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分类:导师信息 来源:中国矿业大学(徐州) 2020-03-18 相关院校:中国矿业大学(徐州)
何业增,男,1987年生,山东淄博人。2014年6月获山东大学材料科学与工程学院工学博士学位。美国约翰霍普金斯大学访问学者。现为中国矿业大学材料科学与工程学院教师。当前主要研究内容有金属熔体液相结构演变及相变行为,合金熔体的非平衡凝固特征,金属纳米材料及模拟纳米电子器件,二维材料的制备及性能、纳米储能材料等。曾获得山东省自然科学奖二等奖一项,主持并参与多项国家及省级自然科学基金项目。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Scientific Reports、Nanoscale、APL、PCCP等杂志上发表SCI论文20余篇;合作发表SCI学术论文40余篇。
1、国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:51501221,二维液态薄膜的结构演变及相变特征,起止年月:2016/01-2018/12,20 万,在研、主持。
3、国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:51271100,碳纳米管中金属熔体结构演变及其凝固特性,起止年月:2013/01-2016/12,80 万,结题、参加。
1、 Yezeng He,Hui Li ,Yanyan Jiang,Xiongying Li,Xiufang Bian,Liquid-liquid phase transition and structure inheritance in carbon films,Scientific Reports,2014,4(1):3635-3635。SCI 期刊论文
2、 Yezeng He,Xiongying Li,Hui Li ,Yanyan Jiang,Xiufang Bian,Layering transition in confined silicon,Nanoscale,2014,6(8):4217-4224。SCI 期刊论文
3、 Yezeng He,Hui Li ,Yunfang Li,Kun Zhang,Yanyan Jiang,Xiufang Bian,Atomic insight into copper nanostructures nucleation on bending graphene,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2013,15(23):9163-9169。SCI 期刊论文
4、 Yezeng He,Hui Li ,Yunfang Li,Haiqing Yu,Yanyan Jiang,Wavelike deformation traveling on a carbon nanotube,Nanoscale,2011,4(1):269-277。SCI 期刊论文
5、 Yezeng He,Hui Li ,Pengchao Si,Yunfang Li,Haiqing Yu,Xueqing Zhang,Feng Ding,K. M. Liew,Dynamic ripples in single layer graphene,Applied Physics Letters,2011,98(6):063101-063101。SCI 期刊论文
6、 Yanyan Jiang,Hui Li ,Yunfang Li,Haiqing Yu,K. M. Liew,Yezeng He,Xiangfa Liu,Helical Encapsulation of Graphene Nanoribbon into Carbon Nanotube,ACS Nano,2011,5(3):2126-2133。SCI 期刊论文
7、 Xiongying Li,Yezeng He,Yong Wang,Jichen Dong,Hui Li ,Dewetting Properties of Metallic Liquid Film on Nanopillared Graphene,Scientific Reports,2014,4(1):3938-3938。SCI 期刊论文
8、 Yanni Dong,Yezeng He,Yong Wang,Hui Li ,A theoretical study of ripple propagation in defective graphene,Carbon,2014,68(1):742-747。SCI 期刊论文
9、 Ranran Fang,Yezeng He,Kun Zhang,Hui Li ,Melting Behavior of Aluminum Nanowires in Carbon Nanotubes,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014,118(14):7622-7629。SCI 期刊论文
10、 Wei Chen,Hui Li ,Yezeng He,Theoretical study of core/shell composite structure made by carbon nanoring and aluminum nanowire,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2014,16(17):7907-7912。SCI 期刊论文
11、 Yanyan Jiang,Kun Zhang,Hui Li ,Yezeng He,Xigui Song,Spontaneous encapsulation behavior of ionic liquid into carbon nanotube,Nanoscale,2012,4(22):7063-7069。SCI 期刊论文
12、 Xiongying Li,Yunfang Li,Hui Li ,Yezeng He,Jichen Dong,Theoretical study of soft-to-hard transition of copper-filled carbon nanotubes,Computational Materials Science,2013,69(1):22-28。SCI 期刊论文
13、 Yanyan Jiang,Hui Li ,Kun Zhang,Haiqing Yu,Yezeng He,Xigui Song,Anomalies in rapid cooling behavior of the Fe melts in nanoconfinement,EPL,2012,97(1):16002-16002。SCI 期刊论文
14、 Jiemei Wang,Hui Li ,Yunfang Li,Haiqing Yu,Yezeng He,Xigui Song,Deformation of copper-filled single-walled boron-nitride nanotubes under axial compression,Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures,2011,44(1):286-289。SCI 期刊论文
16、 Hui Li,Yunfang Li,Yezeng He,Yanyan Jiang,Helical Wrapping of Graphene Sheets and Their Self-Assembly into Core-Shelled Composite Nanostructures with Metallic Particles,Topological Modelling of Nanostructures and Extended Systems, A. R. Ashrafi; F. Cataldo; A. Iranmanesh; O. Ori, Springer, pp1-40, Netherlands, 2013/4/24
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