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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2015-06-23 相关院校:北京林业大学
导师姓名: | 蒋建新 | 照片:无 | |
性别: | 男 | 出生年月: | 1969 年6 月9 日 |
院系名称: | 材料科学与技术学院 | 一级学科: | 林业工程 |
二级学科: | 林产化学加工工程 | 研究方向1: | 生物质能源化学品理论与技术 |
研究方向2: | 植物提取物化学与工程 | 研究方向3: | 生物质化工过程模拟 |
政治面貌: | 请选择 | 现任职务: | 化工系主任 |
现在职称: | 教授 | 职称评定时间: | 2008 年12 月1 日 |
导师最后学历: | 博士 | 导师最后学位: | 博士 |
获学位时间: | 1 年1 月 | 获学位单位: | 南京林业大学 |
是否院士: | 非院士 | 是否留学: | 是 |
留学国别: | 瑞典、美国 | 留学时间: | 从 2009 年 05 月 至 2010 年 04 月 |
硕导、博导: | 博导 | 批硕、博导时间: | 2004 年5 月1 日 |
在读硕士: | 8人 | 毕业硕士: | 17人 |
在读博士: | 5人 | 毕业博士: | 4人 |
上岗时间: | 2004 年5 月1 日 | 现在在岗否: | 是 |
是否外聘导师: | 否 | 原外聘单位名称: | |
是否千百万人工程: | 否 | 是否长江学者: | 否 |
其它称号: | 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划入选者 | 所在学科是否博士后流动站: | 是 |
工作简历: | 2009.1- 北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院/教授/博导/系主任 2009.5-2010.4 瑞典Lund大学国家公派访问学者 2003.12-2008.12 北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院/系主任/副教授 2006.1-2007.12 北京林业大学林业工程学科,博士后 1996.1-2003.11 南京野生植物研究院生物化工研究室/室主任/高级工程师 1991.7-1995.12 南京野生植物研究院工艺装备开发室/工程师 1997.9-2003.6 南京林业大学林产化学加工工程,硕士和博士学位 1987.9-1991.7 南京化工大学化学工程专业,学士学位 |
教学工作: | 承担生物质能源理论与技术、化工原理、化学反应工程等本科生、研究生课程,化工原理 课程多媒体课件获2005年校级教学奖,目前主持完成校级教改课题2项,目前主持国家级教改课题。 |
研究领域: | 1、生物质能源理论与技术, 2、生物质化学品及其化工过程模拟, 3、植物多糖(胶)结构改性与应用, 4、植物提取物化学与工程。 |
在研课题: | 1、主持国家自然科学基金项目(31070510)“低强度logRo(1.2-2.8)蒸汽爆破木质纤维结构表征及转化乙醇基础研究” 2、国家自然科学基金项目(31270624)“微水固相法植物多糖胶改性过程及其机理研究” 3、主持国家自然科学基金项目(30771685)“木本多糖胶精细结构及其酶法修饰机理研究” 4、主持北京市自然科学基金项目(6122023) “皂荚多糖胶酶法修饰及构效关系研究” 5、主持国家林业局重点项目(2012-03)“无患子皂苷及生物柴油性能评价与高效制备技术” 6、主持教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0082)“乔灌木质纤维生物转化乙醇蒸汽预处理作用机理及过程优化研究” 7、主持国家948项目(2006-4-122)“生产燃料乙醇用高效菌株及其原位分离技术引进” 8、主持制定国家标准和国家林业行业标准(2009) 9、参与教育部111学科引智项目和科技部973基础项目 10、“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD06B05)“植物多糖胶资源高效利用与新产品开发研究” 子课题主持 11、“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD06B09)“特色生物化工资源精深加工产品开发” 子课题主持 12、主持中国皂荚多糖胶资源高效利用产业化(2006EA105003)国家星火计划项目 13、“十二五”国家支撑计划课题(2012BAD36B01)“区域特产资源生态高值利用共性技术研究”专题主持 14、“十二五”国家支撑计划课题(2012BAD32B06)“纤维素多糖材料制备技术研究与示范”专题“木本多糖制备与改性技术”主持 15、指导北京林业大学研究生创新计划8项 |
论文目录: | 近年来主要论文目录: 2013年 # Yue Feng, Jianxin Jiang, Liwei Zhu, Linyan Yue, Junhui Zhang and Shijie Han*. Effects of tea saponin on glucan conversion and bonding behaviour of cellulolytic enzymes during enzymatic hydrolysis of corncob residue with high lignin content. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2013, 6:161 (SCI, IF2012, 5.552). 1区TOP # Hong-Lei Jian, Xue-Jiao Lin, Wei-Ming Zhang, Da-Feng Sun, Jian-Xin Jiang*. Physico-chemical characterization of the temperature dependent hydration kinetics of Gleditsia sinensis gum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 62: 596–602 (SCI, IF2012, 2.596 ) # Yang Xing, Hailong Yu, Liwei Zhu, and Jianxin Jiang*. Efficient Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Bamboo by Pretreatment with Steam Explosion and Alkaline Peroxide. Bioresources, 2013, 8(4) : 5392-5408 (SCI, IF2012, 1.309 ) # Hai-Long Yu, Yong Tang, Yang Xing, Li-Wei Zhu, Jian-Xin Jiang*. Improvement of the enzymatic hydrolysis of furfural residues by pretreatment with combined green liquor and hydrogen peroxide. