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分类:导师信息 来源:对外经济贸易大学 2019-07-31 相关院校:对外经济贸易大学
Correspondence Address:
School of International Trade and Economics,
University of International Business and Economics,
No. 10 Huixin East Street, Chaoyang Dist. Beijing 100029, China
E-mail: yutao.han2014@gmail.com or yutao.han@uibe.edu.cn
Current Position
2016/01-Present Associate Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics
2014/09-2016/01 Assistant Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics
Research Fields
Public Economics, Industrial Economics, Dynamic Optimization
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
M.S. in Mathematics, Inner Mongolia University, China.
B.S. in Mathematics, Inner Mongolia University, China.
Courses Taught
Public Economics, Industrial Economics, Microeconomics
Publications (refereed)
1. Yutao Han, P. Pieretti and B. Zou. Does tax competition increase infrastructural disparity among jurisdictions? Review of International Economics (2017), forthcoming.
2. Yutao Han, P. Pieretti and B. Zou. On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructure, Economic Inquiry (2017), 55(2), 682-694.
3. Yutao Han, P. Pieretti, S. Zanaj and B. Zou. Asymmetric competition among nation states: a differential game approach, Journal of Public Economics (2014), 119, 71-79.
4. Yutao Han, P. Pieretti and B. Zou. Does size asymmetry exacerbate the inefficiency of tax competition? Economics Letters (2014), 122, 16-18.
5. Yutao Han, P. Pieretti and B. Zou. An extension of thehome-attachment criteria under dynamic tax competition, Economics Letters (2013), 121, 508-510.
6. Yutao Han, G. Zhang, L. Xu, B. Han, L. Zhang and M. Li.Turing instability and wave patterns for a symmetric discrete competitive Lotka-Volterra system, Wseas Transactions on Mathematics (2011), 10, 181-189.
7. G. Zhang, L. Xu, B. Han, L. Zhang, M. Li. and Yutao Han. Turing instability for a two-dimensional Logistic coupled map lattice, Physics Letters A (2010), 3447-3450.
Submissions and Working Papers
1. On regional integration, fiscal income and GDP per capita, with Z. Song and J. Tremblay. 2016.
2. Who benefits from partial tax coordination? CREA Discussion paper, 2013-24.
3. Does fiscal equalization reduce regional inequality? 2014.
Research Projects
1. 01.2016-12.2018 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 多维动态辖区竞争及税收协调可行性研究(No. 71503044), 主持人.
2. 01.2014-12.2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 周期边界时空离散反应扩散系统的动力学分析 (No. 11371277), 参与人.
Seminar and Conference Presentations
1. International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF16), Ren presented “On regional integration, fiscal income and GDP per capita”.
1. Public Economic Theory conference (PET14), Seattle: presented “Who benefits from partial tax coordination? ”
1. Singapore Economic Review Conference, Singapore: presented “On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructure”.
2. Public Economic Theory Conference (PET13), Lisbon: presented “On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructure”.
3. 12th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Aix-en-Provence: presented “On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructure”.
1. ERSA Summer School on Fiscal federalism, mobility and policy evaluation, Umeå:
Presented “Asymmetric competition among nation states: a differential game approach”.
2. Public Economic Theory Conference (PET12), Taibei: presented “Asymmetric competition among nation states: a differential game approach”.
3. Workshop DEGIT, Strasbourg: presented “Asymmetric competition among nationstates: a differential game approach”.
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