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分类:导师信息 来源:天津大学 2019-07-28 相关院校:天津大学
运营与供应链管理系 教授 系主任
近5年来,先后以第一作者身份在物流与供应链管理国际高水平学术期刊发表SCI/SSCI检索论文40余篇,出版《服务供应链管理》、《演化与成长:从报关服务走向供应链再造》、《大规模定制化服务模式下物流服务供应链调度理论与方法》、《现代物流服务体系研究》、《物流行业企业管理现代化创新成果》、《物流服务运作与创新》等10部专著,出版教育部主干课程教材《物流与供应链管理》1部,该书被列入“十二五”国家级规划教材。主持1项国家社科基金重大项目、3项国家自然科学基金项目、2项教育部人文社科基金项目以及“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题、中国工程院决策咨询重点课题、国家发改委运行局课题等十多个纵向课题。先后为财政部、商务部、国家开发银行、国家发改委、中国石油西北公司、上海地铁运营公司、中国物流与采购联合会、山西省晋城市发改委、四川自贡市高新区、天津港南港、天津渤化集团、广东林安物流集团、铁道第三勘察设计研究院集团有限公司、深圳物流与采购联合会、北京军盛名世供应链管理公司、中国交通运输协会、深圳怡亚通供应链有限公司等做过30多项物流规划与管理咨询项目。2011年获得中国物流与采购联合会十大专家贡献奖。两次荣获中国物流与采购联合会科技进步一等奖。先后入选天津大学首批北洋青年学者计划(2013年)、天津市“五个一批”人才计划(2015年)和天津市“131”创新型人才培养计划(2013年)。2016年获得The 8th International Workshop on Behavioral Operations Management 最佳论文奖(Best paper award)。还先后获得中国光华科技基金会宝供物流理论创新奖(2017),天津市社会科学优秀成果奖(2017)、天津市高校智库优秀决策咨询研究成果奖(2018)、首届中国智库创新人才奖(2018)、宝供物流奖一等奖(2018),改革开放40周年交通运输与物流杰出专家40人(2018)。先后多次获得中国物流学术年会优秀论文一等奖,并获得天津大学“我心目中的十佳好导师”荣誉称号(2013)。
[1]W.H.Liu, D.Xie. Quality Decision of the Logistics Service Supply Chain with Service Quality Guarantee, International Journal of production research. 2013,51(5),1618-1634, (SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[2]Weihua Liu, Chunling Liu, Meiying Ge, An Order Allocation Model for the Two-Echelon Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory, Journal of Purchasing and Supply management. 2013(19):39-48. (SSCI Indexed)
[3]Wei-hua Liu, Dong Xie, Xue-cai Xu. Quality Supervision and Coordination of Logistic Service Supply Chain under Multi-period Conditions. International Journal of Production Economics. 2013.142(2):353-361. (SCI indexed)
[4]Wei-hua Liu, Xue-cai Xu,Ahmad Kouhpaenejad. Deterministic Approach to the fairest Revenue-sharing Coefficient in Logistics Service Supply Chain under the Stochastic Demand Condition. Computer &Industrial Engineering. 66(2013):41-52. (SCI Indexed)
[5]Weihua Liu, Meiying Ge, Daojian Yang. An Order Allocation Model in a Two-Echelon Logistics Service Supply Chain based on the Rational Expectations Equilibrium. International Journal of Production Research.2013,51(13):3963-3976 ( SCI/SSCI indexed)
[6]Weihua Liu, Yi Yang, Xiang Li, Haitao Xu, Dong Xie. A Time Scheduling Model of Logistics Service Supply Chain with Mass Customized Logistics Service, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2012, Article ID 482978 (SCI Indexed):1-14
[7]Liu Wei-hua, Xu Xue-cai, Ren Zheng-xu, Peng Yan, An Emergency Order Allocation Model Based on Multi-provider in Two-Echelon Logistics Service Supply Chain.Supply Chain Management: an International Journal. 2011,16(6):390-400. (SSCI Indexed)
[8] Wei-hua Liu, Xue-cai Xu, Empirical Study on Strategic Transformation to Supply Chain Service of FTCLC under Global Financial Crisis. African Journal of Business Management.2011. 5(6):2247-2263. (SSCI Indexed)
[9] Weihua Liu, Meiying Ge, Wenchen Xie, Yi Yanga & Haitao Xu. An order allocation model in logistics service supply chain based on the pre-estimate behaviour and competitive-bidding strategy, International Journal of production research. 2014, 52(8): 2327-2344. (SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[10] Weihua Liu, Wenchen Xie, Ping Qiu. The Impact of Carbon Emission Cap and Carbon Trade Mechanism on the Order Decision with Stochastic Demand, International Journal of Shipping and Transportation Logistics. 2015.7(3):347-376(SSCI Indexed)
