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分类:导师信息 来源:同济大学土木工程学院 2020-04-24 相关院校:同济大学
职称: 副教授、博导
2007/09 – 2011/01,同济大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士
2008/09 – 2010/10,德国柏林工业大学(Technical University of Berlin),环境过程工程系,联合培养博士
2004/09 – 2007/06,郑州大学,水利与环境学院,硕士
2000/09 – 2004/06,河南工业大学,化学化工学院,学士
Jacobs Journal of Hydrology编委(USA)
国际期刊Journalof Chemistry(SCI收录)特刊编辑
[11] 中央高校学科交叉类项目,项目批准号:20153772。
[12] 上海市教育委员会产学研项目,项目批准号:14cxy07。
[13] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:20110490698。
[1]X. You, S. Liu, C. Dai*, G. Zhong, Y. Duan, Y. Tu. Accelerationand centralization of a back-diffusion process: Effects of EDTA-2Na on cadmiummigration in high- and low-permeability systems. The Science of the total environment,DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135708.
[2]C. Dai, H. Shen, Y. Duan, S. Liu, F.Zhou, D. Wu, G. Zhong, A. Javadi, Y. Tu. TiO2 and SiO2 Nanoparticles Combinedwith Surfactants Mitigate the Toxicity of Cd2+ to Wheat Seedlings. Water Airand Soil Pollution, doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4297-4.
[3]Y. Wu, Y. Bo, F. Zhoua, Q. Tang, M. Guimberteau, P. Ciais, T.Yang, S. Peng, S. Piao, J. Zheng, Y. Dong, C. Dai. Quantifying theunauthorized lake water withdrawals and their impacts on the water budget ofeutrophic lake Dianchi, China. Journal of Hydrology 565 (2018) 39–48,2018
[4]B. Tan, S.Liu, C. Dai*, H. Zhou, Z. Hui, G. Zhong, H.Zhang. Modelling of colloidal particle and heavy metal transfer behavioursduring seawater intrusion and refreshing processes,HydrologicalProcesses,2017,31(22): 3920-3931.
[5]S. Liu, A. Tao, C. Dai* ; B. Tan, H. Shen, G. Zhong, S.Lou, S. Chalov, R. Chalov. Experimental Study of Tidal Effects on CoastalGroundwater and Pollutant Migration. Water Air and SoilPollution.2017,288(4):163.
[6]Y. He, C. Dai*, X. Zhou.Magnetic cobalt ferrite compositeas an efficient catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of carbamazepine,EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(2):2065–2074.
[7]W. Chen, Y. Su, Z. Wen, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, C. Dai*.Recovery of indium ions by nanoscale zero-valent iron. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLERESEARCH.2017,19(3):97.
[8]X. Zhan, C. Chen, Q. Wang, F. Zhou, K. Hayashi, X. Ju, S. Lam, Y.Wang, Y. Wu, J. Fu, L. Zhang; S. Gao, X. Hou, Y. Bo; D. Zhang, K. Liu, Q. Wu, R.Su, J. Zhu, C. Yang, C. Dai, H. Liu. Improved Jayaweera-Mikkelsen modelto quantify ammonia volatilization from rice paddy fields in China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(8): 8136-8147.
[9]B. Shao, Y. Chen, D. Wu, C. Dai, Y. Zhang. Mineraltransformation of structural Fe(II) hydroxides with O-2, Cu(II), Cr (VI) andNO2- for enhanced arsenite sequestration. Chemical Engineering Jounal,2017,311:247-254.
[10]S.Lou, S. Liu, C. Dai, A. Tao, B. Tan, Gangfeng Ma,RomanSergeeyvichChalov, Sergey RomanovichChalov. Heavy Metal Distribution andGroundwaterQuality Assessment for a Coastal Areaon a Chinese Island,PolishJournal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26(2): 733-745.
[11] Y.Zhang, Z. Yin, C. Dai*, X. Zhou, W. Chen. Interfacial thermodynamics andkinetics of sorption of diclofenac on prepared high performance flower-likeMoS2,JOURNALOF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 2016, 481: 210-219.
