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分类:招生简章 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2013-11-08 相关院校:香港大学
Master of Finance
香港大学2014-2015年金融学硕士招生报名启动, 具体申请办法可通过港大网站进行了解。
Master of Finance(金融学硕士)
Master of Finance Information Session for 2014-15
November 15, 2013 / / December 17, 2013
Programme Mission
The HKU Master of Finance (MFin) Programme is an interdisciplinary programme aiming to provide motivated individuals with not only cutting-edge training in financial theory, but also the necessary mathematical, statistical and computer training, allowing them to apply the knowledge in a multitude of financial disciplines: pricing derivative instruments and securities, modelling and forecasting financial markets, hedging and financial risk management, credit risk management, insurance and reinsurance, quantitative trading and arbitrage training, asset allocation and investment management, and asset/liability management.
Successful graduates will enjoy a competitive advantage in a wide range of career opportunities in commercial and investment banks, brokerage and investment firms, insurance companies, treasury departments of non-financial corporations, regulatory agencies, and also consulting and accounting firms.
Programme Overview
The MFin Programme offered by the Faculty of Business & Economics represents an optimal mix of fundamental and cutting-edge knowledge in all areas of modern finance. The programme includes four basic courses in Financial Analysis that are based on the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) curriculum, specifically designed to broaden the candidates' knowledge of Quantitative Analysis, Financial Statement Analysis, Economics and Fundamentals of Asset Valuation, such as investment valuation and portfolio management. These four courses, which will allow students to gain a solid knowledge base to prepare for all levels of the CFA examination, make up the Fundamental Core Module.
After successful completion of the Fundamental Core Module, students will continue their studies in either the Risk Management Stream, or the Financial Engineering Stream. The Risk Management Stream has a core module of five courses, and the Financial Engineering Stream has a core module of six courses. Students will then take elective courses to make up a total of twelve courses in order to graduate.
For Intake 2014 and thereafter, students can choose from one of the following three: Corporate Finance Stream, Financial Engineering Stream and Risk Management Stream, after successful completion of the Fundamental Core Module. Students will then need to take four Advanced Core Courses, two Stream Core Courses of respective streams as well as two elective courses from the pool of electives o make the total number of courses taken twelve.
Programme Details
The Programme offers two streams: 1) Financial Engineering, and 2) Risk Management. Students may concentrate in either one of the two areas according to their interests and career aspirations. Students can be awarded the degree with double concentration in Financial Engineering and Risk Management, provided that they have successfully completed the core courses in both areas plus 3 other electives.
For Intake 2014 and thereafter, the Programmes shall offer three streams: 1) Corporate Finance Stream, 2) Financial Engineering Stream and 3) Risk Management Stream. Students may concentrate in one of the three areas according to their interests and career aspirations. Students can be awarded the degree with double concentration in Corporate Finance and Financial Engineering, Corporate Finance and Risk Management, or Financial Engineering and Risk Management provided that they have successfully completed all the twelve core courses in both areas plus two electives.
The faculty of Master of Finance comes from a variety of educational backgrounds: finance, economics, statistics, mathematics, law, accounting, computer sciences as well as other quantitative disciplines.
Who Should Apply
This Programme is designed for people who have a keen interest in finance, preferably for those who have work experience in financial institutions, banks, or government regulatory bodies.
Other information
Message from Programme Director
香港大学是香港第一所也是历史最悠久的大学,由1887年成立的香港西医书院及香港官立技术专科学校合并 而成,于1911年在香港岛正式创立,中华民国国父孙中山为香港西医书院的前身首届毕业生。
香港大学中文校训为“明德格物”,对应拉丁文为Sapientia Et Virtus,立校以来一贯采用英语教学,在人文、法律、政治及生物与医学等学术领域极为出色,亦为香港及亚洲区中最享盛名的学府之一。其采用的教学模式包括问题导向学习(problem-based learning),旨在培养学生的思考。香港大学是Universitas 21(大学的国际性协会)的创建成员之一,它在教学和科研方面都享有国际声誉。
香港大学是香港其中一所学术排名最高的大学。根据《亚洲周刊》,香港大学在2000年于亚洲最佳大学的排名中位列第三。于《亚洲周刊》2000年亚洲最佳大学调查中香港大学商学院的工商管理硕士课程(MBA)于香港中文大学之后位列第二。香港大学于《英国泰晤士报》(Times Higher Education Supplement,「泰晤士报高等教育特刊」)2007年的大学排名中位列全球第十八位。在2008年10月8日公布的最新《〈泰晤士报〉高等教育——二零零八全球顶尖大学排行榜》中,香港大学排名第二十六名。
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