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分类:导师信息 来源:湖南师范大学生命科学学院 2018-05-16 相关院校:湖南师范大学
姓名: 刘少军
学科: 发育生物学
研究方向: 鱼类生殖细胞发育及遗传育种
电话 / 传真: 0731-88873010 /0731-88873074
电子邮件: lsj@hunnu.edu.cn
刘少军, 1962 年生,男,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,湖南省 “ 芙蓉学者 ” 特聘教授,湖南省科技领军人才,全国优秀科技工作者,全国优秀教师,教育部跨世纪优秀人才,湖南省优秀中青年专家,国务院政府特殊津贴享受者, 湖南省 “ 芙蓉学者计划 ” 第三届成就奖获得者, 湖南省首届优秀科技工作者, 湖南省五一劳动奖章获得者; 湖南省水产学会理事长, 中国水产学会理事,中国海洋湖沼学会理事,中国水产学会生物技术专业委员会副主任委员,湖南省水产品种审定委员会副主任委员; 1998-1999 年由国家留学基金委公派到法国从事一年的鱼类分子生物学工作;现任蛋白质组学与发育生物学省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地主任, “ 发育生物学 ” 国家重点学科 及 “ 生物学 ” 湖南省重点学科 带头人, 蛋白质化学及鱼类发育生物学教育部重点实验室主任,教育部 “ 多倍体鱼繁殖及育种 ” 工程研究中心主任, 农业部鲤鲫遗传育种中心主任,湖南鱼类遗传育种中心主任, 湖南省 “ 生物发育工程及新产品研发协同创新中心 ” 主任,湖南省生物研究所所长兼湖南师大生科院副院长。
为 Frontiers in Genetics ( Livestock Genomics ) 、《动物学研究》、《水产学报》、《中国水产科学》、《内陆水产》、《生命科学研究》等刊物的编委会委员;农业部 “ 淡水鱼类遗传育种和养殖生物学 ” 重点开放实验室 ( 上海海洋大学 ) 学术委员,教育部 “ 淡水鱼类资源与生殖发育 ” 重点实验室 ( 西南大学 ) 学术委员,广东省 “ 水生经济动物良种繁育 ” 重点实验室 ( 中山大学 ) 学术委员,教育部 “ 蛋白质化学及鱼类发育生物学 ” 重点实验室 ( 湖南师范大学 ) 学术委员, 湖南师范大学学术委员会委员 ;捷克科学院研究所的绩效函审评审专家,奥地利有关多倍体鱼项目函审评审专家;国家 973 项目、国家自然科学基金重点、重大国际合作项目、面上项目的函审和会审专家。
刘少军教授 20 多年来对鱼类远缘杂交和染色体倍性操作开展了系统研究,提出了鱼类远缘杂交可形成两性可育品系的新观点,建立了系统的鱼类远缘杂交理论和技术体系。其研究成果为研制新型优良鱼类提供了新途径,也为证明鱼类可沿着这些可育品系的形成途径进行演化提供了重要证据 ;证明存在鲤鱼与团头鲂杂交形成鲫鱼的进化途径,首次证明了 A 物种与 B 物种杂交可以形成 C 物种。 他主持研制出源于远缘杂交的同源四倍体鱼、改良异源四倍体鱼、同源二倍体鱼品系和异源二倍体鱼品系等可育品系,并用之结合染色体倍性操作技术研制了在生产上有重要应用价值的优良三倍体鱼和二倍体鱼,其中湘云鲫 2 号、鳊鲴杂交鱼和杂交翘嘴鲂 3 个新品种获得农业部水产新品种证书;用倍间交配方法大规模研制的具有不育、体型美观、肉质鲜嫩、抗逆性强、生长速度快、小刺少等优点的优良三倍体鱼在全国推广养殖,产生了显著的经济、社会和生态效益。
刘少军教授 以第一完成人 (2011 年 ) 及第四完成人 (2003 年 ) 两次获国家科技进步二等奖;领衔 “ 淡水鱼类发育生物学团队 ” 获 “ 全国专业技术人才先进集体 ” 称号 (2014 年 ) ;以第一完成人获湖南省科技进步一等奖( 2008 年) 和 湖南省技术发明一等奖 ( 2015 年); 以第三完成人获中国专利优秀奖; 以第一完成人获得国家发明专利 2 2 项;主持培养毕业了 1 9 名博士生和 4 4 名硕士生, 3 名出站博士后,培养了一大批本科生;主持了国家杰出青年科学基金,国家 “973” 计划课题,国家 “863” 计划子课题,国家自然科学基金重点项目( 3 项)、国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目,科技部农业成果转化基金等 4 0 多项国家及省部级课题。
刘少军教授 撰写的专著《鱼类远缘杂交》获得国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助并由科学出版社出版;以第一作者或通讯作者的 1 2 0 多篇学术论文发表于 PNAS 、 Scientific Reports 、 Genetics 、 Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 、 Biology of Reproduction 、 He redity 、 Current Molecular Medicine 、 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 、 PLoS ONE 、 Cell and Tissue Research 、 Amino Acids 、 Marine Biotechnology 、 General and Comparative Endocrinology 、 International Journal of Biological Sciences 、 BMC Genetics 、 Aquac ulture 、 Journal of Molecular Evolution 、 Journal of Experimental Zoology (Part B) 、 Animal Reproduction Science 、《中国科学》、《科学通报》等刊物上,其中 SCI 论文 90 篇。
刘少军教授积极参加国内外的学术交流活动,他先后受邀参加了在 美国 ( 2016年 ) 和 澳大利亚(2014年)举行的世界水产学会学术年会,在法国 (2007年) 举行的第八届国际鱼类繁殖生理学大会,在新加坡 (2013年) 举行的鱼类遗传育种专题会议 , 在台湾(2007,2009年)、武汉(2008年)分别举行的第一、二、三届海峡两岸“鱼类生理与养殖”研讨会, 在北京(2015年)举行的“淡水生物学的前沿科学问题”香山科学会议 ,并在上述大会中作学术报告,得到了众多专家的好评;由于其在鱼类生理与养殖研究领域具有较强的影响力,他已成为每年一次例会的海峡两岸“鱼类生理与养殖”研讨会的大陆方面的发起人,并成功主持和承办了第四届海峡两岸“鱼类生理与养殖”研讨会,为推动海峡两岸的水产科学研究做出了突出贡献。
代表性专著及论文(第一作者或者通讯作者, * 代表通讯作者 , IF 为5年平均影响因子 )
1.《鱼类远缘杂交》, 刘少军, 专著 , 科学出版社出版, 2015 年 (共14章,53万字)
2.Shaojun Liu * , Jing Luo, Jing Chai, Li Ren, Yi Zhou, Feng Huang, Xiaochuan Liu, Yubao Chen, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Bin Luc, Wei Zho, Guoliang Lin, Chao Mai, Shuo Yuan, Jun Wang, Tao Li, Qinbo Qin, Hao Feng, Kaikun Luo, Jun Xiao, Huan Zhong, Rurong Zhao, Wei Duan, Zhenyan Song, Yanqin Wang, Jing Wang, Li Zhong, Lu Wang, Zhaoli Ding, Zhenglin Du, Xuemei Lu, Yun Gao, Robert W. Murphy, Yun Liu, Axel Meyer * , and Ya-Ping Zhang * . Genomic incompatibilities in the diploid and tetraploid offspring of the goldfish × common carp cross . PNAS, 2016, 113(5): 1327–1332 (SCI源期刊, IF: 10.563 )
3.Q inbo Qin, Zhengfa Lai, Liu Cao, Qiong Xiao, YuDe Wang, Shaojun Liu * . Rapid genomic changes in allopolyploids of Carassius auratus red var.( ♀ ) × Megalobrama amblycephala( ♂ ) , 2016, 6: 34417 (SCI源期刊, IF:5.597)
4.Jing Wang, Qingfeng Liu, Kaiku n Luo, Xuan Chen, Jun Xiao, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Rurong Zhao , Shaojun Liu * . Cell fusion as the formation mechanism of unreduced gametes in the gynogenetic diploid hybrid fish . Scientific Reports , 2016, 6: 31658 (SCI源期刊, IF:5.597)
5.Li Ren, Wuhui Li, Min Tao, Qinbo Qin, Jing Luo, Jing Chai, Chenchen Tang, Jun Xiao, Xiaojun Tang, Guoliang Lin, Chun Zhang, Wei Duan, Yunhan Hong , and Shaojun Liu * . Homoeologue expression insights into the basis of growth heterosis at the intersection of ploidy and hybridity in Cyprinidae . Scientific Reports , 2016, 6:27040 (SCI源期刊, IF: 5 . 597 )