[12] B.Shao, Y. Chen, D. Wu, H. He, C. Dai, Y. Zhang. Aqueous nickelsequestration and release during structural Fe(II) hydroxide remediation: theroles of coprecipitation, reduction and substitution.RSCADVANCES,2016,6(88):85347-85354.
[13] H.He, D. Wu, L. Zhao, C.Luo, C. Dai, Y.Zhang. Sequestration of chelated copperby structural Fe(II): Reductivedecomplexation and transformation ofCuII-EDTA.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016,309: 116–125
[14] Y.Zhang, W. Chen, C. Dai*, C Zhou, X Zhou. Structural Evolution ofNanoscale Zero-Valent Iron (nZVI) in Anoxic Co2+ Solution: InteractionalPerformance and Mechanism, Scientific reports, 5, 2015.
[15] Y.Zhang, J. Yan, C. Dai*, Y.Li,Y. Zhu, X. Zhou.Sequestration of Ag(I) fromaqueous solution as Ag(0) nanostructures by nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI).Journal of nanoparticle research,2015,17(11),455.
[16] S.LIU, B. TAN, C. Dai*, S. LOU, A. TAO. Geochemical characterization andheavy metal migration in a coastal polluted aquifer incorporating tidaleffects: field investigation in Chongming Island, China. Environmental Scienceand Pollution Research, 2015, 22(24), 20101-20113.
[17] Y.Su, X. Sun, X. Zhou, C. Dai*, Y. Zhang. Zero-valent Iron Doped CarbonsReadily Developed from Sewage Sludge for Lead Removal from Aqueous Solution,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2015, 36:1-8.
[18] Z.Zhou,C. Dai*, X. Zhou,J. Zhao, Y. Zhang. The Removal ofAntimony by Novel NZVI-Zeolite: the Role of Iron Transformation. Water Air andSoil Pollution. 226(3):76-92, 2015.
[19] Z.Wen, C. Dai, Y. Zhu ,Y. Zhang. Arsenate removal from aqueous solutionsusing magnetic mesoporous iron manganese bimetal oxides. RSC Advances, 5(6):4058-4068, 2015.
[20]Z.Wen, Y. Zhang, C. Dai, Z. Sun. Nanocasted synthesis of magneticmesoporous iron cerium bimetal oxides (MMIC) as an efficient heterogeneousFenton-like catalyst for oxidation of arsenite. Journal of Hazardous Materials.287:225-233,2015.
[21] Y.Su, X. Zhou, C. Dai, M. Jiang, Y. Zhang. Phosphate removal mechanism inan airlift-loop reactor under limited filamentous bulking conditions,Desalination and Water Treatment, 1299-1308, 2015.
[22]Q.Zhang, J. Chen, C. Dai, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou. Degradation of carbamazepineand toxicity evaluation using the UV/persulfate process in aqueous solution.Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 90: 701-708,2015.
[23]Y.Zhang, A. Mazumder, T. Zhang, C. Dai. The Application of AdvancedMaterials on the Water or Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Chemistry, 2015:1-2. 2015.
[24]Y.Su , A. Adeleye, A. A. Keller ,Y. Huang, C. Dai, X. Zhou , Y. Zhang.Magnetic sulfide-modified nanoscalezerovalent iron (S-nZVI) for dissolved metalion removal. Water research, 74: 47-57,2015.
[25]C.Dai, Z. Zhou, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang. Removal of Sb(III) and Sb(V) fromaqueous solutions using nZVI. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 225:1799, 2014.
[26]W.Liang, C. Dai*, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang. Application of zero-valent ironnanoparticles for the removal of aqueous zinc ions under various experimentalconditions. PLoS One, 9(1): e85686, 2014.
[27]Y.Zhang, Y. Liu, C. Dai*, X. Zhou. Adsorption of Clofibric Acid fromAqueous Solution by Graphene Oxide and the Effect of Environmental Factors.Water Air Soil Pollut, 225: 2064, 2014.