[11] Weihua Liu, Yuming Mo, Yi Yang, Zi Ye. Decision model of customer order decoupling point on multiple customer demands in logistics service supply chain, Production Planning and Control. 2015. 26(3), 178-202, (SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[12] Weihua Liu, Yi Yang, Haitao Xu, Xiaoyan Liu, Yijia Wang and Zhicheng Liang. A Time Scheduling Model of Logistics Service Supply Chain based on the Customer Order Decoupling Point: A Perspective from the Constant Service Operation Time, The Scientific World Journal. 2014 Article ID 756178.1-23,(SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[13] Weihua Liu, Yijia Wang, Zhicheng Liang, Xiaoyan Liu.The Influence Analysis of Number of Functional Logistics Service Providers on Quality Supervision Game in LSSC with Compensation Strategy. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2014, Article ID 956569:1-16(SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[14] Weihua Liu, Binglian Liu, Ou Tang, Lujie Chen. An Empirical Examination of the Contents and Evolution of the Composing Factors of Logistics Enterprise Competitiveness: A Perspective from China. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Application. 2014,17(6), 459-484(SSCI Indexed)
[15]Weihua Liu, Zhicheng Liang, Yang Liu, Yijia Wang, Qian Wang. A Multi-period Order Allocation Model of two-echelon Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on Inequity Aversion Theory. International Journal of Shipping and Transportation Logistics.2015, 7(2): 197-220. (SSCI Indexed)
[16]Weihua Liu, Haitao Xu, Xinyu Sun, Yi Yang, YumingMo. Order Allocation Research of Logistics Service Supply Chain with Mass Customization Logistics Service. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2013, Article ID 957260, 1-14(SCI Indexed)
[17] Weihua Liu, Zhicheng Liang, Shuqing Wang, Yang Liu, Wenchen Xie. Scheduling Performance Evaluation of Logistics Service Supply Chain based on the Dynamic Index Weight. Mathematical Problems in Engineering.2014. Article 280741 (SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[18] Weihua Liu, Qian Wang, Yang Liu and Donglei Zhu. A Determination Method of Optimal Customization Degree of Logistics Service Supply Chain with Mass Customization Service. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Article 212574(SCI Indexed)
[19] Weihua Liu, Chunling Liu, Xuecai Xu, Xing Bao. An order allocation model in multi-period logistics service supply chain based on cumulative prospect theory and capacity matching constraint. International Journal of Production Research. 2014,52(22): 6608-6626 (SCI indexed)
[20] Juanjuan Qin, Weihua Liu. The optimal replenishment policy under trade credit financing with ramp type demand and demand dependent production rate. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Article 839418 (SCI/SSCI Indexed)
[21] Weihua Liu, Yi Yang, Yang Liu and Shuqing Wang. An Order Insertion Scheduling Model of Logistics Service Supply Chain Considering Capacity and Time Factors. The Scientific World Journal Volume 2014,Article 530678 (SCI Indexed)
[22] Weihua Liu, Dong Xie, Yang Liu, Xiaoyan Liu. Service Capability Procurement Decision in Logistics Service Supply Chain: A Research under Demand Updating and Quality Guarantee. International Journal of Production Research. 2015,53(2), 488-510. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