6.Ming Wen, Liangyue Peng, Xinjiang Hu, Yuling Zhao, Shaojun Liu * , and Yunhan Hong * . Transcriptional quiescence of paternal mtDNA in cyprinid fish embryos . Scientific Reports , 2016, 6:28571 (SCI源期刊, IF: 5 . 597 )
7.Yi Zhou, Li Ren, Jun Xiao, Hu an Zhong, Jun Wang, Jie Hu, Fan Yu, Min Tao, Chun Zhang Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu * . Global transcriptional and miRNA insights into bases of heterosis in hybridization of Cyprinidae . Scientific Reports , 2015, 5: 13847 (SCI源期刊, IF: 5 . 597 )
8.Shaojun Liu * , Qinbo Qin, Jun Xiao, Wenting Lu, Jiamin Shen, Wei Li, Jifang Liu, Wei Duan, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Rurong Zhao, Jinpeng Yan, Yun Liu. The formation of the polyploid hybrids from different subfamily fish crossing and its evolutionary significance. Genetics , 2007,176 ( 2 ) : 1023-1034 (SCI源期刊, IF: 5.241 )
9.X inhong Guo, Shaojun Liu * and Yun Liu. Evidence for Recombination of Mitochondrial DNA in Triploid Crucian Carp . Genetics , 2006,172(3): 1475-1479 (SCI源期刊, IF: 5.241 )
10. Jun Wang, Lihai Ye, Qizhi Liu, Liangyue Peng, Wei Liu, Xinguo Yi, Yude Wang, Jun Xiao, Kang Xu, Fangzhou Hu, Li Ren, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu, Yunhan Hong, Shaojun Liu * . Rapid Genomic DNA Changes in Allotetraploid Fish Hybrids. Heredity , 2015, 114 : 601–609( SCI源期刊, IF: 4.163 )
11. Qinbo Qin, Yude Wang, Juan W ang, Jing D ai, Jun Xi ao, Fangzhou Hu, Kaikun Luo, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu * . The autotetraploid fish derived from hybridization of Carassius auratus red var. ( female ) × Megalobrama amblycephala ( male ). Biology of R eproduction , 2014 , 91(4): 93, 1–11 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3 .784 )
12. Kang Xu, Ming Wen, Wei Duan, Li Ren, Fangzhou Hu, Jun Xiao, Jing Wang, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Jun Wang, Yi Zhou, Yi Zhang, Yun Liu, and Shaojun Liu * . Comparative analysis of testis transcriptomes from triploid and fertile diploid cyprinid fish. Biology of R eproduction , 2015, 92 (4) : 95, 1-12 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.784)
13. Wei Duan, Kang Xu, Fangzhou Hu, Yi Zhang, Ming Wen, Jing Wang, Min Tao, Kaikun Luo, Rurong Zhao, Qinbo Qin, Chun Zhang, Jinhui Liu, Yun Liu, and Shaojun Liu . Comparative Proteomic, Physiological, Morphological and Biochemical Analyses Reveal the Characteristics of the Diploid Spermatozoa of Allotetraploid Hybrids of Carassius auratus and Common Carp ( Cyprinus carpio ) . Biology of R eproduction , 2016 , 94(2):35, 1 - 12( SCI源期刊, IF: 3.784)
14. Kaikun Luo, Jun Xiao, Shaojun Liu * , Jing Wang, Weiguo He, Jie Hu, Qinbo Qin, Chun Zhang, Min Tao and Yun Liu. Massive Production of All-female Diploids and Triploids in the Crucian Carp. International Journal of Biological Sciences , 2011, 7(4):487-495 (SCI源期刊, IF: 4.195)
15. Cuiping You, Rurong Zhao, Jie Hu, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Yubao Chen, Qinbo Qin, Jun Xiao, Wei Duan and Yun Liu. Inheritance of the Complete Mitochondrial Genomes in Three Different Ploidy Fishes. Current Molecular Medicine , 2014, 14(10): 1322 - 1330 ( SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788)
16. Liangyue Peng, JunWang, Min Tao, Cuiping You, Lihai Ye, Jun Xiao, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu and Shaojun Liu * . Analysis of Mitochondrial Respiratory-Related Genes Reveals Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Cooperation in Allotetraploid Hybrid. C urrent Molecular Medicine , 2014, 14(10): 1314 - 1321 ( SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788)
17. Min Tao, Cuiping You, Rurong Zhao, Shaojun Liu * , Zhuohui Zhang, Chun Zhang and Yun Liu. Animal Mitochondria: Evolution, Function, and Disease. Current Molecular Medicine , 2014, 14(1): 115-124( SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788)
18. J un Wang, L iangyue Peng, C uiping You, Q inlin Li, M ing Wen, S haojun Liu * and Y unhan Hong * . Minifish mtDNA has Abundance of Repeat Sequences and Inefficient Replication i n Vitro . Current Molecular Medicine , 2014, 14(10): 1299 - 1307( SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788 )
19. W enbin Liu, X iaohui Hu, X uwen Zhang, M eixia Deng, L ei Nie, S hanshan Hui, W ei Duan, M in Tao, C hun Zhang, J iao Liu, W enfeng Hu, Z haoxia Huang, L ing Li, M ing Yi, T ingting Li, L ing Wang, Y un Liu, Shaojun Liu * and D avid W ancheng Li * . Protein Serine/Threonine Phosphotase-2A is Differentially Expressed and Regulates Eye Development in Vertebrates. Current Molecular Medicine , 2013,8(8): 1376-1384 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788 )
