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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2016-09-07 相关院校:湖南师范大学
致力于企业管理的研究与教学工作。主要研究领域为Big Data in HR,Employer Brand,E-Commerce。发表SSCI、SCI、EI、CSCD、CSSCI、人大复印等收录的多篇论文,2010年出版学术专著《人力资源管理的信号传递与互补匹配效能研究》。主讲《人员选拔》、《Marketing Research》和《E-commerce》本科及双语课程,为研究生讲授《人力资源管理》和《管理研究方法》学位课程。
Xiao, X., H Xu, S Xu. 2015 . Using IBM SPSS modeler to improve undergraduate mathematical modelling competence: Computer Applications in Engineering Education 23(4), 603–609.
Nguyen Thi Lac Thu, Xiao, X. 2013. Impact of Wage on Human Resource Management in Period of Crisis: Australian Journal of Business and Management Research 3(9):16-25.
Xiao, X. 2008. A test of signaling theory: high performance work practices and organizational performance. Paper presented at the International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA.
Xiao, X., & Chen, J. A. 2005. Using websites to attract applicants: A signal-based model of Online organizational attraction. Paper presented at the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, St Johns, CANADA.
Xiao, X., & Wang, Z. M. 2004. Use new technology to design electronic assessment centers. International Journal of Psychology, 39(5-6): 439-439.
Xiao, X., & Xiang, H. 2007. Online organizational attraction: Influence of organizational social information, human resource policies and website characteristics. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering - Management and Organization Studies Section.
Xiao, X., Zhong, Z., & Niu, Y. 2011. The Impact of Employer Brand on Corporate Financial Performance, 3rd IEEE ICIME 2011.
Ye, Y. J., Nie, X. L., & Xiao, X. 2006. Three level competencies of entrepreneurial team: team leader, member level and team level. Paper presented at the International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Singapore.
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