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分类:导师信息 来源:北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院 2018-06-04 相关院校:北京交通大学
姓 名: 盛强
出生年月: 1978年8月30日
毕业院校: 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学
性 别: 男
民 族: 汉
职 务: 无
职 称: 副教授
办公电话: 51683713
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区上园村3号
电子邮件: qsheng@bjtu.edu.cn
建筑学学士 (1997-2002,哈尔滨工业大学/原哈尔滨建筑大学建筑学院)
城市学硕士 (2002-2004,荷兰代尔夫特工业大学建筑学院)
城市学博士 (2005-2011,荷兰代尔夫特工业大学建筑学院)
英国地理学术期刊《Geography Compass》论文外审评委。
Sheng Q., Unraveling the spatial patterns of everyday life in Chinese cities – a comparative study between Beijing and Tianjin [J], in: Geography Compass, 2014 (9), Vol.8, pp.601-616.
盛强,Stephen Read. 荷兰城市学博士教育经验——以代尔夫特理工大学为例 [J], 中国建筑教育,2014,7,pp.34-38.
盛强,苑思楠,Jordan A. Kanter, 过程-模拟-介入——以processing工具为基础的开放性设计教学实践[J], 中国建筑教育,2013,6,pp.89-94.
Sheng, Q., Hierarchies Produced by Scale-structure: Food Markets in the Third Ring of Beijing [J], in: Built Environment, 2013, Vol. 39 (2), pp.297-311.
盛强,韩林飞,北京旧城商业分布分析——基于运动网络的层级结构 [J],天津大学学报(社会科学版),2013,15(2),pp.122-130.
Sheng,Q,Pekin'in Merkez Bölgesindeki Yiyecek Pazarlarının Mekânsal Koşulları [J] in: Betonart, 2010,vol. 28, pp.52-55.
Sheng,Q and Han, L, Movement Technologies, Scale Structure and Metropolitan Life – an Empirical Research on the Effects of the Transportation System on the Metropolitan Process in Beijing [J], in Footprint, 2009(5), TU Delft press, pp.81-104.
Sheng,Q, Spatial ‘Complexity’: Analysis of the Evolution of Beijing’s Movement Network and its Effects on Urban Functions [J], in Footprint, 2008 (3), TU Delft press, pp. 31-42.
盛强,城市迷宫:空间、过程和复杂系统[J],《世界建筑》2005, 185,pp.92-95.
Sheng, Q., Li, M., Zhang, X., Location does not matter in the informational age? – a case study on the distribution of restaurants listed in ‘dazhongdianping’ in Beijing [C], the 11th Environment and Behavior Research Association Conference Proceedings, 2014.11. (获优秀论文奖)
Sheng, Q., Unravel the spatial pattern of everyday life –comparative study between Beijing and Tianjin [C], the 4th Urban Space and Social Life conference, 2013-6.
Sheng, Q., Spatial logic of virtual business – a case study on the distribution of restaurants listed in Da Zhong Dian Pin in Beijing [C], the 7th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism proceedings, 2013-10.
Sheng, Q., A morphological study on Tianjin’s hybrid urban form at city and local scale [C], Y.O.Kim, H.T.Park and K.W.Seo eds. Proceedings of the ninth Space Syntax Symposium, Seoul: Sejong University,2013, pp.118:1-17.
Sheng,Q. and Chen, T.,Research on the relationship between street pattern and vitality of urban blocks –examples in central area of Beijing and Tianjin [C], “长效建筑”国际会议论文集,2012,pp.434-450。
Sheng, Q. Hidden Empire -- a research on the structures and organizations of China Town in Netherlands[C]. In: National Supervision Board of Architectural Education (Ed.), Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Architectural Education. 2007, Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, pp. 495-499.
Sheng, Q., Changing centralities - spatial conditions for sustainable urban places, in HJ Rosemann (Ed.), PermaCity. Delft: IFoU (ISBN 978-90-78658-05-4). 2007, pp. 197-201.
Sheng, Q., Hidden Empire -- a research on the structures and organizations of China Town in Netherlands. In National Supervision Board of Architectural Education (Ed.), Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Architectural Education. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press (ISBN 978-7-112-09522-3). 2007, pp. 495-499.
Budiarto, L., & Sheng, Q., Locating Identity in contemporary urban placescapes[C], in: V Wang, Q Sheng, & C Sezer (Eds.), Modernization and Regionalism. Re-inventing Urban Identity, Delft: International Forum on Urbanism, 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 729-735.
Sheng, Q., “Re-placing" the urban identities - urban space as a generator and differentiator of "Identities". In V Wang, Q Sheng, & C Sezer (Eds.), Modernization and Regionalism. Re-inventing Urban Identity. Delft: International Forum on Urbanism, 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 783-790.
Sheng, Q., Urban labyrinth: rebuilding everyday life in Beijing's inner city[C]. In A van Nes (Ed.), 5th international space syntax symposium proceedings. Amsterdam: Techne Press, 2005.
Bohui, L, & Sheng, Q., Heterochrony modernism[C], in: s.n. (Ed.), mAAN- modern Asian Architecture Network, Istanbul: ITU Istanbul Technical University, 2005, pp. 118-126.
盛强,苑思楠,Jordan Kanter, 过程-模拟-介入——以Processing工具为基础的开放性设计教学实践[C], 计算性设计与分析,2013年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学研讨会论文集, pp.54-59.
盛强,酒香不怕巷子深?——基于大众点评网的北京餐饮业空间分布研究[C], 全球网络中的城市与区域发展,2013年国外城市规划学术委员会年会论文集.
盛强,自上而下还是自下而上?——以复合寻路逻辑的AB模型为基础分析历史北京商业活动分布[C], 2012年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学研讨会论文集《数据、编码、协同》,pp.94-100。
盛强,内向还是外向?——不同形态街区小商业聚集的空间规律 [C],第十届环境行为研究国际学术研讨会论文集,2012,pp. 93.
盛强 (2007),虚拟城市——涌现的结构还是结构下的涌现 [M],段进与Bill Hillier等编著《空间句法与城市规划》,东南大学出版社,pp.172-179.
Sheng, Q. Changing centralities - spatial conditions for sustainable urban places [M], in: HJ Rosemann (Ed.), PermaCity. Delft: IFoU (ISBN 978-90-78658-05-4). 2007, pp. 197-201.
Sheng, Q. Virtual, emergence and resilience of contemporary urban place [M]. In: PA Healy & GJB Bruyns (Eds.), De-/signing the urban. Technogenesis and the urban image, Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2006, pp. 360-373.
Sheng, Q. Urban Labyrinth: rebuilding everyday life in Beijing's Baofang Hutong district[M]. In D Hauptmann (Ed.), The body in architecture (Delft School of Design Series on Architecture and Urbanism), Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2006, pp. 278-291.
2013年 北洋学者青年骨干教师
2000年迅达杯全国建筑系大学生建筑设计竞赛 一等奖
2012年作为第一指导教师指导的学生方案“Slum FIFA”获霍普杯国际学生设计竞赛优秀奖。
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