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分类:导师信息 来源:中国完美·体育(中国)官方网站,WANMEI SPORTS网 2016-03-13 相关院校:对外经济贸易大学
2007-2008:美国西东大学斯蒂尔曼商学院访问教席、客座教授(Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Professor, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University),讲授本科层面《组织行为学》(Organizational Behavior, BMGT2503);
2009-2010:香港浸会大学工商管理学院王宽诚教育基金访问学者、访问教席(Wang,K.C.Visiting Scholar, Visiting Faculty),讲授本科层面《中国人力资源管理》(Human Resource Management in China, HRM3630)。
1. 全球化背景下个人求职行为、外部帮扶体系、与组织选聘配置模式;
2. 全球化背景下变革、裁员、组织转型的战略与管理,组织创新、创业与员工创造力;
3. 国际劳务、跨文化人力资源管理、中国文化特色的组织行为;
4. 国际化人才发展的生理、心理、环境基础与影响机制;
5. 全球化背景下金融行业中国特色人才资源战略管理与培养体系。
2、主持“组织裁员沟通模式与下岗(失业)人员再就业的关系研究” ,国家自然科学基金资助项目,批准号70472004(结项);
主要研究成果: 发表文章:
Zhao, H., Huang, G., Niu, X., Ashford, S. J., & Lee, C.(2013) “Reducing Affective Job Insecurity and Increasing Performance Ratings: Does Impression Management Matter?”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 98, No. 5, 852–862.;
Huang, G., Niu, X., Lee, C., & Ashford, S. J. (2012)“Differentiating cognitive and affective job insecurity: Antecedents and outcomes”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(6), 752-769;
Li, F., Niu, X., & Li, Y.(2011)“Age-Related andSituation-Related Social Desirability Responding Among Chinese Teachers”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 151(6), 667-670;
Hui, C. , & Lee, C., Niu, X. (2010) “The Moderating Effects of Task Variety, Polychronicity and Achievement Striving On Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Employee Outcomes”, Human Relations, 63(9), 1395-1416;
Zeng, C., Niu, X. & Shi, K. (2009) The Relationship between Work Characteristics and Employees’ Mental Health. Progress in Modern Biomedicine, 11.
Niu, X., Song, K., Lee, C. & Huang, G. (2009) Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of C-JI and A-JI in a Typical Chinese Machine Tool Company. 2009 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering 16th Annual Conference Proceedings.
Niu, X., & Mao, Y. (2013) Chinese Workers Abroad: Conditions, Problems and Suggestions. Human Resource Development in Non-Ferrous Metals Industry, 5, 146-147.
Mao, Y., Niu, X., & Cao, H. (2013) Sustainable Student Interns as an HR source Decreasing Employment Rate of Graduates. Journal of Human Resource Management, 5, 146-147.
Cao, H., Niu, X., & Mao, Y. (2013) Emotion Management in Managing Call-Center Employees. Journal of Human Resource Management, 5, 219-220.
Niu, X., & Zhou, Y. (2010) Issues on How to Improving the Organizational Learning and Construct Normalized Learning Organizations. Journal of Human Resource Development of China, 8, 15-18.
Zhou, Y., & Niu, X. (2010) The Art of War Shedding Light on Modern Business, Management Observer, 8, 133-134.
Su, Q., & Niu, X. (2010) Human or Machine: Implications from Series of Suicides of Foxconn Young Workers. Management@People, 61(6), 29-31
牛雄鹰, 尹尊声 (2009) 全球化背景下离岸外包的趋势演变及中国对策. 改革,8: . (CSSCI)
牛雄鹰, 时勘 (2009) 企业裁员沟通与被裁失业人员再就业关系的概念模型. 华东经济管理, 11: . (CSSCI)
牛雄鹰, 陈昊 (2009) 裁员执行者及其管理策略研究. 中国人力资源开发, 11: . (CSSCI)
Huang, G., Niu, X., Zhao, H.H., Song, S., & Lee, C. (August, 2011) Reducing affective job insecurity: How can I impress you? Paper presented at the Annual Academy of Management Meetings, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Huang, G., Niu, X., Ashford, S. J., & Lee, C. (August, 2010) "A study of the antecedents and outcomes of job insecurity: Differences between cognitive and affective job insecurity,” Academy of Management Meetings, Montreal, Canada.
Gardner, D., Huang, G., Pierce, J. L., Niu, X., & Lee, C. (August, 2010) "Organization-based self-esteem: Relationships with,” Academy of Management Meetings, Montreal, Canada.
Niu, X., & Huang, G. (June, 2010) “I-deals in Mainland China: special characteristics and cultural effects”, the 2010 IACMR Conference, Shanghai, China.
Huang, G., & Niu, X. (June, 2010) “I-deals in Mainland China: visibility matters”, the 2010 IACMR Conference, Shanghai, China.
Song K., & Niu X. (October, 2010) The Impact of Subordinate-Superior Trust and Team Climate on Front-Line Employees’ Innovative Behavior, paper presented at China Association for Management of Technology 2010 International Conference, Shanghai, China.
Huang, G., Niu, X., Lee, C., & Rousseau, D. M. (August, 2009) “A Study Of the Antecedents and Consequences of Ex-post and Developmental I-deals in Chinese Context”, the 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
Niu, X., Wei, L., & Huang, G. (October, 2009) “A study on the relationship between job insecurity and innovative performance in downsizing context”, International Conference on the Cultivation and Education of Creativity and Innovation, Xi’an, China.
Wei, L., Niu, X., & Yong, N. M. (October, 2009) “How can employees make more innovations: the organizational perspective”, International Conference on the Cultivation and Education of Creativity and Innovation, Xi’an, China.
Niu X., Song K., Lee C., & Huang G. (September, 2009) A Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of C-JI and A-JI in a Typical Chinese Machine Tool Company, Paper presented atf 2009 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Moscow, Russia;
Niu, X., & Yin, Z. J. (2008, Auguest) Trends & Features of Offshore Outsourcing from Globalization Perspective, and Advice to China. Presented at the Annual Conference of The Chinese Economist Society, Regina, Canada.
Niu, X. (2011) Organizational Changes and Downsizing in Chinese Sate-owned Enterprises Following Trend of Globalization. Beijing: China Book Press.
Niu, X. (2011) “Chapter 7: Motivation Theories” in Hao X. (Eds.) Organizational Behavior(174-201). Beijing: The Press of University of International Business & Economics.
Niu, X. (2010) Reemployment Issues in China under Globalization. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House.
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