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分类:导师信息 来源:华中农业大学 2019-06-01 相关院校:华中农业大学
1988.09-1992.07 山东大学生物系 理学学士
1992.08-1997.01 中国科学院生物物理研究所 理学博士
1997.02-1998.10 山东师范大学生命科学学院 讲师
1998.11-2000.06 山东师范大学生命科学学院 教授
2000.07-2009.01 山东理工大学生命科学学院 教授、博导
2009.02-2014.06 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 教授、博导
2014.07至今 华中农业大学信息学院 院长(农业生物信息湖北省重点实验室主任、楚天学者特聘教授)
先后主持国家自然科学基金6项、973项目课题1项。在国际期刊发表SCI论文160余篇,SCI他引3000余次。1篇论文被Thomson Scientific评为Top 1%论文,1篇论文入选Faculty of 1000 Biology,1篇论文入选ScienceDirect Top 25 热点论文。取得的主要科研进展如下:
1.蛋白质起源:基于小分子的保守性,使用小分子作为分子化石追溯了蛋白质的起源历程,提出“蛋白质起源的小分子诱导/选择模型”,得到初步实验结果的支持(Ji et al. 2007)。
2.代谢进化:根据代谢物分子化石的地质年代,标定了蛋白质结构的分子钟,追溯了有氧代谢起源等重要进化事件,深化了对生物化学与地球化学共进化的认识(Wang et al. 2011;Kim et al. 2012);用化学信息学方法探讨了代谢产物在化学空间中的进化规律,揭示了代谢网络组织与进化的化学基础,解释了氧气促进代谢进化的分子机制(Zhu et al. 2011;Jiang et al. 2012)。
3.系统调控与进化:用药物作为分子探针,结合其作用靶标信息,鉴别出12个转录因子与基因模块之间的调控网络(Xiong et al. 2014);将3D基因组学引入进化领域,从染色质空间组织的角度探讨了重复基因维持剂量平衡的机制(Xie et al. 2016)。
4.药物发现:将进化生物学的概念和方法引入药物发现领域,揭示了药物靶标的进化特征和天然产物多靶标作用的进化起源(Ji et al. 2009;Zhang et al. 2010);从靶标遗传学角度揭示了药物活性的决定机制,建立了药物活性预测的系统化学遗传学方法(Wang and Zhang 2013)。
1. Xie T., Yang Q.-Y., Wang X.-T., McLysaght A.*,Zhang H.-Y.* (2016) Spatial colocalization of human ohnolog pairs acts to maintain dosage-balance. Mol. Biol. Evol. 33: 2368-2375. (*corresponding authors)
2. Xiong M., Li B., Zhu Q., Wang Y.-X.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2014) Identification of transcription factors for drug-associated gene modules and biomedical implications. Bioinformatics 30: 305-309. (*corresponding author)
3. Peng C.*, Fu L.-Y., Dong P.-F., Deng Z.-L., Li J.-X., Wang X.-T.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2013) The sequencing bias relaxed characteristics of Hi-C derived data and implications for chromatin 3D modeling. Nucleic Acids Res. 41: e183. (*corresponding authors)
4. Wang Z.-Y.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2013) Rational drug repositioning by medical genetics. Nat. Biotechnol. 31: 1080-1082. (*corresponding author)
5. Jiang Y.-Y., Kong D.-X., Qin T., Li X., Caetano-Anollés G.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2012) The impact of oxygen on metabolic evolution: a chemoinformatic investigation. PLoS Comput. Biol. 8: e1002426. (*corresponding author)
6. Kim K. M., Qin T., Jiang Y.-Y., Chen L.-L., Xiong M., Caetano-Anollés D.,Zhang H.-Y.*, Caetano-Anollés G.* (2012) Protein domain structure uncovers the origin of aerobic metabolism and the rise of planetary oxygen. Structure 20: 67-76. (*corresponding authors) (Preview: Saito, M. A. Structure 2012, 20: 1-2) (Featured by Science News: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/01/the-first-oxygen-users.html)
7. Wang M., Jiang Y.-Y., Kim K. M., Qu G., Ji H.-F., Mittenthal J. E.,Zhang H.-Y.*, Caetano-Anollés G.* (2011) A universal molecular clock of protein folds and its power in tracing the early history of aerobic metabolism and planet oxygenation. Mol. Biol. Evol. 28: 567-582. (*corresponding authors)
8. Zhu Q., Qin T., Jiang Y.-Y., Ji C., Kong D.-X., Ma B.-G.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2011) Chemical basis of metabolic network organization. PLoS Comput. Biol. 7: e1002214. (*corresponding author)
9.Zhang H.-Y.*, Chen L.-L., Li, X.-J., Zhang J. (2010) Evolutionary inspirations for drug discovery. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 31: 443-448. (*corresponding author)
10. Ji H.-F., Li X.-J.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2009) Natural products and drug discovery. EMBO Rep. 10: 194-200. (*corresponding author)
11. Ji H.-F., Kong D.-X., Shen L., Chen L.-L., Ma B.-G.,Zhang H.-Y.* (2007) Distribution patterns of small-molecule ligands in the protein universe and implications for origin of life and drug discovery. Genome Biol. 8: R176. (*corresponding author)
12.Zhang H.-Y.*, Sun Y.-M., Wang X.-L. (2003) Substituent effects on O-H bond dissociation enthalpies and ionization potentials of catechols: a DFT study and its implications in rational design of phenolic antioxidants and elucidation of structure-activity relationships for flavonoid antioxidants. Chem. Eur. J. 9: 502-508. (*corresponding author) (ESI Top 1% paper)
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