20. X iaoqin Huang, Z haoxia Huang, Z ili Li, X iaowen Chen, X i Li, X iangchen Tang, F angy uan Liu, Y un Liu, L ili Chen, W enjun Han, L ong Liu, L ing Li, K ai L i Wu, M ingxing Wu, X ialin Liu, L ixia Luo, M inbin Yu, Y izhi Liu * , Shaojun Liu * , D avid W ancheng Li * . C-Jun Terminal Kinases Play an Important Role in Regulating Embryonic Survival and Eye Development in Vertebrates, Current Molecular Medicine , 2013,13,228-237 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788 )
21. J iao Liu, W ei Ji -ke , S huming Sun, L an Zhang, H ege Chen, Y ing Mao, L ong Liu, X uwen Zhang, L ili Gong, M i Deng, L ili Chen, W enjun Han, P eichao Chen, W enfeng Hu, X iahui Hu, J ifang Liu, Z. Woodward, W enbin Liu, Y amei Xiao, S ongping Liang, Y u n Liu, S haojun Liu * , and D avidWancheng Li * . The PP2A-A beta Gene is Regulated by Multiple Transcriptional Factors Including Ets-1, SP1/SP3, and RXR alpha/beta . Current Molecular Medicine , 2012,12(8): 982-994 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788 )
22. W enbin Liu, Q in Yan, F angyuan Liu, X iangchen Tang, H ege Chen, J iao Liu, L ei Nie, X uwen Zhang, WK Ji, X iaohui Hu, W enfeng Hu, Z Woodward, K aili Wu, M ingxing Wu, X ialin Liu, L ixiao Luo, M inbin Yu, Y izhi Liu * , Shaojun Liu * , D avid W ancheng Li * . Protein Serine/Threonine Phosphotase-1 is Essential in Governing Normal Development of Vertebrate Eye, Current Molecular Medicine , 2012,12: 1361-1371 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.788 )
23. Jun Xiao, Can Song, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Jie Hu, Jun Wang, Wei Liu, Ming Zeng, Yun Liu. DNA methylation analysis of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp ( Carassius auratus red var.) and common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.). PLoS ONE , 2013, 8(2): e56409 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.702)
24. Weiguo He, Qinbo Qin, Shaojun Liu * , Tangluo Li, Jing Wang, Jun Xiao, Lihua Xie, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu. Organization and Variation Analysis of 5S rDNA in Different Ploidy-level Hybrids of Red Crucian Carp × Topmouth Cul ter. PLoS ONE , 2012(6): e38976 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.702)
25. Shaojun Liu, Tan Heok Hui, Sze Ley Tan, Yunhan Hong * . Chromosome evolution and genome miniaturization in minifish. PLoS ONE , 2012, 7(5): e37305 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.702 )
26. Yu Long, Min Tao, Shaojun Liu * , Huan Zhong, Lin Chen, Suifei Tao, Yun Liu. Differential expression of Gnrh2 , Gthβ and Gthr gene in sterile triploids and fertile tetraploids. Cell and Tissue Research , 2009, 338:151-159 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.407)
27. Wenting Lu, Shaojun Liu * , Yu Long, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Jing W ang, Jun Xiao, Song Chen, Jinhui Liu, & Yun Liu. Comparative study of erythrocytes of polyploid hybrids from various fish subfamily crossings. Cell and Tissue Research , 2009, 336:159-163 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.407)
28. Zhen Liu, Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu * , Huan Zhong and Ch un Zhang, Xuewei kang. Yun Liu. Characterization and dietary regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase in different ploidy fishes. Amino Acids , 2012, 43:2339–2348 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.2)
29. Qinbo Qin, Juan Wang, Jing Dai, YuDe Wang, Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu * . Induced All-Fe male Autotriploidy in the Allotetraploids of Carassius auratus red var. (♀)× Megalobrama amblycephala (♂). Marine Biotechnology , 2015, 17: 604-612 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.101)
30. Hong Zhang, Shaojun Liu * , Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Liangyue Peng, Cuiping You, Jun Xiao, Yi Zho u, Gongjian Zhou, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. Induced gynogenesis in grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus ) using irradiated sperm of allotetraploid hybrids. Marine Biotechnology , 2011, 13(5):1017-1026 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.101)
31. Shaojun Liu * , Qinbo Qin, Yuequn Wang, Hong Zhang, Rurong Zhao, Chun Zhang, Jing Wang, Wei Li,Lin Chen, Jun Xiao, Kaikun Luo, Min Tao, Wei Duan, Yun Liu. Evidence for the Formation of the Male Gynogenetic Fish . Marine Biotechnology, 2010, 12:160–172 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.101)