[28]Z.Wen, Y. Zhang, C. Dai*. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution UsingNanoscaleZerovalent Iron (nZVI). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical andEngineering Aspects, 457: 433–440, 2014.
[29]Y.Zhang, Z. Shen, C. Dai*, X. Zhou. Removal of selected pharmaceuticalsfrom aqueous solution using magnetic chitosan: sorption behavior and mechanism.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(22):12780-9, 2014.
[30]Y.Zhang, S. Lin, C. Dai*, L. Shi, X. Zhou*. Sorption-desorption andtransport of trimethoprim and sulfonamide antibiotics in agricultural soil:effect of soil type, dissolved organic matter and pH. Environmental Science andPollution Research. 21(9): 5827-5835, 2014.
[31] Y.Zhang, Y. Li, C. Dai*, X. Zhou, W. Zhang. Sequestration of Cd(II) withnanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI): Characterization and test in a two-stagesystem. Chemical Engineering Journal, 244: 218-226, 2014.
[32]Y.Zhang, K. Zhang, C. Dai*, X. Zhou. Performance and mechanism of pyritefor nitrobenzene removal in aqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Science,111:135-141, 2014.
[33]Y.Zhang, K. Zhang, C. Dai*, X. Zhou, H. Si. An enhanced Fenton reactioncatalyzed by natural heterogeneous pyrite for nitrobenzene degradation in anaqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 244: 438-445, 2014.
[34]Z.Wen, Y. Zhang, C. Dai, B. Chen, S. Guo, H. Yu, D. Wu. Synthesis ofOrdered Mesoporous Iron Manganese Bimetal Oxides for Arsenic Removal fromAqueous Solutions. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 200: 235–244, 2014.
[35]Y.Su, AS Adeleye, X. Zhou, C. Dai, W. Zhang, AA Keller, Y. Zhang Effectsof Nitrate on the Treatment of Lead Contaminated Groundwater byNanoscaleZerovalent Iron. J. Hazard. Matls., 280: 504-513, 2014.
[36]Y.Su, A. Adeleye, Y. Huang, Z. Sun, C. Dai, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, A.A. Keller(2014). Simultaneous Removal of Cadmium and Nitrate in Aqueous Media byNanoscaleZerovalent Iron (nZVI) and Au Doped nZVI Particles, Water Research,63: 102-111, 2014.
[37]C.Dai, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, S. Liu. Application of MolecularlyImprinted Polymers to Selective Removal of Clofibric Acid from Water. PlosOne.8(10): 78167(1-8), 2013.
[38]C.Dai, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X Zhou, YanpingDuan, Shuguang Liu. Removalof carbamazepine and clofibric acid from water using doubletemplates–molecularly imprinted polymers. Environmental Science and PollutionResearch , 20:5492-5501, 2013.
[39]Y.Duan, C. Dai*, Y. Zhang, L. Chen. Selective trace enrichment of acidicpharmaceuticals in real water and sediment samples based on solid-phaseextraction using multi-templates molecularly imprinted polymers. AnalyticaChimicaActa,758: 93-100,2013.
[40]Y.Zhang, J. Zhang, C. Dai*, X. Zhou, S. Liu.Sorption of carbamazepine fromwater by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers based on chitosan-Fe3O4.Carbohydrate Polymers, 97(2):809-816, 2013.
[41] Y.Zhang*, Y. Su, X. Zhou, C. Dai, A. K. Arturo. A new insight on the core–shellstructure of zerovalentironnanoparticles and its application for Pb(II)sequestration. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 263: 685-693, 2013.
[42]Liu,Z. G., Zhou, X. F., Chen, X. H., Dai, C. M., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y. L.Biosorption of clofibric acid and carbamazepine in aqueous solution byagricultural waste rice straw. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 25(12).2384-2395 ,2013.
[43]C.Dai, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X Zhou, S. Liu. Selective removal ofacidic pharmaceuticals from contaminated lake water using multi-templatesmolecularly imprinted polymer. Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212: 302-309,2012.