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 147: 29-36 (SCI, IF2012, 4.75)1区TOP # Bu Lingxi, Zhao Danqing and Jiang Jianxin*. The effect of lignin and Sapindus saponin on enzymatic hydrolysis of cellobiose. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 8 (8): 49-55 (SCI, IF2012, 0.294 ). # Hong-Lei Jian, Li-Wei Zhu, Wei-Ming Zhang, Da-Feng Sun, Jian-Xin Jiang. Enzymatic production and characterization of manno-oligosaccharides from Gleditsia sinensis galactomannan gum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 55: 282– 288 (SCI, IF2012, 2.596) # Jian Honglei, Gao Zhiyuan and Jiang Jianxin*. Release characteristics and structure of Gleditsia sinensis polysaccharide-g-N-isopropyl acrylamide hydrogels. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2013, 17 (11): 62-69 (SCI, IF2012, 0.636) # Yong Tang, Lingxi Bu, Jing He, Jianxin Jiang. L(+)-Lactic acid production from furfural residues and corn kernels with treated yeast as nutrients. European Food Research and Technology, 2013, 236:365–371 (SCI, IF2012, 1.436) # Li Xue, Zhao Danqing, Pu Zhipeng, Jiang Jianxin*. Transesterification of Chinese Spicehush oil by CaMgZn oxide catalysts. International Journal of Green Energy. 10(5), 457-467 (SCI, IF2012, 2.069) # Yong Tang, Liwei Zhu, Weiming Zhang, Xinhui Shang, Jianxin Jiang. Integrated process of starch ethanol and cellulosic lactic acid for ethanol and lactic acid production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97:1923–1932 (SCI, IF2012, 3.689) 2区 # Xing Yang, Zhaoqin Su, Kun Wang, Lihong Deng, Jianxin Jiang*. Combination of low pressure steam explosion and alkaline peroxide pretreatment for separation of hemicellulose. 4th International Conference on Biorefinery – towards Bioenergy (ICBB), 3-5 December 2013, Xiamen, China. Speech # Yu Hailong, Yong Tang, Yang Xing, Liwei Zhu, Jianxin Jiang*. Improvement of the enzymatic hydrolysis of furfural residues by pretreatment with combined green liquor and hydrogen peroxide. 4th International Conference on Biorefinery – towards Bioenergy (ICBB), 3-5 December 2013, Xiamen, China. Poster # Zhou Ziyuan, Wang Weigang, Li Rui, Jiang Jianxin*. Transesterification of Pistacia chinensis to Produce Biodiesel by Immobilized Lipase. 2013 Intl. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Information Engineering. Poster # Zhou Zi-yuan, Wang Wei-gang, Duan Jiu-fang, Zhu Li-wei, Jiang Jian-xin*. Chinese Spicehush (Lindera communis) seed oil Catalyzed into Biodiesel by Enzymatic Method. 2013 Intl. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Information Engineering. Speech # Jiang Jianxin, Tang Yong, Yu Hailong, Xing Yang. Process Integration of Ethanol Production. International Conference on Biomass Energy and Chemicals 2013 (ICBEC 2013), October 14-17, 2013 Nanjing, China. Distinguished speech. # Tang Yong, Liu Zuguang, Yu Hailong, Jiang Jianxin*. Ethanol Production from Starch and Non-starch Polysaccharide of Cassava Residue. International Conference on Biomass Energy and Chemicals 2013 (ICBEC 2013), October 14-17, 2013 Nanjing, China. Speech # Pan Pike, Tang Yong, Yu Hailong, Song Xianliang, Jiang Jianxin*. Effect of Ethanol Pretreatment on the Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Acorn. International Conference on Biomass Energy and Chemicals 2013 (ICBEC 2013), October 14-17, 2013 Nanjing, China. Speech # 邵丹,吉骊,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 糠醛渣与啤酒渣混合底物诱导绿色木霉产纤维素酶的研究. 现代农业科技, 2013, 22 :142-144 # 林雪娇,周自圆,菅红磊,章伟岸,孙达峰,张卫明,蒋建新*. 皂荚半乳甘露聚糖胶分级醇沉及表征. 中国野生植物, 2013, 32(4): 20-23 2012年 # Lingxi Bu, Yang Xing, Hailong Yu, Yuxia Gao and Jianxin Jiang. Comparative study of sulfite pretreatments for robust enzymatic saccharification of corn cob residue. Biotechnology for biofuels, 2012, 5:87 (IF2011, 6.088). # Hong-lei Jian; Li-wei Zhu; Wei-ming Zhang; Da-feng Sun; Jian-xin Jiang*. Galactomannan (from Gleditsia sinensis Lam.) and xanthan gum matrix tablets for controlled delivery of theophylline: in vitro drug release and swelling behavior. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 87 (3): 2176– 2182 (IF2011, 3.628). # Zhaoqin Su, Lingxi Bu, Danqing Zhao, Runcang Sun, Jianxin Jiang*. Processing of Lespedeza stalks by pretreatment with low severity steam and post-treatment with alkaline peroxide. Industrial Crops and Products, 2012, 36:1-8 (IF2010, 2.507) # Hui-Qin Liu, Yue Feng, Dan-Qing Zhao, Jian-Xin Jing*. Evaluation of cellulases produced from 4 fungi cultured on furfural residues and microcrystalline cellulose. Biodegradation, DOI: 10.1007/s10532-011-9525-6, 2012, 23:465–472 (IF2010, 2.017) # Yong Tang, Lingxi Bu, Lihong Deng, Liwei Zhu, and Jianxin Jiang*. The effect of lignin on lactic acid production from furfural residues and the interaction between enzymes and lactic acid bacteria. BioResources, 2012, 7(4): 5211-5221 (IF2011, 1.328). # Yue Feng, Xiang Qi, Hong-lei Jian, Run-cang Sun, and Jian-xin Jiang*. Effect of inhibitors on enzymatic hydrolysis and simultaneous saccharification fermentation for lactic acid production from steam explosion pretreated lespedeza stalks. BioResources, 2012, 7(3): 3755-3766 (IF2011, 1.328). # Yang Xing, Lingxi Bu, Wang Kun, Ran Sun, Jianxin Jiang*. Pre-treatment of Furfural Residues with Alkaline Peroxide to Improve Cellulose Hydrolysis and Characterization of Isolated Lignin. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 2012, 46 (3-4), 249-260 (IF2010, 0.55) # K. Wang, J.X. Jiang, F. Xu, R.C. Sun. Effects of incubation time on the fractionation and characterization of lignin during steam explosion pretreatment. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(6), 2407-2413. (IF=2.07) # H.Q. Liu, Y. Feng, D.Q. Zhao and J.X. Jiang*. Influence of cellulose content on the enzyme activity in the saccharification digests of furfural residues. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/apj.1644, 7 (Suppl. 3): S275–S279. (IF2011, 0.758) 4区 # Wang Kun; Yang Haiyan; Guo Shihuai; Tang Yong; Jiang, Jianxin; Xu Feng; Sun Run-Cang. Organosolv fractionation process with various catalysts for improving bioconversion of triploid poplar. Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47(10): 1503-1509 # 赵丹青,唐勇, 蒋建新,孙达峰,张卫明,朱莉伟*. 无患子皂素水提液发酵乳酸精制过程研究. 日用化学工业, 2012, 42(5): 352-356 # 赵丹青,苏肇秦,张卫明,孙达峰,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 超声辅助低水比提取无患子皂素工艺过程研究. 中国野生植物资源, 2012, 31(4):18-22 # 赵丹青,孙亚东,唐勇,卜令习,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 渗透汽化法制备无水乙醇工艺过程.化工进展, 2012, 31:108-111 # 李雪,周自圆,唐勇,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 硝酸镧改性钙镁锌催化剂制备生物柴油. 化工进展, 2012, 31:95-99 # 潘丕克,蒋建新,徐庆祥,李淳,朱莉伟*. 天然橡实粉转化乙醇工艺研究. 化工进展, 2012, 31:116-118 # 邢杨,卜令习,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 脱木素对糠醛渣同步糖化发酵乙醇转化的影响. 化工进展,2012, 31:112-115 # 邢杨,卜令习,朱莉伟,蒋建新*. 碱性过氧化氢预处理糠醛渣超声辅助酶解研究. 林产化学与工业, 2012, 32(4):47-52 # Yang Xing, Lvyang Liu, Zhaoqin Su, Liwei Zhu, Jianxin Jiang*. Characteristics of cellulose from lespedeza stalks steam pretreated with low severity steam and post-treatment by alkaline peroxide. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 578: 30-346 # LI Xue, ZHOU Zi-yuan, ZHU Li-wei, JIANG Jian-xin*. Characterization of lanthanum nitrate modified CaMgZn mixed oxide catalysts for synthesis of biodiesel. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 581-582: 283-286 # Honglei Jian. 11th International Hydrocolloids Conference (Purdue University, USA) (Oral presentation) 2012.5 # Yong Tang. Ethanol Yeast Culture as Nutrient for SSF of L-Lactic Acid Production from Lignocellulic Materials. BIT's 3rd Symposium on Enzymes & Biocatalysis, April 25-27, 2012 Xi'an, China # Yue Feng, Li Ji, HuiQin Liu, JianXin Jiang*. Enhanced hydrolysis of furfural residues by Trichoderma cellulases with addition of natural surfactant Tea Saponin. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 424-425: 871-875 (EI) 2011年 #Lingxi Bu, Yong Tang, Yuxia Gao, Honglei Jian, Jianxin Jiang*. Comparative characterization of milled wood lignin from furfural residues and corncob. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 175: 176-184 (IF2010, 3. 074) #Yong Tang, Danqing Zhao, Carrasco Cristhian and Jianxin Jiang*. Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of lignocellulosic residues from commercial furfural production and corn kernels using different nutrient media. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2011, 2011, 4: 22 (IF2010, 4.146). #Yong Tang, Danqing Zhao,Liwei Zhu, Jianxin Jiang* . Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of furfural residues by mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeast to produce lactic acid and ethanol. European Food Research and Technology. 