32. Dong Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Cuiping Y o u, Lin Chen, Zhen Liu, Liangguo Liu, Yun Liu. Identification and Expression Analysis of Genes Involved in Early Ovary Development in Diploid Gynogenetic Hybrids of Red Crucian Carp × Common Carp. Marine Biotechnology, 2010,12:186–194 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.1 01 )
33. Jifang Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Wei Li, Yun Liu. Isolation and Expression Analysis of Testicular Type Sox9b in Allotetraploid Fish. Marine Biotechnology, 2007, 9 ( 3 ) : 329-334 (SCI源期刊, IF: 3.1 01 )
34. Shaojun Liu, Marina Govoroun , Marie-Jose´ R icordel , Jean-Jacques Lareyre , Oonagh Marie McMeel , Terry Smith , Yoshitaka Nagahama , Yann Guiguen * . Expression of cytochrome P45011b (11b-hydroxylase) gene during gonadal sex differentiation and spermatogenesis in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss . Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 2000 , 75: 291–298 (SCI源期刊,IF: 3.512 )
35. Yan p ing Zhang, Zhong d uo Wang, Yu d ong Guo, Li Liu, Juan Yu, Shun Zhang, Shao j un Liu * , and Chu-Wu Liu * , Morphological Characters and Transcriptome Profiles Associated with Black Skin and Red Skin in Crimson Snapper ( Lutjanus erythropterus ) . International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2015,16:26991-27004 (SCI源期刊,IF: 2.983 )
36. Yi Zhou, Fenghua Wang, Shaojun Liu * , Huan Zhong, Zhen Liu, Tao Min, Chun Zhang, Yun Liu. Human chorionic gonadotropin suppresses expression of piwis in common carp ( cyprinus carpio ) ovaries. General and Comparative Endocrinology ,2012,176:126–131 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.84)
37. Huan Zhong, Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Yu Long, Zhen Liu, Chun Zhang, Wei Duan, Jie Hu, Can Song, Yun Liu. Elevated expressions of GH/IGF axis genes in triploid crucian carp. General and Comparative Endocrinology ,2012,178: 291-300 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.84)
38. Zhen Liu , Yi Zhou, Shaojun Liu * , Qiong Zhao, Junchang Feng, Shuangqing Lu, Gang Xiong, Dizhi Xie, Jianshe Zhang, Yun Liu. Characterization and dietary regulation of o ligopeptide transporter (PepT1) in different ploidy fishes. Peptides , 2014,52: 149-156 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 429 )
39. Chun Zhang, Lihai Ye, Yiyi Chen, Jun Xiao, Yanhong Wu, Min Tao, Yamei Xiao and Shaojun Liu * . The chromosomal constitution of fish hybrid lineage revea led by 5S rDNA FISH . BMC Genetics , 2015 , 16:140 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
40. Rong Zhou, Yanhong Wu, Min Tao, Chun Zhang and Shaojun Liu * . MicroRNA profiles reveal female allotetraploid hybrid fertility . BMC Genetics , 201 5 , 16:119 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
41. Rong Zhou, Jun Xi ao, Qinbo Qin, Bin Zhu, Rurong Zhao, Chun Zhang, Min Tao, Kaikun Luo, Jing Wang, Liangyue Peng Shaojun Liu * . YY super sperm lead to all male triploids and tetraploids . BMC Genetics , 2015, 16:68 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
42. Qinbo qin, Juan wang, Yude wang, Yun Liu an d Shaojun Liu * . Organization and Variation Analysis of 5S rDNA in gynogenetic offspring of Carassius auratus red var. (female) x Megalobrama amblycephala (male) . BMC Genetics , 2015, 16:26 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
43. Qinbo Qin, Yude Wang, Juan Wang, Jing Dai, Yun Li u and Shaojun Liu * . T he abnormal chromosome behavior during meiosis was revealed in allotetraploid of Carassius auratus red var. (♀) × Megalobrama amblycephala (♂) . BMC genetics , 2014, 15:95 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
44. Jing Wang, Shaojun Liu * , Jun Xiao, Min Tao, C hun Zhang, Kaikun Luo and Yun Liu. Evidence for the evolutionary origin of goldfish derived from the distant crossing of red crucian carp × common carp. BMC Genetics , 2014, 15:33 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
45. Weiguo He, Lihua Xie, Tangluo Li, Shaojun Liu * , Jun Xiao, Jie Hu, Jing Wang, Qinbo Qin and Yun Liu. The formation of diploid and triploid hybrids of female grass carp × male blunt snout bream and their 5S rDNA analysis. BMC Genetics , 2013,14:110 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
46. Jun Xiao, Tuomi Zou, Yubao Chen, Lin Chen, Shao jun Liu * , Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Rurong Zhao, Yi Zhou,Yu Long, Cuiping You, Jinpeng Yan, Yun Liu. Coexistence of diploid, triploid and tetraploid crucian carp ( Carassius auratus ) in natural waters. BMC Genetics , 2011,12:20 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 409 )
