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分类:导师信息 来源:清华大学环境学院 2018-05-15 相关院校:清华大学
清华大学环境学院研究生导师刘 欢介绍如下:
姓 名: 刘 欢
所在单位: 大气污染控制教研所
职 称: 副教授(特别研究员)、博士生导师
邮寄地址: 北京市清华大学中意环境节能楼602室
电子邮件: liu_env@tsinghua.edu.cn
2000.9-2004.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系 学士
2004.9-2009.1 清华大学环境科学与工程系 博士
2006.10-2006.11 土耳其伊斯坦布尔市政府 ISSRC交通研究项目专家
2008.11 墨西哥墨西哥城政府 ISSRC排放清单研究项目专家
2009.02-2010.11 国际可持续研究中心加州总部 ISSRC, Researcher
2009.02-2010.08 加州大学河滨分校环境研究中心 CE-CERT, postdoc researcher
2010.11-2011.01 清华大学环境科学与工程系讲师/助理研究员
2011.01-2013.11 清华大学环境学院讲师/助理研究员
2013.12-至今 清华大学环境学院副教授/副研究员
教 学:
2009.8 国际可持续系统研究中心洛杉矶总部数据库设计;排放清单建立课程教师
留学生英文课程《Air Pollution Control》
Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA);Transportation Research Board会员;
1. 基于排放约束的交通流优化演化算法研究,国家自然科学基金,2012.1-2014.12
2. 机动车近排放口区域二次颗粒物生成机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2013-2016,第二负责人
3. 年代际尺度上全球和中国大气成分与气候的变化及其相互作用,973计划,2014-2019, 第一课题参加人
4. 车载诊断和油气回收系统在机动车排放监管中的应用研究,环保部公益性项目,2014-2017,子课题一、五负责人
5. 机动车蒸发排放机理及控制,国际合作,2013-2014
6. 汽车加油过程污染物排放及控制措施效率研究,国际合作,2011-2012
7. 消费品使用过程挥发性有机化合物(VOC)控制实施方案,环保部,2011-2012
8. 中美柴油车排放评估及减排路线,环境保护部对外合作中心,2011.1-2011.12
9. 中国柴油车排放特征测试及其区域控制策略分析,国家重点联合实验室,2011-2013
10. Regional Air Quality Control System Research,国合会,2012,项目协调
11. Modeling and Analysis of Environmental Impacts for Various Urban Development Forms, Energy Foundation, 2010.1-2012.12,主要参加人
12. 上海世博会空气质量后评估,上海市环保局,2010.9-2011.9
13. 广州亚运会空气质量保障方案及综合效果评估,广州市环保局,2010.8-2011.3,主要参加人
14. Develop an International Climate Friendly Air Quality Management Process. US Environmental Protection Agency & The Hewlett Foundation, 2008.9-2011.9,主要参加人
15. Emission Inventory Development for Mexico City/Sao Paulo.墨西哥城市政府,2008.1-2011.12,参加人
16. Climate Friendly Air Quality Management for Chongqing. The Energy Foundation, 2009.1-2011.12,主要完成人
17. Handbook of Air Quality Management. US Environmental Protection Agency,2009.1-2010.7,参加人
18. Using PEMS for Transportation Emissions Studies: Comparison with laboratory Methods,South Coast Air Quality Management District,2009.3-2009.7,主要完成人
19. 中国城市可持续交通I、II期。英国BP石油公司,2005.10-2008.12,重要参加人
20. 区域路网交通排放的诊断调控及大气复合污染前体物源排放控制技术方案(2006AA06A309),国家“863”计划课题,2006.12-2010.12,参加人
21. 中国酸雨沉降机制、输送态势及调控原理,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目,2005CB422200,2005.12-2010.12,参加人
22. 典型城市机动车排放测试及清单建立:北京、天津,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院,2007.3-2009.1,主要完成人
1. H. Liu, X. Wang, J. Zhang, K. He, Y. Wu, J. Xu.Emission controls and changes in air quality in Guangzhou during the Asian Games. Atmos. Environ., 2013, 76: 81-93
2. H. Liu; T. Rönkkö; J. Keskinen.Impact of Vehicle Development and Fuel Quality on Exhaust Nanoparticle Emissions of Traffic. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47 (15), 8091–8092
3. H. Liu, X. M. Wang, J. M. Pang, and K. B. He.Feasibility and Difficulties on China New Air Quality Standard Compliance: PRD case of PM2.5 and Ozone from 2010 to 2025. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2013, 13, 12013–12027
4. X. Wang, H. Liu, J. Pang, G. Carmichael, K. He, Q. Fan, L. Zhong, Z. Wu, J. Zhang.Reductions in sulfur pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, China: Assessing the effectiveness of emission controls. Atmos. Environ., 2013, 76: 113-124
5. J. Guo, H. Liu*, Y. Jiang, D. He, Q. Wang, F. Meng, K. He.Neighborhood form and CO2 emission: evidence from 23 neighborhoods in Jinan, China. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11783-013-0516-1.
