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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2016-08-09 相关院校:北方工业大学
张杰,男,汉族,1959年7月出生,中共党员,理学博士学位, 毕业于首都师范大学数学系,教授,硕士研究生导师。 中国.北京 100041 北方工业大学 Tel:86-10-8880 E-mail: |
主讲过以下本科课程:《数学分析》、《实变函数》、《泛函分析》、《复变函数》、《高等数学》、《线性代数》、《概率论与数理统计》、《离散数学》、《模糊数学》、《数学史》、《点集拓扑》,以及下列硕士研究生课程:《模糊拓扑》、《Frame与连续格》、《范畴论》、《Domain理论》。 |
(1)格上拓扑学,(2)模糊数学及其应用, (3)理论计算机科学, (4)运筹与控制(E - mail:jzhang26@ncut.edu.cn ) |
北京市教学名师,北京市优秀教学团队带头人,获北京市教学成果二等奖。 科研项目、学术成果 |
(1)在国内外公开发表学术论文近三十篇,其中SCI检索3篇; EI检索论文20余篇. 主要代表作如下: 1 L-Proximities and Totally Bounded Pointwise L-Uniformities, Fuzzy Set and Systems, 133(2003)321-331.(SCI 检索) 2 On L-Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 149(2005),473-484 (SCI 检索) 3 A Certain Strong Fuzzy Paracompactness,Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics,2000,Vol.8, No.3, 757-767. (USA)(核心期刊) 4 Lattice Valued Smooth Topological Molecular Lattices, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics. 2002,No.2,411-421 (USA)(核心期刊) 5 拓扑赋层分子格上的连通性,数学研究与评论,2001,Vol.21,No.4(核心期刊) 6 序列充分多的拓扑分子格乘积与直积的若干性质,东北数学,1989, Vol. 5, No. 3,337-342. (核心期刊) 7 可数强F-紧集的刻画与性质, 模糊系统和数学,2000, Vol.14, No.4,49-52. (核心期刊) 8 F-拓扑空间上的Os-连通性,模糊系统和数学,2000, Vol. 15, No.1,31-34. (核心期刊) 9 On Smooth L-Fuzzy Topology, 模糊系统和数学,2000, Vol. 14,221-222. (核心期刊) 10 光滑L-Fuzzy拓扑空间的闭包算子,数学杂志,2004,Vol.24 No.1,63-66. (核心期刊) 11 完全分配格上的格值Smooth点式拟一致结构,模糊系统与数学,2003 No. 2,30-34 (核心期刊) 12 Smooth L-Fuzzy 拓扑空间的内部算子,首都师范大学学报,2001,Vol. 22,No. 4. 13 格值fuzzifying连续映射的若干性质,哈尔滨师范大学学报(自然科学版),2003,No.4。 14 L-smooth拓扑空间中集中弱映射的等价刻画,辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)2004,No.2。(核心期刊) 15 L-smooth拓扑空间中集中弱映射及其关系,模糊系统与数学,2004 No. 2,30-34 (核心期刊) 16. Leader-Following Control of Multi-Agent Consensus for A Discrete-Time Case, the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI'09), 2009-11(EI) 17. Self-Organization of Swarms With Communication Delays Under Disturbances, 2009 International Workshop on Chaos-Fractal Theories and Applications (IWCFTA 2009), 2009-11(EI) 18. Stability Analysis of Swarm With Interaction Time Delays Using Nearest Neighbors Information, Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009-08(EI) 19. Complex Analysis of Anisotropic Swarms With Gaussian Profiles, Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009-08 (EI) 20. Stability analysis of social foraging swarm with interaction time delays, 2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, 2009-05(EI) 21. Complex analysis of anisotropic swarms, 2009 WRI Global Congress on Intelligent Systems, 2009-05(EI) 22. L-bifuzzy Scott Co-topology and its characterization, 2009 International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence, 2009-04(EI) 23. Stability analysis of swarm with Gaussian attractant/repellent profiles, 2009 International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence, 2009-04(EI) 24. Analysis of Anisotropic Swarms with Multi-model Gaussian-type Profiles, 2009 International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence, 2009-04(EI) 25. L-Fuzzy Co-Alexandrov Topological Space, BUSINESS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2008-12 (EI) 26. Controllability of a leader-follower dynamic network with interaction time delays, Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008-06 ((SCI)EI) (2)主持完成2项省级科研项目; 参加多项自然科学基金和省部级科研项目的研究; 主持完成北京市教改项目1项 |
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