47. Jie Hu, Shaojun Liu * , Jun Xiao, Yi Zhou, Cuiping You, Weiguo He, Rurong Zhao, Can Song, Yun Liu. Characteristics of diploid and triploid hybrids derived from female Megalobrama amblycephala Yih ×male Xenocypris davidi Bleeker . Aquaculture , 2012, 364-365: 157-164 (SCI源期刊, I F: 2. 341 )
48. Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Shaojun Liu * , Wei Duan, Yun Liu. Induced interspecific androgenesis using diploid sperm from allotetraploid common carp ×red crucian carp hybrids. Aquaculture , 2007, 264(1-4): 47-53 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 341 )
49. Jinpeng Yan, Shaoj un Liu * , Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. RAPD and microsatellite analysis of diploid gynogens from allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp ( Carassius auratus ) ×common carp ( Cyprinus carpio ). Aquaculture, 2005, 243(1-4): 49-60 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 341 )
50. Shaojun Liu * , Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu. Production of gynogenetic progeny from allotetraploid hybrids red crucian carp × common carp. Aquaculture, 2004, 236(1-4): 193-200 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 341 )
51. Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu * , Yun Liu. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region in cyprinids with different ploidy level. Aquaculture , 2003,124:25-38 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 341 )
52. Shaojun Liu * , Yun Liu, Gongjiang Zhou, Xuanjie Zhang ,Chen Luo , Hao Feng , Xiaoxiao He, Guihua Zhu, Hui Yang. The formation of tetraploid stocks of red crucian carp ×common carp hybrids as an effect of interspecic hybridization. Aquaculture , 2001,192:171-186 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.341)
53. Qinbo Qin, Juan Wang, Min Hu, Shengnan Huang , Shaojun Liu * .Autotriploid origin of Carassius auratus as revealed by chromosomal locus analysis . Science China Life Sciences , 2016, 59(6): 622 – 626 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
54. Kang X u , Wei D uan , Jun X iao , Min T ao , Chun Z hang , Yun L iu, Shaojun L iu * . The development and application of biological technologies in fish genetic breeding . Science China Life Sciences , 2015, 58(2): 187–201 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
55. Jing W ang , Jun X iao, Ming Zeng, Kang Xu, Min T ao , Chun Z hang , Wei Duan, Wenbin Liu, Kai k un L uo , Yun L iu, Shao j un L iu * . Genomic variation in the hybrids of white crucian carp and red crucian carp: Evidence from ribosomal DNA. Science China Life Sciences , 2015,58(6):590-601 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
56. Zhuohui Zhang, Jie Chen, Ling Li, Min Tao, Chun Z hang , Qinbo Qin , Jun X iao , Yun L iu & Shaojun Liu * . Research advances in animal distant hybridization. Science China Life Sciences , 2014, 57(9): 889 - 902 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
57. L ing L i , Zezhou Z hong , Ming Z eng , Shaojun Liu * , Yi Z hou , Jun X iao , Jun W ang & Yun L iu . Comparative analysis of intermuscular bones in fish of different ploidies , Science China Life Sciences , 2 01 3, 56 ( 4 ) :341-350. (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
58. Can Song , Shaojun Liu * , Jun X iao , Wei g uo H e , Yi Z hou , Qin b o Q in , Chun Z hang and Yun L iu . Polyploid organisms. Science China Life Sciences , 2012,55(4):301-311 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
59. Hao Feng, Yongming Fu, Jian Luo, Hui Wu, Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu * . Black carp GH gene transgenic allotetraploid hybrids of Carasius auratus red var. (♀) X Cyprinius carpio (♂). Science China Life Sciences , 2 011 , 54 (9): 822 -827 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
60. Shaojun Liu * . Distant Hybridization Leads to Different Ploidy Fishes. Science China Life Sciences , 2010,53(4):416-425 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
61. Song C hen , Jing Wang , Shaojun Liu * , Qin b o Qin , Jun X iao , Wei D uan , Kai k un L uo, Jin h ui L iu & Yun L iu . Biological characteristics of an improved triploid crucian carp, Science China Life Sciences , 2009, 52 ( 8 ): 733-738 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
62. Jing W ang , Qinbo Q in , Song C hen , Shaojun Liu * , Wei Duan , Jing h ui L iu , Chun Zhang , Kai k un Luo , Jun Xiao & Yun Liu . Formation and biological characterization of three new types of improved crucian carp, Science China Life Sciences , 2008, 51(6):544-551 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