[23] Weihua Liu, Yijia Wang. Quality Control Game Model in Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on Different Combinations of Risk Attitude. International Journal of Production Economics. 2015,161(1):181–191.( SCI/SSCI indexed)
[24]Shuoguo Wei; Ou Tang; Weihua Liu. Refund policies for cores with quality variation in OEM remanufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics. 170 (2015) 629–640(SCI indexed)
[25] Xiang Li,Ou Tang,Weihua Liu, and Xiaochen Sun. Discrete and Dynamic Optimization Problems in Operations Management 2014. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Volume 2014, Article ID 597980,1-2(SCI indexed)
[26] Weihua Liu, Xiaoyan Liu, Xiang Li. The Two-stage Batch Ordering Strategy of Logistics Service Capacity with Demand Update. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and transportation review. 83 (2015) 65–89. (SCI indexed)
[27]Weihua Liu, Qian Wang, Qiaomei Mao, Shuqing Wang, Donglei Zhu. A scheduling model of logistics service supply chain based on the mass customization service and uncertainty of FLSP’s operation time. Transportation Research Part E 83 (2015) 189–215. ( SCI/SSCI indexed)
[28] Weihua Liu, Zhicheng Liang, Zi Ye, Liang Liu. The Optimal Decision of Customer Order Decoupling Point for Order Insertion Scheduling in Logistics Service Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Economics. 2016,175(1):50-60. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
[29] WeihuaLiu, YangLiu, DongleiZhu, YijiaWang, ZhichengLiang. The influences of demand disruption on logistics service supply chain coordination: A comparison of three coordination modes. International Journal of Production Economics. 2016,179(1): 59–76. (SCI indexed)
[30] Weihua Liu, Enze Bai, Liwei Liu and Wanying Wei. A Framework of Sustainable Service Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Sustainability 2017, 9(3), 421. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
[31] Weihua Liu, Shuqing Wang, Lujie Chen. The role of control power allocation in service supply chains: Model analysis and empirical examination. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management. 23 (2017) 176–190. (SSCI indexed)
[32] Weihua Liu, Shuqing Wang, DongLei Zhu, Di Wang & Xinran Shen. Order allocation of logistics service supply chain with fairness concern and demand updating: model analysis and empirical examination. Annals of Operations Research. 2018,268(1):177-213. (SCI indexed)
[33] Weihua Liu, Xinran Shen, Dong Xie. Decision Method for the Optimal Number of Logistics Service Providers with Service Quality Guarantee and Revenue Fairness. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 48 (2017) 53–69. (SCI indexed)
[34] Weihua Liu, Xuan Zhao, Ou Tang, Haitao Xu. Impacts of demand and supply factors on the capacity scheduling performance of logistics service supply chain with mass customisation service modes: an empirical study from China. Production Planning & Control, 2017, 28(9), 727-743. (SCI/SSCI indexed)
[35]Weihua Liu, Yi Yang, Shuqing Wang, Enze Bai, A Scheduling Model of Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on the Time Windows of the FLSP’s Operation and Customer Requirement. Annals of Operations Research. 2017, Volume 257, Issue 1–2, pp 183–206 (SCI indexed)
