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分类:导师信息 来源:大连理工大学管理与经济学部 2019-05-13 相关院校:大连理工大学
1985.9-1988.7 长春光学精密机械研究所 光学仪器 硕士
1978.10-1982.7 吉林大学 物理学 学士
1997.6-至今 大连理工大学 副教授
1988.7-1997.5 抚顺石油学院 副教授
1982.7-1985.8 抚顺石油化工研究院 工程师
[1]Qu, Ling,Yang, Guangfei,Pan, Donghua.An empirical analysis of the chronergy of the impact of web search volume on the premiere box Office[A],18th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences, KSS 2017,2017,780:162-174
[3]Wu, Jiangning,Ku, Xiangjie,Pan, Donghua.An empirical study on how empowering leadership affects the team creativity[A],2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY ANDSECURITY COMPANION (QRS-C),2017,464-471
[4]Wu, Jiangning,Zhao, Hang,Pan, Donghua.Effects of Different Trust on Team Creativity: Taking Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator[A],17th Annual International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences(KSS),2016,660:44-56
[5]Pan Donghua,Wang Xudong,Xia Haoxiang.Research on the DMC-based Patent Analysis[A],IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability andSecurity Companion (QRS-C),2016,217-221
[9]吴江宁,潘东华.Computational Modeling of Process of Transactive Memory Formation in Work Teams[A],The 15th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS2014),2014
[12]Pan, Donghua,Sun, Jun.RESEARCH ON THEMATIC WORD EXTRACTION BASED ON HIGH QUALITY DATA SOURCES ON THE WEB[A],3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development(ICCTD 2011),2012,549-553
[13]Pan, Donghua,Li, Juan.SPECTRAL CLUSTERING WITH A NEW SIMILARITY MEASURE[A],3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development(ICCTD 2011),2012,437-441
[14]吴江宁,潘东华.Temporal Topic Chain Mining Method based on the Scientific Literature[A],The 13th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS2012),2012,117-122
[15]Wu, Jiangning,Xuan, Zhaoguo,Pan, Donghua.ENHANCING TEXT REPRESENTATION FOR CLASSIFICATION TASKS WITH SEMANTIC GRAPH STRUCTURES[J],6th International Symposium on Management Engineering (ISME 2009),2011,7(5B,SI):2689-2698
[16]潘东华.Uncertain Data Cluetser based on DBSCAN[A],The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology, July 26-28, 2011, Hangzhou, China,2011,4:3781-3784
[17]潘东华.SPECTRAL CLUSTERING WITH A NEW SIMILARITY MEASURE[A],Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, Chengdu, China,2011,3:437-442
[18]潘东华.Research on thematic word extraction based on high quality data sources on the Web, Nov. 25-27, Chengdu, China[A],3th International Conference on Computer Technology and Development,2011,3:549-553
[19]夏昊翔,宣照国,潘东华.A Meta-Model for Studying the Coevolution of Knowledge and Collaboration Networks[A],5th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management,2011,404-413
[20]吴江宁,潘东华.Evaluation of Technological Influence Power of Enterprises through the Enterprise Citation Network[J],International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences,2011,2(1):32-42
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