63. Min Tao , Shaojun Liu * , Yu Long , Chen Z eng , Ji f ang L iu , Liang g uo L iu , Chun Zhang , Wei D uan , Yun L iu . The cloning of Dmc1 cDNAs and a comparative study of its expression in different ploidy cyprinid fishes. Science China Life Sciences , 2008, 51(1): 38-46 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
64. Wei D uan , Qin b o Q in , Song C hen , Shaojun Liu * , Jing W ang , Chun Z hang , Yuan d ong Sun & Yun L iu . The formation of improved tetraploid population of red crucian carp × common carp hybrids by androgenesis. Science China Life Sciences , 2007, 50(6): 753-761 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
65. Shao j un Liu * , Wei D uan , Min T ao , Chun Z hang , Yuan d ong S un , Jia m in S hen , Jing W ang , Kai k un Luo & Yun L iu . Establishment of the diploid gynogenetic hybrid clonal line of red crucian carp× common carp. Science China Life Sciences , 2007, 50(2): 186-193 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
66. Yu L ong , Shao j un Liu * , Wei r en H uang , Jian Zhang , Yuan d ong S un , Chun Z hang , Song C hen , Jing h ui L iu & Yun L iu . Comparative studies on histological and ultra-structure of the pituitary of different ploidy level fishes. Science China Life Sciences , 2006, 49 (5): 446-453 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2.297)
67. Fan Yu, Huan Zhong, Gang Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Zhuohui Zhang, Yi Zhou, Min Tao, Yun Liu . Characterization of vasa in the gonads of different ploidy fish . Gene , 201 5 , 574:337-344 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 185 )
68. Li Ren, Xingjun Tan, Yafen Xiong, Kang Xu, Yi Zhou, Huan Zhong, Yun Liu, Yun h an Hong * , Shao j un Liu * . Transcriptome analysis reveals positive selection on the divergent between topmouth culter and zebrafish. Gene , 2014, 552:265-271 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 185 )
69. Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu * , Chun Zhang, Yun Liu. Comparative and evolutionary analysis of the cytochrome b sequences in cyprinids with different ploidy levels derived from crosses. Genetica, 2004, 121(3): 295-301 (SCI源期刊, IF: 2. 082 )
70. Dong Liu, Cuiping You, Shaojun Liu * , Liangguo Liu, Wei Duan, Song Chen, Jinpeng Yan and Yun Liu. Characterization of a novel Tc1-like transposon from bream (Cyprinidae, Megalobrama) and its genetic variation in the polyploidy progeny of bream- red crucian carp crosses. Journal of Molecular Evolution , 2009, 69:395-403 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.945 )
71. Lin Chen, Wei Li, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Yu Long, Wei Duan, Chun Zhang, Jun Xiao, Qinbo Qin, Kaikun Luo, Jifang Liu, Yun Liu. Novel genetic markers derived from the DNA fragments of Sox genes. Molecular and Cellular Probes , 2009 , 23:157-165 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.8 62 )
72. Jun Xiao, Tuomi Zou, Lin Chen, Shaojun Liu * , Jun Xiao, Hong Zhang, Yu Long, Jinpeng Yan, Rurong Zhao, Min Tao, Chun Zhang, Cuiping You, Yun Liu. Microsatellite analysis of different ploidy offspring of artificial gynogenesis in C.carpio ( Cyprinus carpio L.). Journal of Fish Biology , 2011 , 78, 150–165 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.8 5 7)
73. Jifang Liu, GuiguanYann, Shaojun Liu * . Aromatase (P450arom) and 11β-hydroxylase (P45011β) genes are differentially expressed during the sex inversion process of the protogynous rice field eel, Monopterus albus . Fish Physiology and Biochemistry , 2009, 35 ( 3 ) :511-518 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 791 )
74. Xinhong Guo, Jinpeng Yan, Shaojun Liu * , Bing Xiang, Yun Liu. Isolation and expression analyses of the Sox9a gene in triploid crucian carp. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry , 2010, 36:125–133 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 791 )
75. Jinpeng Yan, Lianguo Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Xinhong Liu, Yun Liu. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial control region in polyploid hybrids of red crucian carp ( Carassius auratus ) × blunt snout bream ( Megalobrama amblycephala ). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry , 2010, 36:263–272 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 791 )
76. Jun Xiao, Xuewei Kang, Lihua Xie, Qinbo Qin, Zhoulin He, Fangzhou Hu,Chun Zhang, Rurong Zhao, Jun Wang, Kaikun Luo, Yun Liu, Shaojun Liu * . The fertility of the hybrid lineage derived from female Megalobrama amblycephala × male Culter alburnus. Animal Reproduction Science , 2014, 151(1-2):61-70 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 863 )