[36] Weihua Liu, Runze Wu, Zhicheng Liang, Donglei Zhu. Decision model for the customer order decoupling point considering order insertion scheduling with capacity and time constraints in logistics service supply chain. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 54 (2018) 112–135. (SCI indexed)
[37] Weihua Liu, Donglei Zhu, Yijia Wang. Capacity Procurement in Logistics Service Supply Chain with Demand Updating and Rational Expectation Behavior. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 34, No. 6 (2017) 1750029.1-48(SCI indexed)
[38]Weihua Liu, Di Wang, Ou Tang, Donglei Zhu. The impacts of logistics service integrator’s overconfidence behaviour on supply chain decision under demand surge, European J. of Industrial Engineering, 2018,12(4):558-597(SCI indexed)
[39] Weihua Liu, Di Wang, Xinran Shen, Xiaoyu Yan, Wanying Wei. The Impacts of Distributional and Peer-induced Fairness Concerns on the Decision-making of Order Allocation in Logistics Service Supply Chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and transportation review. 2018,116(1):102-122(SCI indexed)
[40] Weihua Liu, Xiaoyu Yan, Wanying Wei, Dong Xie, Di Wang. Altruistic preference for investment decisions in the logistics service supply chain, European J. Industrial Engineering, 2018,12(4):598-635(SCI indexed)
[41] Weihua Liu, Meili Wang, Donglei Zhu, Li Zhou. Service capacity procurement of logistics service supply chains with demand updating and loss-averse preference, Applied Mathematical Modelling 66 (2019) 486–507. (SCI indexed)
[42]Weihua Liu, Yang Liu, Lujie Chen, Cheng Si, Shangsong Long. Relationship among demand updating, decision-making behaviors and performance in logistics service supply chains: An exploratory study from China. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications: A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management.(Accepted, SSCI indexed, in Press)
[43] Weihua Liu, Xinran Shen, Di Wang. The impacts of dual overconfidence behavior and demand updating on the decisions of port service supply chain: a real case study from China. Annals of Operations Research. DOI 10.1007/s10479-018-3095-5 . (SCI indexed, in Press)
[44]Weihua Liu, Di Wang, Xuan Zhao, Cheng Si, Ou Tang. The framework for designing new logistics service product: A multi-case investigation in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logisitcs.2019.13 March . (SSCI indexed, in Press)
[45]Weihua Liu, Xiaoyu Yan, Wanying Wei, Dong Xie. Pricing decisions for service platform with provider’s threshold participating quantity, value-added service and matching ability. Transportation Research Part E 122 (2019) 410–432
[46]Weihua Liu, Cheng Si, Xiaosong Peng. The effect of mergers and acquisitions announcements on shareholder value of Chinese logistics companies. Int. J. Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2019.13 March . (SSCI indexed, in Press)
[47]Weihua Liu, Di Wang, Shangsong Rong, Xinran Shen, Victor Shi.Service Supply Chain Management: A Behavioural Operations Perspective. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications. (In Press)
[1] 葛基中,刘伟华著,《夹缝中生存——打造利润之舟》,百花出版社,2008
[2] 刘伟华,刘希龙著,《服务供应链管理》,中国物资出版社,2009
[3] 葛基中,刘伟华,汪敏著,《演化与成长:从报关服务走向供应链再造》,中国海关出版社,2010
[4] 冯耕中,刘伟华编著,《物流与供应链管理》.中国人民大学出版社.2010
[5] 贺登才,刘伟华著,《现代物流服务体系研究》,中国物资出版社,2011
[6] 贺登才,刘伟华编著,《中国物流管理优秀案例(2010)》,中国物资出版社,2011
