crack problem in a long cylindrical superconductor. Journal of Applied Physics 104, 113902
[8] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou,(2008) Effect of nonsuperconducting particles on the effective magnetostriction of bulk superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics 104, 043907
[9] H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou,(2009)Elliptical hole in a bulk superconductor under electromagnetic forces. Supcerconductor and Science and Technology. 22, 025018
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