77. Q inbo Q in , W eiguo H e , Shaojun Liu * , J ing W ang , J un X iao , and Yun Liu . Analysis of 5S rDNA Organization and Variation in Polyploid Hybrids from Crosses of Different Fish Subfamilies. J. Exp. Zool. (Part B: Mol. Dev. Evol.) , 2010, 314:403–411 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.616 )
78. Shaojun Liu * , Zhanzhou Yao. Sex hormone induction of sex reversal in the teleost Clarias lazera and evidence for female homogmety and male heterogamety. Journal of Experimental Zoology , 1996,276 (6): 432-438 (SCI源期刊, IF:1. 616 )
79. Shaojun Liu * , Zhanzhou Yao. Self-fertilization of hermaphrodites of the teleost Clarias lazera after oral administration of 17-α-methyltestosterone and their offspring. Journal of Experimental Zoology , 1995,273 (6):527-532 (SCI源期刊, IF:1. 616 )
80. Yu Long, Huan Zhong, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Lin Chen, Jun Xiao, Yun Liu. Molecular characterization and genetic analysis of gnrh2 and gthβ in different ploidy level fishes. Progress in Natural Science , 2009, 19:1569-1579 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
81. Liangguo Liu, Cuiping You, Shaojun Liu * , Huan Zhong, Dong Liu, Zhen Liu, Min Tao, Yun Liu. Cloning and evolutionary analysis of cyclin B gene introns in cyprinids with different ploidy levels. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19: 1103–1108 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
82. D ong Liu, Zhen Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Liangguo Liu, Cuiping You, Lin Chen, Huan Zhong, Yun Liu. Comparative analysis and evolutionary significance of the HMG1 gene in crucian carp, blunt snout bream, and their polyploid progeny. Progress in Natural Science, 2009,19:1691-1697 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
83. Jinpeng Yan, Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu * , Xiao Jun, Zhen Liu, Yubao Chen, Yun Liu. Maternal inheritance in polyploid fish inferred from mitochondrial ATPase genes analysis. Progress in Natural Science , 2009, 19(6): 693-698 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
84. Jifang Liu, Shaojun Liu * , Min Tao, Wei Li and Yun Liu. Analysis of intron sequence variability of the conservative HMG-box of Sox9 genes in allotetraploids and their original parents. Progress in Natural Science, 2007,17(5):35-41 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1535 )
85. Yuandong Sun, Min Tao, Shaojun L iu * , Chun Zhang, Wei Duan, Jiamin Shen, Jing Wang, Chen Zeng, Yu Long and Yun Liu. Induction of gynogenesis in red crucian carp using spermatozoa of blunt snout bream. Progress in Natural Science , 2007, 17(2): 163-167 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
86. Jiamin Shen, Shaojun Liu * , Yuandong Sun, Chun Zhang, Kaikun Luo, Min Tao, Chen Zeng, Yun Liu. A new type of triploid crucian crap-red crucian carp (♀) × allotetraploid (♂). Progress in Natural Science , 2006, 16(12): 1348-1352 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1.535 )
87. Liang g uo L iu , Jin p eng Y an , Shao j un L iu * , Dong L iu , Cui p ing Y ou , Huan Z hong , Min T ao , Liu Yun. Evolutionary analysis of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp ( carassius auratus red var.) × common carp(( cyprinus carpio L.), based on ISSR、AFLP molecular markers and cloning of cyclins genes. Chinese Science Bulletin , 2009 , 54: 2849-2861 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 519 )
88. Fan Y u , Jun X iao , Xiang y ang Liang, Shao j un L iu * , Gong j ian Z hou , Kai k un L uo , Yun L iu , Wei H u , Ya p ing W ang & Zuo y an Z hu * . Rapid growth and sterility of growth hormone gene transgenic triploid carp. Chinese Science Bulletin ,2011, 56(16):1679-1684 (SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 519 )
89. Wen Huang, Qizhi Liu, Junfeng Xie, Weimin Wang, Jun Xiao, Shuisheng Li, Haifa Zhang, Yong Zhang * , Shaojun Liu * , Haoran Lin . Characterization of triploid hybrid groupers from interspecies hybridization ( Epinephelus coioides ♀ × Epinephelus lanceolatus ♂ ). Aquaculture Research , 2016, 47 : 2195-2204 ( SCI源期刊, IF: 1. 509 )
90. Yamei Xiao * , Minggui Jiang, Yonghua Zhou, Zhongwen Luo, Mei Wang, Shaojun Liu * . Identification and analysis of jnk1 gene in polyploid hybrids from red crucian carp ( carassius auratus red var.) and common carp ( cyprinus carpio L.). Genetics and Molecular Research , 2014.13 (1): 906 – 919. (SCI源期刊,IF: 0.975 )
91. Xinhong Guo, Shaojun Liu * , Yun Liu. Evidence for maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in allotetraploid. DNA Sequence , 2007, 18(4):247-256 (SCI源期刊, IF:0.59)