[7] 贺登才,刘伟华编著,《中国物流管理优秀案例(2011)》,中国物资出版社,2012
[8] 贺登才,刘伟华编著,《物流行业企业管理现代化创新成果报告(2012-2013))》,中国财富出版社,2013
[9] 贺登才,刘伟华编著,《物流行业企业管理现代化创新成果报告(2013-2014))》,中国财富出版社,2014
[10] 冯耕中,刘伟华编著,《物流与供应链管理》(第2版).中国人民大学出版社.2014(国家十二五规划教材)
[10] 贺登才,刘伟华编著,《物流行业企业管理现代化创新成果报告(2015-2016))》,中国财富出版社,2016
[11] 刘伟华,刘希龙编著. 物流服务运作与创新. 清华大学出版社,2017
[12] 刘伟华,刘希龙著. 《大规模定制化服务模式下物流服务供应链调度理论与方法》. 中国财富出版社,2017
[13] 贺登才,刘伟华著,《现代物流服务体系研究》(第2版),中国财富出版社,2018
[1]绿色农产品供应链成本分析软件. 2010R11L092520.2010(排名第1)
[2]国家标准《冷链物流分类与基本要求》(GB/T 28577-2012),2012,(排名第3)
[1] 2013年9月10日,获得天津大学第六届“我心目中的十佳好导师”荣誉称号(天津大学研究生会、博士生会及各学院研究生会联合评选,全校仅10位)
[2] 2011年9月,被中国物流与采购联合会评为“中物联十大专家贡献奖”(全国仅10位,高校仅4位)
[3] 2014年,政策咨询报告被中国物流与采购联合会全文采纳,主要观点纳入国务院发布的《物流业发展中长期规划(2014-2020年)》(国发〔2014〕42 号)
[4]2016年12月和2017年12月,2次荣获 The 8th International Workshop on Behavioral Operations Management 最佳论文奖(Best paper award)
[5] 2012年5月,荣获2011年度天津大学“教工先锋岗”先进个人
[7] 2015年10月,获得中国物流与采购联合会科技进步一等奖(省部级科技奖,排名第1)
[8] 2013年10月,获得中国物流与采购联合会科技进步一等奖(省部级科技奖,排名第2)
[9] 2012年9月,获得中国物流与采购联合会科技进步二等奖(省部级科技奖,排名第1)
[10] 2013年10月,获得中国物流与采购联合会科技进步三等奖(省部级科技奖,排名第1)
[11] 2013年11月,入选天津市高校2013年度“131”创新型人才第二层次计划
[12] 2006、2009、2010、2011、2012、2014、2015、2016、2017年8次荣获中国物流学会优秀论文一等奖
[13] 2006、2007、2008、2010年4次荣获中国物流学会优秀课题一等奖
[14] 2007、2008、2009、2010、2011年5次荣获天津市社会科学界学术年会优秀奖
[15] 2008年被评为中国物流学会首批优秀特约研究员
[16] 2010年被评为中国物流学会优秀会员
[17] 2010年获得第二届物华图书奖一等奖
[18] 2010年度荣获天津大学青年教师讲课大赛三等奖
[19] 2011年6月荣获天津大学管理与经济学部优秀共产党员和天津大学优秀共产党员称号
[20] 2016年6月荣获天津大学管理与经济学部优秀共产党员标兵称号
[21] 2016年4月指导的学生队伍荣获“郑明杯”第五届全国大学生物流设计大赛一等奖,获得优秀指导教师称号
[22] 2017年11月,主持完成的研究成果“基于供需双不确定环境的物流服务供应链协调机制研究”荣获2017年度“宝供物流奖”二等奖。
[22] 2017年11月,指导的学生队伍荣获第二届“日日顺物流创客训练营”大学生创业项目最高奖——金奖。
[23] 2018年5月,主持完成的科研课题成果获天津市第十五届社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖
[24] 2016、2017、2018年指导的硕士研究生毕业论文获得天津大学校级优秀硕士学位论文
[25] 2018年10月,荣获中国智库创新人才青年标兵奖
[26] 2018年11月,《大规模定制化服务模式下物流服务供应链调度理论与方法》荣获2018年度“宝供物流奖”一等奖
[27] 2018年12月,获得“改革开放40周年交通运输与物流杰出专家40人”荣誉称号
[2]科技部国家重点研发计划“智慧物流与智能服务”子课题(2018YFB1601401),2019.3 -2022.3,负责人
[3] 国家自然科学基金项目“需求更新环境下考虑提供商策略行为的物流服务供应链协调机制研究”(71672121),2017.1-2020.12,负责人
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目“大规模定制服务模式下物流服务供应链调度问题研究” (71372156),2014.1-2017.12,负责人
[5] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于供需双不确定环境的物流服务供应链协调机制研究, 2010-2012,负责人,(国家自然基金后评估优秀)
[7] 教育部人文社科基金项目,“基于提供商战略行为和横向竞争的物流服务供应链协调研究”(13YJC630098) ,2013.6-2016.6,负责人
[8] 教育部人文社科基金应急项目,金融危机环境下外贸型物流企业战略转型研究:理论与实证, 2009-2010,负责人
[9] 国家科技支撑计划子课题,绿色农产品封闭供应链流程优化与成本控制研究, 2008-2010,负责人
[10] 中国物流与采购联合会, 现代物流服务体系研究, 2010,负责人
[11] 中国物流与采购联合会,我国物流业发展现状、问题与趋势研究, 2010,负责人
[12] 国家发改委经济运行局,促进我国制造业与物流业联动发展的有关问题研究, 2008,负责人
[13] 国家发改委经济运行局,制造业与物流业联动发展示范工程研究, 2009,负责人
[14] 晋城市现代物流发展战略规划(2011-2020),山西省晋城市发展与改革委员会,2010-2011,负责人
[15] 天津大学北洋青年骨干教师计划项目,2013-2014,负责人
[16] 天津大学北洋青年学者项目,2014-2015,负责人
[17] 需求更新环境下考虑提供商决策行为的物流服务供应链协调机制研究,天津大学高水平论文项目,2014.1-2014.12,负责人
[1] 中国物流学会副会长
[2] 教育部物流工程与管理教学指导委员会委员
[3] 教育部物流工程与管理教学指导委员会青年工作组组长
[4] 中国物流与采购联合会物流专家
[5] 全国物流标准化技术委员会委员
[6] 中国运筹学会SSOM分会副秘书长
[7] 中国运筹学会BOM分会理事
[8] 中国系统工程学会可持续运营管理分会常务理事
[9] 中国城市物流中心特聘专家
[10] 天津市绿色供应链标准化委员会委员
[11] 《物流时代》杂志特邀专家
[12] 国家开发银行物流流通领域专家
[15] Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,Topics Editor(s)-in-Chief
[16] International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling,Editor
[17]Special issue on Discrete and Dynamic Optimization Problems in Operations Management 2014, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Guest editor. 2014-2015.
