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分类:导师信息 来源:武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2019-07-15 相关院校:武汉理工大学
1998 年9 月-2002 年6 月,武汉理工大学,材料学院材料科学与工程系,获工学学士学
2002 年9 月-2004 年6 月,武汉理工大学,材料学院材料科学与工程系,获工学硕士学位
2004 年9 月-2007 年6 月,武汉理工大学,材料学院材料科学与工程系,获工学博士学位
2007 年7 月—2009 年9 月,武汉理工大学,材料学院无机非金属材料系,讲师
2009 年7 月—今,武汉理工大学,材料学院无机非金属材料系,副教授
1. 浮法锂铝硅微晶玻璃二次不混溶的形成机理及结构表征,国家自然科学基金,2009-2011
2. 固体废弃物微晶玻璃的材料设计与性能优化
[1] Weihong Zheng, Mozhou Lin, Jinshu Cheng. Effect of phase Separation on the Crystallization and Properties of Lithium Aluminosilicate Glass[1]Ceramics. Glass Physics and Chemistry, 2013, 39(2), pp. 142–149.
[2] Zheng Weihong, Dai Yang, Lin Mozhou, Yang Kun, Wu Hao. The effect of fluorine on the viscosity and crystallization of lithium aluminosilicate glasses. Key Engineering Materials, 2012, 509, pp. 346-352
[3] Yang, Kun, Zheng, Weihong, Cheng, Jinshu. Effect of Li2O on viscosity and thermal expansion of silicate glass. 2011 7th International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, ICMENS, 2011, pp70-74.
[4] Song, Shuxin, Zheng, Weihong, Yang, Kun, Deng, Wei. The phase transformation of R2O-CaO-SiO2-F glass-ceramics. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition. 2010, 25(1),pp49.
[5] Tian, Peijing, Cheng, Jinshu, Zheng, Weihong, Li, Hong. The influence of reductant on the crystallization of CaO-MgO-SiO2 glass. Thermochimica Acta. 2009, 494(1-2),pp30.
[6] Cheng, Jinshu, Tian, Peijing, Zheng, Weihong, Xie, Jun, Chen, Zhenxia. Preparation and spectral analysis of a new Tb3+-doped CaO-MgO-SiO2 glass ceramics. Journal of alloys and compounds, 2009, 471(1-2), pp470-470.
[7] Zheng, Weihong, Cheng, Jinshu, Tang, Liying, Quan, Jian, Cao, Xin. Effect of Y2O3 addition on viscosity and crystallization of the lithium aluminosilicate glasses. Thermochimica Acta. 2007,456(1),pp69.
[8] Zheng Weihong, Cheng Jinshu, Li Hong, Quan Jian, Shi Lifen. Structure and properties of the lithium aluminosilicate glasses with yttria addition. Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition. 2007,22(2),pp362.
[9] Zheng, WH, Cheng, JS, Quan, J, Lou, XC, Liu, J. Crystallization and properties of some CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system glass-ceramics with Y2O3 addition. Transactions of nonferrous metals society of china. 2006, 16,pp 105.
[10] Xu, Ying, Cheng, Jinshu, Zheng, Weihong, Gao, Deqiang. Study on the preparation and properties of silver-doped borosilicate antibacterial glass. Journal of non-crystalline solids. 2008, 354(12-13), pp1342.
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