[44]C.Dai, X. Zhou,Y. Zhang, Z. Qiang, T C. Zhang. Comparative Study ofthe Degradation of Carbamazepine in Water by Advanced Oxidation Processes.Environmental Technology, 33(10-12): 1101-1109,2012.
[45]C.Dai Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, S. Liu, J Zhang. Synthesis by precipitationpolymerization of molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres for the selectiveextraction of diclofenac from water samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials.198:175-181,2011.
[46]C.Dai, S. Geissen, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang and X. Zhou. Selective removalof diclofenac from contaminated water using molecularly imprinted polymermicrospheres. Environmental Pollution, 159: 1660-1666,2011.
[47]XZhou, C. Dai, Y Zhang, R. Y. Surampalli and T. C. Zhang. A preliminarystudy on the occurrence and behavior of carbamazepine (CBZ) in aquaticenvironment of Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Monitoring andAssessment, 173(1-4): 45-53,2011.
[48]C.Dai, S. Geissen, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang and X. Zhou. Performanceevaluation and application of molecularly imprinted polymer for separation ofcarbamazepine in aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1-3):156-163,2010.
[49]X.Zhou, Y. Zhang, D. Q. Xu, W. H. Cao, C. Dai, Z. Qiang, Z. Yang and J. F.Zhao. Treatment of succinonitrile wastewater by immobilized high efficiencymicroorganism strains. Water Science & Technology, 58(4): 911-918,2008.
[51] 代朝猛*,周辉,刘曙光,谭博,万耀强。地下水多孔介质中胶体与污染物协同运移规律研究进展,水资源与水工程学报,2017,28(5):15-23
[52]谭博,刘曙光,代朝猛*,邓慧萍,周辉,丰莎。滨海地下水交互带中的胶体运移行为研究综述,水科学进展,2017, 28 (5):788-800.
[53]贺亚雪,代朝猛*,苏益明,张亚雷。地下水重金属污染修复技术研究进展。水处理技术,42(2):1-5, 2016.
[59]闫婧, 代朝猛,周雪飞,张亚雷。碳纳米管复合材料用于削减水环境中污染物的研究进展,材料导报,29(1), 127-131, 2015.
[60]何永珍,周雪飞,代朝猛,张亚雷。铁氧体及其复合材料去除水体中有机污染物的研究进展,材料导报,29(3), 16-24, 2015.
[61] 朱岩,张亚雷,代朝猛,周雪飞,张伟贤。纳米零价铁颗粒用于地下水原位修复的研究进展,现代农业科技,4:204-208, 2015.
[62]刘彦静,曾小兵,代朝猛,周雪飞,张亚雷。石墨烯纳米复合材料在水处理中的应用研究进展,材料导报,27(7), 127-138, 2013.
[63]周传龙,代朝猛*,张亚雷,张伟贤。大气重金属引发交叉污染的研究,环境化学,31(9): 1344-1348. 2012.
[64]张娟,代朝猛,周雪飞*,张亚雷。水体中卡马西平的污染特征与赋存现状研究,给水排水,38(6):120-124, 2012.
[65]周传龙,代朝猛,张亚雷,张伟贤。新型环境功能材料对水体痕量污染物去除的研究进展,材料导报,26 (13):145-149, 2012.
[66]沈哲,代朝猛,张亚雷。纳米材料应用对环境的潜在风险的探讨,材料导报,26 (1): 19-22, 2012.
[67]李钰婷,代朝猛,张亚雷,张伟贤。环境介质中重金属的污染现状研究,安徽农业科学,40( 20): 10549-10553, 2012.
[68]李钰婷,张亚雷,代朝猛,张伟贤。纳米零价铁颗粒去除水中重金属的研究进展,环境化学,31 (9): 1349-1354,2012.
[69]沈哲,张亚雷,代朝猛。改性淀粉絮凝剂的应用现状和研究进展.水处理技术,38(10): 1-3,7,2012.
[71] 代朝猛,曾科,段艳平,李亚萍。含脂肪酸废水处理方法,工业用水与废水,38(1): 47-50,2007.
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