[18] International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, Editor-in-chief.
[19] Smart supply chain and intelligent logistics service. Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review. Guest editor, 2019-2020
[20] Platform service supply chain: Opportunity and challenge. International Journal of Production Economics. Guest editor, 2019-2020
[1] 面向产业集群的供应链集成服务系统创新技术开发与实践,浙江中捷环洲供应链股份公司,2013,负责人
[2] 自贡高新技术开发区现代物流产业发展战略规划与规划执行(2013-2020)(战略技术设计与开发部分),深圳市怡亚通供应链股份有限公司,2013,负责人
[3] 工业领域物流与供应链管理技术与方法研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2013,负责人
[4] 国家开发银行拉美物流发展规划,中国物流与采购联合会,2013,负责人
[5] 浙江中捷环洲供应链集团公司物流案例精编,浙江中捷环洲供应链股份公司,2012,负责人
[6] 中国物流学会网站系统设计,中国物流学会,2012,负责人
[7] 中国物流管理优秀案例精编,中国物流与采购联合会,2012,负责人
[8] 宝供物流商业价值分析,广州宝供物流集团公司,2011,负责人
[9] 上海欣海报关公司发展战略研究,上海浦东新区报关中心,2009,负责人
[10] 报关物流与供应链的演化模式研究,上海浦东新区报关中心,2009,负责人
[11] 轨道交通行业物资供应评价指标KPI体系及测度研究.上海宝信软件股份有限公司,2013-2015.负责人
[12] 我国物流业中长期发展战略研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2014.负责人
[13] 物流业与工业融合发展的政策研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2014.负责人
[14] 南港散货物流园区运营模式策划,天津市交通建筑设计院,2015.负责人
[16] 林安物流集团中长期发展战略规划(2016-2020),广东林安物流集团,2015-2016,负责人
[15] 铁路物流园区开发运营与投融资管理的关键设计技术合同,铁道第三勘察设计研究院集团有限公司,2015-2016,负责人
[16] “互联网+”时代物流及供应链战略及政策研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2016,负责人
[18] 供应链管理模型及评价指标体系研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2016-2017,负责人
[19] 中卫市现代物流产业(2017-2025)政策及重点项目设计. 中国城市物流研究中心, 2017,负责人
[20] 无车承运人相关政策研究. 中国物流与采购联合会, 2017,负责人
[21] 上海申通地铁集团供应链发展战略“十三五”规划研究. 上海申通地铁集团, 2017-2018,负责人
[22] 天津港(集团)有限公司(集装箱)服务指标评价体系研究项目. 中国城市物流研究中心, 2018,负责人
[24] 中国外运智慧物流研究.中国物流与采购联合会.2018,负责人
[25] 服务型制造供应链模式创新研究.中国物流与采购联合会.2018,负责人
[26] 晶硅光伏产品绿色供应链系统设计. 深圳市怡亚通供应链股份有限公司,2017.12-2018.6,负责人
[27] 上海地铁物资库存指标的定额分析与评价研究,中国物流与采购联合会,2019.4-2019.12,负责人
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