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分类:导师信息 来源:西北农林科技大学园艺学院 2019-01-28 相关院校:西北农林科技大学
1. 基本信息
李好,男,1986年11月生,山东省菏泽市人,副教授,博士,硕士生导师。2009年毕业于山东农业大学园艺学院,获农学学士学位;20014年毕业于浙江大学园艺学院,获农学博士学位;同年7月到西北农林科技大学蔬菜系任教。《Plant Cell Reports》、《Scientia Horticulturae》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》等国际SCI期刊审稿人。
2. 研究方向
3. 教学工作
4. 科研项目
5. 科研获奖情况
6. 主要学术论著
Li H, Mo YL, Cui Q, Yang XZ, Guo YL, Wei CH, Yang JQ, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2019. Transcriptomic and physiological analyses reveal drought adaptation strategies in drought-tolerant and -susceptible watermelon genotypes. Plant Science, 278: 32-43. (IF="3.71)
Li H, Yang XZ, Chen HJ, Cui Q, Yuan GL, Han XC, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2018. Water requirement characteristics and the optimal irrigation schedule for the growth, yield, and fruit quality of watermelon under plastic film mulching. Scientia Horticulturae, 241: 74-82. (IF="1.76)
Li H, Chang JJ, Zheng JX, Dong YC, Liu QY, Yang XZ, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Zhang X. 2017. Local melatonin application induces cold tolerance in distant organs of Citrullus lanatus L. via long distance transport. Scientific Reports, 7: 40858. (IF="4.12) (高被引论文)
Li H, Chang JJ, Chen HJ, Wang ZY, Gu XR, Wei CH, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2017. Exogenous melatonin confers salt stress tolerance to watermelon by improving photosynthesis and redox homeostasis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 295. (IF= 4.30)
Li H, He J, Yang X, Li X, Luo D, Wei CH, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2016. Glutathione-dependent induction of local and systemic defense against oxidative stress by exogenous melatonin in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Journal of pineal research, 60: 206-216. (中科院一区TOP期刊,IF="11.61)
Li H, Wang Y, Wang Z, Guo X, Wang F, Xia XJ, Zhou J, Shi K, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2016. Micro and genetic analysis reveals that csa-miR159b plays a critical role in abscisic acid-mediated heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 39: 1790-1804. (中科院一区TOP期刊,IF= 6.17)
Li H, Ahammed GJ, Zhou GN, Xia XJ, Zhou J, Shi K, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2016. Unraveling main limiting sites of photosynthesis under below and above ground heat stress in cucumber and the alleviatory role of luffa rootstock. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 746. (IF= 4.30)
Li H, Dong YC, Chang JJ, He J, Chen HJ, Liu QY, Wei CH, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2016. High-throughput microRNA and mRNA sequencing reveals that microRNAs may be involved in melatonin-mediated cold tolerance in Citrullus lanatus L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1231. (IF= 4.30)
Li H, Liu SS, Yi CY, Wang F, Zhou J, Xia XJ, Shi K, Zhou YH, Yu JQ. 2014. Hydrogen peroxide mediates abscisic acid-induced HSP70 accumulation and heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 37: 2768-2780. (中科院一区TOP期刊,IF= 6.17)
Li H, Wang F, Chen XJ, Shi K, Xia XJ, Considine MJ, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2014. The sub/supra-optimal temperature-induced inhibition of photosynthesis and oxidative damage in cucumber leaves are alleviated by grafting onto figleaf gourd/luffa rootstocks. Physiologia Plantarum, 152: 571-584. (IF="3.33)
Li H, Wang XM, Chen L, Ahammed GJ, Xia XJ, Shi K, Considine MJ, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2013. Growth temperature-induced changes in biomass accumulation, photosynthesis and glutathione redox homeostasis as influenced by hydrogen peroxide in cucumber. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 71: 1-10. (IF="2.72)
Wei CH, Chen XE, Wang ZY, Liu QY, Li H, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang X. 2017. Genetic mapping of the lobed leaf 1 (CLLL1) gene to a 127.6-kb region in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.). Plos One, 12: e0180741.
Zhang HF, Wei CH, Yang XZ, Chen HJ, Yang YC, Mo YL, Li H, Zhang Y, Ma JX, Yang JQ, Zhang Xian. 2017. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of calcium‑dependent protein kinase and its related kinase gene families in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Plos One, 12: e0176352.
Liu S, Li H, Lv XZ, Ahammed GJ, Xia XJ, Zhou J, Shi K, Asami T, Yu JQ, Zhou YH. 2016. Grafting cucumber onto luffa improves drought tolerance by increasing aba biosynthesis and sensitivity. Scientific Reports, 6: 20212.
Mo YL, Yang RP, Liu LH, Gu XR, Yang XZ, Wang YQ, Zhang Xian, Li H. 2015. Growth, photosynthesis and adaptive responses of wild and domesticated watermelon genotypes to drought stress and subsequent re-watering. Plant Growth Regulation, 79: 1-13.
Mo YL, Wang YQ, Yang RP, Zheng JX, Liu CM, Li H, J Ma JX, Y Zhang Y, Wei CH, Zhang X. 2016. Regulation of plant growth, photosynthesis, antioxidation and osmosis by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in watermelon seedlings under well-watered and drought conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(454).
Yang RP, Mo YL, Liu CM, Wang YQ, Ma JX, Zhang Y, Li H, Zhang X. 2016. The effects of cattle manure and garlic rotation on soil under continuous cropping of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus l.). Plos One, 11: e0156515.
何洁,顾秀容,魏春华,杨小振,李好,马建祥,张 勇,杨建强,张显. 2016.西瓜bHLH 转录因子家族基因的鉴定及其在非生物胁迫下的表达分析. 园艺学报, 43: 281-294.
杨瑞平,刘长命,莫言玲,李好,马建祥,张 勇,张显. 2016. 两个甜瓜材料对白粉病的抗性差异及其生理生化机制研究. 园艺学报, 43: 724-734.
马建祥,张显,张勇,李好,相中信,杨瑞平. 2016. 西瓜新品种“陕农10号”的选育. 北方园艺,(10): 151-153.
张勇,张显,马建祥,李好,魏春华,杨建强. 2016. 厚皮甜瓜新品种“农大甜2号”的选育. 北方园艺,(18):171-173.
王永琦,杨小振,莫言玲,郑俊騫,张勇,马建祥,李好,张 显. 2016. 西瓜雄性不育系‘Se18’抗氧化酶活性和内源激素含量变化分析. 园艺学报, 43:2161–2172.
7. 发明专利
张显,莫言玲,马建祥,张勇,杨建强,李好,刘炼红,杨瑞平. 2017. 西瓜苗期抗旱性的评价方法. ZL201510172150.5. 2017.
8. 参与选育品种
2017. 农大甜4号. 陕瓜登字2016010号.
2017. 陕农3号. 陕瓜登字2016004号.
2016. 农大甜7号. 陕瓜登字2015003号.
2016. 陕农4号. 陕瓜登字2015009号.
9. 联系方式
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺学院
Email: yuanyilihao123@163.com;lhyy@nwafu.edu.cn
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