92. 刘季芳, 李伟, 刘少军 * , 陶敏, 龙昱, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤Sox4基因部分序列及其5′端调控区启动子片段的克隆与分析. 自然科学进展, 2007, 17(9): 1174-1180
93. 龙昱, 刘少军 * , 申佳珉, 陶敏, 肖俊, 刘筠. 双头鱼的显微结构观察. 自然科学进展 , 2007, 17(7): 968-972
94. 刘季芳, 刘少军 * , 张纯, 孙远东, 颜金鹏, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤 Sox9a 基因保守区序列的克隆及内含子剪接位点分析. 自然科学进展 , 2004, 6: 641-645
95. 刘巧,王跃群, 刘少军 * ,郭新红,罗凯坤,张纯,刘筠 . 不同倍性鲫鲤鱼血液细胞比较研究 . 自然科学进展 . 2004,14(10): 1111-1117
96. 刘少军 * , 孙远东, 周工 健 , 张轩杰, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤成熟性腺和红细胞超微结构观察. 自然科学进展 , 2003, 13 (2): 194-197
97. Shaojun Liu * , Yuandong S un , Kuaikun L uo , Yun L iu . Evidence of Different Ploidy Eggs Produced by Diploid F 2 Hybrids of Carassius auratus (♀) × Cyprinus carpio (♂). 遗传学报 , 2006, 33 (4): 304-311
98. Yuan d ong S un , Chun Z hang , Shao j un L iu * , Min Tao , Chen Z eng , Yun L iu . Induction of Gynogenesis in Japanese Crucian Carp ( Carassius cuvieri ). 遗传学报 , 2006, 33(4): 405-412
99. 张纯, 孙远东, 刘少军 * , 刘筠. 二倍体雌核发育鱼产生二倍体卵子的证据 . 遗传学报 , 2005, 32 (2): 136-144
100. 刘少军 * , 孙远东, 张纯, 罗凯坤, 刘筠. 三倍体鲫鱼—异源四倍体鲫鲤(♂)×金鱼(♀). 遗传学报 , 2004, 31(1): 31-38
101. 郭新红, 刘少军 * , 刘巧, 刘筠. 鱼类线粒体DNA研究新进展. 遗传学报 , 2004, 31(9): 983-1000
102. 孙远东, 刘少军 * , 张纯, 李建中, 黄卫人, 张剑, 罗凯坤, 周工健, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤F 9 -F 11 染色体和性腺观察. 遗传学报 , 2003, 5: 414-418
103. Chun Zhan g , Xiaoxiao He, Shaojun Liu * , Yuandong Sun, Yun Liu. The Chromosome pairing in meiosis I in allotetraploid hybrids and allotriploid Crucian Carp. 动物学报 , 2005, 51(1): 89-94
104. 刘少军 * , 赵如榕, 刘锦辉, 孙远东, 张纯, 罗凯坤, 刘筠. 不同倍性鱼的血细胞和精子DNA 含量比较. 动物学报 , 2005, 51(2): 360-364
105. Xinhong G uo , Shaojun Liu * , Yun Liu. Evidence for maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in polyploid fish of crosses by ATPase8 and ATPase6 genes. 动物学报 , 2004, 50(3): 414-419
106. 刘良国, 陶敏, 段巍, 刘少军 * , 刘东, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始父母本CyclinB基因克隆与分子遗传分析. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 , 2007, 23(10):849-858
107. 张纯, 刘少军 * , 孙远东, 肖俊, 覃钦博, 王静, 刘筠. 远缘杂交形成的二倍体鱼和多倍体鱼生殖细胞染色体研究 , 分子细胞生物学报 , 2008, 41(1): 53-60
108. Xin h ong G uo , Shao j un L iu * , Bing Xiang and Yun L iu . Variability of Mitochondrial DNA of Triploid Hybrids of Crucian Carp and Common Carp. 水生生物学报 , 2007, 31(6): 855-862
109. 颜金鹏, 刘少军 * , 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤雌核发育后代及其亲本的RAPD分析. 水生生物学报 , 2007, 31(6): 905-908
110. 肖俊, 彭德姣, 段巍, 刘少军 * , 孙远东, 龙昱, 申佳珉, 张纯, 陶敏, 刘筠.用团头鲂精子诱导金鱼雌核发育研究. 水生生物学报 , 2009, 33(1): 90-94
111. 刘少军 * , 胡芳, 周工建,等. 三倍体湘云鲫繁殖季节的性腺结构观察. 水生生物学报 , 2000, 24(4): 301-306
112. 陶敏,宋祯彦,肖军,刘少军 * ,罗凯坤,邹拓谜,王军,刘维,胡婕,赵如榕,刘筠. 翘嘴红鲌精子诱导的雌核发育团头鲂细胞及其分子遗传学分析. 动物学研究 ,2013,34(5):479-486
113. 何周玲,刘少军 * ,肖军,胡方舟,文明,叶利海,张纯,徐康,陶敏,罗凯坤,刘筠 . 翘嘴鳊及其亲本肌肉营养成分分析 . 水产学报 , 2014 , 38(10) : 1786-1792
114. 陶敏,刘少军 * ,张卓慧,陈婕,刘文彬,刘筠 . 不同倍性鲫鲤性腺型芳香化酶 cyp19 a1a 基因 cDNA 的克隆及表达 . 水产学报 , 2014 , 38(9) : 1201-1210
115. 覃钦博,戴婧,刘少军 * ,刘筠. 异源三倍体鲫鲂的遗传组成和生殖特性观察. 水产学报 ,2014,38(3):356-361
116. 陶敏,刘少军 * ,钟欢,周毅,宋灿,张纯,刘筠. 雌核发育二倍体鲫鲤及其他倍性鱼 cdc2 基因cDNA全序列克隆及表达分析. 水产学报 ,2013,37(1):1-8
117. 张纯,刘少军 * ,李涛,刘筠. 红鲫 (♀)× 鲤 (♂) 杂交鱼的胚胎染色体组倍性研究. 水产学报 ,2011,9(35):1369-1373
118. 邹拓谜,肖俊,刘少军 * ,赵如榕,张纯,陶敏,颜金鹏,刘筠. 洞庭湖水域不同倍性野生鲫血液相关特点. 水产学报 ,2011,10(35): 50-55
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120. 刘少军 * , 孙远东, 黎双飞, 冯浩, 李建中, 周工建, 张轩杰, 刘筠. 三倍体湘云鲫性腺指数分析. 水产学报 , 2002, 26 (2):111-114
121. 郭新红, 刘少军 * , 颜金鹏, 刘筠. 异源四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫和它们父母本线粒体DNA 12S rRNA基因遗传变异的分析. 遗传, 2004, 26 (6):875-880
122. 梁向阳,刘少军 * ,王静, 等 湘云鲫2号肌肉营养成分和氨基酸组成分析. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2011, 34(1): 71-74
123. 向兵, 刘少军 * , 张纯, 孙远东, 段巍, 申佳珉, 罗凯坤, 陶敏, 曾琛, 刘筠. 新型三倍体鲫鱼肌肉营养成分和氨基酸组成分析. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2006, 29 (4): 85-88
124. 曾琛, 陶敏, 刘少军 * , 刘季芳. 不同倍性鱼 cdc2 基因cDNA部分序列的克隆及其在卵巢中的表达分析. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2006, 29 (3): 73-76
125. 易念, 张纯, 王云, 刘少军 * , 刘筠. 三倍体鲫鱼早期胚胎发育观察. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2006, 3: 87-104
126. 王云, 刘少军 * , 易念, 孙远东, 张纯, 王静. 雌核发育鲫鲤胚胎发育观察. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报, 2005, 28 (3):58-61
127. 成嘉, 冯浩, 曾志强, 刘筠, 刘少军 * . 日本白鲫生长激素- II 基因编码区cDNA的克隆及序列分析. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2004, 27 (3): 90-94
128. 冯浩, 成嘉, 曾志强, 刘少军 * , 刘筠. Molecular cloning of ORF of GH-1 gene cDNA for Japanese crucian carp ( Carassius cuvieri ). 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 , 2003, 26(3): 63-66
129. 陶敏,刘少军 * ,钟欢,张纯,刘筠. 雌核发育二倍体鲫鲤 Dmc1 基因的全长cDNA克隆及表达分析. 激光生物学报 , 2012, 21(4): 327-334
130. 陶敏, 钟欢, 刘少军 * , 周毅. 日本白鲫 IGF-1 基因全长cDNA 克隆及组织表达分析. 生命科学研究 , 2012, 16(4): 295-300
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