2011, 233(3): 489–495(IF2010, 1.585). #Yue Feng, Hui-Qin Liu, Run-Cang Sun, and Jianxin Jiang*. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose from steam pretreated Lespedeza stalk (Lespedeza crytobotrya) with four Trichoderma cellulases. BioResources, 2011, 6(3): 2776-2789(IF2010, 1.418). #Jianxin Jiang*, Yong Tang, Kun Wang, and Lingxi Bu. Influence of steam pretreatment time on physicochemical composition and SSF for ethanol from pruning stalks of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Salix psammophila. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2011, 5(2): 258-264 (IF2010, 1.360). #K. Wang, H. Y. Yang, F. Xu, J. X. Jiang, and R. C. Sun. Characteristic Transformations of Poplar Lignin during the Organosolv Fractionation Process. 16th International symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry (Proceedings of the 16th ISWFPC), 2011, 212-217. #Ran Sun, Yang Xing, Runcang Sun, and Jianxin Jiang*. The effect of lignin removal by alkaline peroxide pretreatment on enzymatic hydrolysis of furfural residues. 16th International symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry (Proceedings of the 16th ISWFPC), 2011, 845-848. #Lingxi Bu, Ran Sun, Danqing Zhao, Runcang Sun, Jianxin Jiang*. Structural character of lignin in furfural residue and its influence on activity of cellulose. 16th International symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry (Proceedings of the 16th ISWFPC), 2011, 863-867. #Honglei Jian, Xiaoxia Liao, Liwei Zhu, Weiming Zhang, Jianxin Jiang*. Synergism and foaming properties in binary mixtures of biosurfactant derived from Camellia oleifera Abel and synthetic surfactants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 359: 487–492 (IF2010, 3.066). #Zhaoqin Su, Xue Li, Yang Xing, Jianxin Jiang*. Delignification with Alkaline Peroxide from Lespedeza Stalks at Steam-Pretreated Low Severity. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 236-238: 448-451 (EI) #Huiqin Liu, Yue Feng, Jianxin Jiang, Liwei Zhu*. Enzymatic hydrolysis of furfural residues using crude Trichoderma cellulases. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 236-238: 452-455 (EI) #Yong Tang,Zhao-Qing Su,Dan-Qing Zhao, Xiang Qi and Jian-Xin Jiang*. The effect of Gleditsia Saponin on simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of furfural residue for ethanol production. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 236-238: 108-111 (EI) #Danqing Zhao, Yue Feng, Liwei Zhu, Jianxin Jiang*. Effect of β-glucosidase and Gleditsia saponin on enzymatic hydrolysis process of furfural residues. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 236-238: 456-459 (EI) #唐 勇,苏肇秦,赵丹青,蒋建新*. 木质纤维素生物炼制及乳酸制备研究进展. 绿色科技, 2011, (1): 169-173 #Z. P. Pu, X. Li, Y. Xing, L. W. Zhu, J. X. Jiang*. Evaluation on activity and stability of CaMgZn oxide catalyst for biodiesel transesterification from Chinese Spicehush oil. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2011 (Accepted) #Hong-lei Jian, Li-wei Zhu, Carrasco Cristhian, Wei-ming Zhang, Jian-xin Jiang*. Influence of dehulling pretreatment on physicochemical properties of Gleditsia sinensis Lam. Gum. Food Hydrocolloids 2011, 25 (5): 1337-1343 (IF2010, 2.659). #Yue Feng, Hui-Qin Liu, Feng Xu, Jian-Xin Jiang*. Enzymatic degradation of steam-pretreated Lespedeza Stalk (Lespedeza crytobotrya) by cellulosic-substrate induced cellulases. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2010, 34(3): 357-365 (IF2010, 2.060) #Jian-xin Jiang*, Hong-lei Jian, Carrasco Cristhian, Wei-ming Zhang, Run-cang Sun. Structural and thermal characterization of galactomannan from genus Gleditsia seeds as a potential food gum substitute. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011, 91: 732-737(IF2010, 1.360). #Ran Sun, Xianliang Song, Runcang Sun, and Jianxin Jiang*. Effect of lignin content on enzymatic hydrolysis of furfural residues. BioResources, 2011, 6(1): 317-328 (IF2010, 1.418) #Zhi Yuan Gao, Jian Xin Jiang, Ning Yin. Synthesis and Characterizations of Thermo-Sensitive Graft-Polymer Hydrogel from Gleditsia sinensis polysaccharide. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. 2011, 9:57-68 (EI) #Honglei Jian, Liwei Zhu,Weiming Zhang, Xiang Qi, Jianxin Jiang. Evaluation of galactomannan from Gleditsia sinensis Lam. as sustained release material in colonic drug delivery. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 146-147: 589-598 (EI) #Xiang Qi, Yong Tang, Honglei Jian, Xue Li, Jianxin Jiang. Prodcution of lactic acid by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using steam pretreated lespedeza stalks as inexpensive raw material. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 152-153: 1404-1411 (EI) #孙冉, 蒋建新*, 孙亚东, 朱莉伟. 糠醛渣酶解工艺优化及过程的研究. 林产工业, 2011, 38(1): 35-41. 2010年 # 蒋建新. 生物质能源基础知识及国内外发展现状与趋势(大会主题报告). 林业生物质成型燃料现场学习交流会,2010年10月11-13日,吉林 #Qi Xiang, Tang Yong, Jian Hong-lei, Li Xue, Jiang Jian-xin. The effect of steam pretreatment on lactic acid production from lespedeza stalks by SSF. International Conference on Chemical and Biological Utilization of Biomass Resources (ICCUB2010), 22 Oct -26 Oct, 2010, 59-67, Nanjing, China #Feng Yue, Jiang Jianxin, Xu Feng, Sun Runcang. Improvement of the cellulose activities by the surfactant tween80 and the natural surfactant Gleditsia saponin. The 4th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies of Pulping and Papermaking (4th ISETPP), Guangzhou, China, 2010, 653-656 #Jiang JX, Feng Y, Qi X, Wang K. Influence of steam explosion time on physicochemical composition, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of shrub stalks from Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Salix psammophila. 