6. D. He, H. Liu*, K. He, F. Meng, Y. Jiang, M. Wang, J. Zhou, P. Calthorpe, J. Guo, Z. Yao, Q. Wang.Energy use of, and CO2 emissions from China's urban passenger transportation sector -- Carbon mitigation scenarios upon the transportation mode choices. Transp. Res. Pt A Policy Pract., 2013, 53: 53-67
7. H. Liu and K.He. Traffic Optimization: A New Way for Air Pollution Control in China’s Urban Areas. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46, 5660−5661.
8. H. Liu and M. Barth. Identifying the effect of vehicle operating history on vehicle running emissions. Atmos. Environ., 2012, 59: 22-29.
9. Huan Liu, Kebin He and Matthew Barth. Traffic and emission simulation in China based on statistical methodology. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45(5): 1154-1161.
10. Huan Liu, Matt Barth, George Scora, et al. Using Portable Emission Measurement Systems for Transportation Emissions Studies: Comparison with Laboratory Methods. Transportation Research Record, 2010, 2158: 54-60.
11. H.Liu, M.Barth, N.Davis, J.Lents, and K.He. Understanding Vehicle Activity in Developing Asian Cities, Asian Transportation Research Journal, Vol. 1(2009), No. 1, pp. 8-15.
12. Huan Liu, Kebin He, James Lents, Qidong Wang, SebastainTolvett. Characteristics of Diesel Truck Emission in China Based on Portable Emissions Measurement Systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43: 9507-9511
13. Huan Liu, Kebin He, Dongquan He, et al. Analysis of the Impacts of Fuel Sulfur on Vehicle Emissions in China, Fuel, 2008, 87 (13-14), 3147-3154
14. Huan Liu, Kebin He, James Lents, et al. Comparison of Vehicle Activity and Emission Inventory between Beijing and Shanghai. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2007, 57:1172-1177
15. 刘欢,贺克斌,王岐东. 天津市机动车排放清单及影响要素研究,清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 48 (3):371-374
16. Huan Liu, James Lents. Clean Transportation: A Case Study of Diesel Truck Emission Reduction in Shaanxi Province Based on PEMS Emission Tests. A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, 2010
17. James Lents, Huan Liu, Sebastian Tolvett and Nicole Davis. A New Comprehensive Database System to Support Air Quality Management Activities in Developing Counties. A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, 2010
18. Huan Liu, Kebin He, James Lents, Qidong Wang. A Methodology for Developing a Micro-emission Model Based on on-board Heavy Duty Truck Tests in China. 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2008
19. Kebin He, Huan Liu. Study of Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission Model. 3rd Annual Workshop of Asia Energy Environment Modeling Forum (AEEMF), Beijing, May 2007
20. Kebin He, Huan Liu. Development of a Numerical Model to Estimate Vehicle Emission: the Traffic-emission Model. The 14th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program, Kyoto, September 2007
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