3rd World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology, 2010, Dalian, China #Ma Ming-Guo; Jiang Jian-Xin; Sun Run-Cang. Microwave-assisted controlled synthesis of CaCO3 with various biomimetic morphologies using basic additives in polyol. Advanced Materials Research, 92: 139-145, 2010, Powder Technology and Application II #菅红磊,朱莉伟,张卫明,蒋建新*. 两种皂荚豆多糖胶流变性质比较. 食品科学2010,31(17):68-72. #Wang, K., Jiang, J.-X. *, Xu, F., Sun, R.-C. *, and Baird, M. S. "Influence of steam pressure on the physico-chemical properties of degraded hemicelluloses obtained from steam-exploded Lespedeza stalks," BioRes. (2010) 5(3), 1717-1732. #K.Wang, J.X.Jiang, F,Xu, R.C.Sun, Influence of steaming pressure on steam explosion pretreatment of lespedeza stalks(Lespedeza crytobotrya): Part 2.Characteristics of degraded lignin. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2010)116(3): 1617-1626 #齐祥, 苏肇秦, 唐勇, 蒋建新*. 木质纤维素发酵转化乳酸研究进展[J]. 现代农业科技, 2010, (5): 11-13 2009年 #Liang He, Ning Yin, Jun-Wen Cheng, Xue-Qian Wu, Jian-Xin Jiang. Structural features of a new heteropolysaccharide from the fruit bodies of Melia azedarach and its effect on cytotoxic activity. Fitoterapia 80 (2009) 399–403 (SCI) #宋先亮,蒋建新,谢建杰,白 杨. 松香改性生漆漆膜性能研究[J]. 林产化学与工业,2009, 29 (6): 203-206 #田春华,冯清华,林青含,朱莉伟*,蒋建新. 阳离子皂荚多糖胶的合成及其助留助滤研究[J],中国纸业,2009,(18): 42-45 #蒲志鹏,齐翔,蒋建新*,朱莉伟. 制备生物柴油的固体催化剂研究进展[J],中国油脂,2009,(10): 64-67 #马明国 蒋建新. “生物质能源利用原理与技术”教学改革初探[J],中国林业教育,2009,27 (4): 64-67 #Ming-Guo Ma, Jie-Fang Zhu, Jian-Xin Jiang, Run-Cang Sun. Hydrothermal–polyol route to synthesis of β-Ni(OH)2 and NiO in mixed solvents of 1,4-butanediol and water. 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著译目录: | 功能性多糖胶开发与应用(主编). 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2013.1 木糖型生物质炼制原理与技术(主编). 北京:科学出版社,2013.2 植物资源开发研究与应用(副主编). 南京:东南大学出版社,2005.12 |
科研成果: | 1、高分子多糖生物质加工新技术与产品应用,国家技术发明二等奖(2011-F-211-2-01-R02),2011.12,排名第二 2、木本多糖结构性质与制备应用技术,梁希林业科学技术二等奖(2011-KJ-2-04-R01),2011.12,排名第一 3、NMR法研究我国主要植物胶资源的多糖化学结构. 首届梁希青年论文二等奖,2006.11,梁希科技教育基金委员会 4、“皂荚皂素高效制备及其应用技术” 全国商业科学技术进步二等奖,2007.12,排名第一 5、“白芨多糖与硫酸酯衍生物的制备及其应用研究”江苏省科学技术进步三等奖,2004.12,排名第五 6、 “白芨多糖与硫酸酯衍生物的制备及其应用研究”全国商业科学技术进步二等奖,2004.12,排名第5。 7、“植物胶资源高效利用产业化技术研究”全国商业科学技术进步一等奖,2005.12,排名第二 8、“植物多糖胶物理-化学改性技术研究” 江苏省科学技术进步二等奖,2006.12,排名第四 9、申请及授权国家发明专利26项,发表研究论文100余篇,其中SCI收录37篇。 |
成果推广应用情况: | 主要从事生物质能源与化学品领域的教学科研工作,以速生乔灌木和废弃物为原料制备燃料乙醇的预处理、酶法降解转化和综合利用研究。建成了纤维乙醇转化研究平台,在乙醇和生物柴油转化研究方面,提出了醇电联产、醇醛联产、生物质能源化学品联产等技术体系,形成了特色鲜明的研究方向。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技攻关支撑课题、国家948引进项目、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、国家林业局科技重点项目和各类横向项目等17项。 主持完成的系列多糖胶技术已推广应用到生产企业,主持的生物质能源及化学品转化技术 项目已进入中试。 |
表彰和荣誉: | 国家技术发明奖获得者,梁希林业科技二等奖获得者,2007年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划,首届梁希青年论文获得者,获省部级科技成果奖5项,发明专利授权9项。 | ||
主要兼职: | 北京林业大学林产化工学科负责人,林业生物质材料与能源教育部工程中心主任,《林产化学与工业》及《中国野生植物资源》杂志编委,中国林产工业协会树木提取物利用分会副理事长,中国林学会材料科学分会常务委员,中国林学会林产化学化工分会理事,中国林学会灌木分会理事。 | ||
备注: | 特别欢迎生物工程、化学工程、应用化学等专业考生报完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS究生,本学科为北京市重点学科和国家林业局重点学科,有博士学位授予权,并设有博士后流动站和林业生物质材料与能源教育部工程中心。 | ||
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